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The boarder being open is a massive liability but also a business operation...


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I don't think people realize that hundreds of thousands of children have been trafficked the last few years and have gone "missing". Some boarder agents have admitted they do not vet things and they are aware that children are being sold and do nothing. 

The illegals and terrorists and thugs are a problem and a strain on the economy but people are making millions if not billions off these children and no one talks about it. It is evil.  

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34 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

I don't think people realize that hundreds of thousands of children have been trafficked the last few years and have gone "missing".

The Catholic bishops are very much involved with this but must remain silent to protect the hundreds of millions of federal dollars they get to take care of the migrants.

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There are so many people, groups, etc. involved and they will all face the judgement of God for it. 

There are people trying to bring attention to it, like that recent movie that was released... City of Dreams? But the media is labeling it a far-right conspiracy film just like they did with the Sound of Freedom. 

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