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Everything posted by britanica

  1. I think the first gut was implanted with that Neuralink this year. I have to wonder where this goes. I would imagine that having something like this inside the body would have negative health consequences.
  2. The Plain of Jars is a unique archaeological site located in Laos, Southeast Asia. It's characterized by thousands of ancient stone jars scattered across the landscape, often grouped in clusters. These jars are typically made of stone and vary in size, with some reaching up to 10 feet in height and weighing several tons. The exact purpose of the jars remains a mystery, but archaeologists believe they were created by an ancient civilization over 2,000 years ago, during the Iron Age. Theories about their purpose include their use as burial sites, storage vessels for food or water, or for some kind of ritualistic or religious ceremonies. Do you have any theories as to what they are, why they were made, or even how they got in these locations?
  3. I looked into this more and while it does make more sense than the climate crap they try spreading as "fact", this is just another theory based on patterns. I don't think we have any real solid proof this happens quite yet just speculation that it could be the case.
  4. I was going to mention this. I know someone that has one and it ended up catching on fire. Prior to this, it would randomly speed up and slam on the breaks on its own. Needless to say, he will never be getting another Tesla anything again.
  5. Life needs carbon which is just goes to show you how dumb and/or evil these people are. More carbon is actually good for plant life which you know, we need to oxygen. They are trying to tell people who grow their own food they are bad for the environment now when growing your own food is probably the best approach using their own logic! You are not relying on trucks to bring your produce thousands of miles to you.
  6. School choice needs to be a thing. This will weed out all horrible school systems or at least greatly reduce them. If you opt to do homeschooling, you should get a tax break. A bigger one if you are married. An even bigger one for more than one child. We can fix most of these issues by just incentivising people to do stuff through money and without spending anything just stop taxing people so much.
  7. How much do you think they have made off people from their lies? I mean they have been running this big lie since the '60s and the earth should have ended at least 10 times by now.
  8. I hope they are wrong for the sake of how bad things can get if they are right. I do not want to live a life of that level of struggle. It would be so hard and so scary. I already have anxiety, no thanks! lol I don't fully understand everything with the shift. Like they say ancient Egypt was put under water at one point but I think the water damage to the pyramids likely more has to do with rain. But maybe I am wrong?
  9. That is actually part of Islam's success. The father is always in the home and raising the children, especially the boys. This is why they are able to form such strong morals and worldviews in their children that cannot be broken by modern thinking. It is not good because of what Islam stands for but it shows the important of a father figure with instilling morals and values to shape children. If you don't shape your kids, the world will.
  10. We do need more serious laws to protect kids. When these people are able to target kids, they create more pedophiles. That is the most common cause of pedophilia is a child that gets sexually attacked/groomed by an adult. This is also why there are suddenly so many "trans kids". They are getting mentally abused and groomed.
  11. There are multiple fault lines not just one and the most "dangerous" are by Cali. All the red zones are "high risk" fault line zones which would go under water if a strong enough earthquake hit in these areas.
  12. So because of memes and stuff, I get random older songs stuck in my head and I am realizing how much better music was prior to the '90s. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the '90s music but the older I get and the worse modern music sounds, I just prefer stuff from the '70s and '80s. So needless to say, this song is currently stuck in my head:
  13. Several states in the US have issued state wide emergency warnings. Schools are going to be closed that day. At most, the eclipse will last just under 5 minutes, and on the other side of things, just 3 minutes. We know what eclipses are and how they function. I just don't understand this panic over it. We get one every like 15 or so years. It is not a big deal.
  14. It is not trans awareness day, I don't care what Joe Biden had to say. I hope all that celebrate have a wonderful holiday and enjoy time with their families. I wish I could say holidays were something I looked forward to but my family has long been arguing and starting fights on and around holidays. I suppose I can enjoy them more if/when I have children of my own. Have a blessed one everyone!
  15. This is fair. it was a term I heard used by a few people in the context of causing "uncomfortable circumstances" as in not enough to have people riot over it but enough to put pressure on them.
  16. Seems like it has been used for the last few years but only recently got attention and not a bunch of people are upset. I see a lot of people acting as though Christians are like the Muslims when they use this phrase, committing violence after saying it. But I am not seeing any violence anywhere following this phrase. Never once have I. I am honestly as confused as you are lol
  17. So the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed last night around 1AM. A cargo boar hit the side of it and it just all fell into the water. This is a major American port for the economy and workforce. As of now, 20 people are still missing and only 3 have been rescued, one in critical condition. Over the last 5 years, we have witnessed train derailments, farm and food plant fires, and chemical spills. These accidents happen and it could be that social media is simply amplifying things... But we had social media before this. So what is going on? Some are suggesting this is "friction warfare". We are being attacked from within with minor attacks that causes inconvenience and disruptions in our growth and economy. I think it is possible, especially with recent news of the US government going after Tiktok. I will not let go of the fact that China (The CCP) stated they hated America and will destroy it from within.
  18. Islam terrorists opened fire on thousands of people in Russia's capital earlier today. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/gunmen-combat-fatigues-open-fire-moscow-concert-hall-108395835 Apparently the CIA was aware and issued warnings to Americans in Russia to avoid the Moscow public areas 48 hours prior. Did not bother warning Russia though. 40+ people lost their lives...
  19. I want to try to stay positive. Trump winning will not fix everything but it will be a start. We need to get all these corrupt people out of positions of power. Not just in the government but the justice system. We have crooked judges, police, people that run schools... It is deep.
  20. Elon needs to bring back Vine and give these people a place to go. This can kill TikTok in the western world if done right. Vine was HUGE before Twitter bought it and killed it and TikTok and Musically or something I can't remember the name emerged shortly after.
  21. It is all smoke and mirrors. We have had rigged elections for decades but people never realized it because they never needed to force their hand so heavy. Too many people want Trump to win and that is a problem for the machine.
  22. Yeah the lowest being during covid I believe. So while they are up in viewership, it is nowhere near where it was in the late '90s.
  23. This is a sad reality. The government creates problems that require people to need the government more. This creates more people reliant on the government for not just themselves but their families. This ensures a cycle of self destruction. They did it to the black families in America as an experiment and it worked and now they want the rest of the population just like them. Broken families (single parent households), stuck on welfare, unable or unwilling to work, in poverty, drawn to drugs and crime, and easier to control. When these people call for "diversity" they are saying they want everyone equally unhappy and unable to make it in this country and heavily reliant on the government. I think they were seeing too many people wake up so their solution is to ship in a bunch of illegals that will vote for them, take jobs from people that are against them, and force them into accepting their help one way or another.
  24. They don't want to report on it because the media was saying how great it was just 6 years ago.
  25. They got more viewers than the last few years, or at least they are claiming that. Sadly, a lot of people will continue to worship celebrities. It does seem like "popularity" is fizzling out due to a over-saturated market. The average 20 years old would be more excited to meet his favorite YouTuber than some random actor in a movie he saw once.
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