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Posts posted by Cosmic

  1. 4 hours ago, Truthseeker1 said:

    Nutrition is certainly an important factor, for most the vital factor. 

    If you have head injuries they can put mechanical stress on the teeth especially if you do exercise so even without poor nutrition the teeth can break.


    I actually heard that exercise plays a role in teeth health has it ensures nutrients (through proper circulation) reach the teeth to repair them. They are always in a state of wear and repair like most of the body. We age because our repair systems aren't as fast as we get older. But it seems like a lot of issues people didn't face until they were in their 60s or beyond are happening in teens and people in their 20s now! More and more teens are being diagnosed with arthritis of all things!

  2. I am by no means a legal professional and know very little about the court system in this country but things don't seem to be adding up. He was meant to plead guilty and take a slap on the wrist but it seems like the judge was not having it and he and his lawyer therefore said not guilty. The deal was off the table then was back on the table but is now off the table. I guess they tried to hide some kind of immunity behind the agreement and the court found it??

    What the heck is going on with this case?

  3. On 7/20/2023 at 2:01 PM, LatinoEuropa said:

    Your mind is the most powerful tool you have for creating good in your life, but without self-control it can be very destructive.


    Exactly. People underestimate it. Intelligence helps but you can bring a lot of positive things or negative things into your life even if you lack it. This shows that the human mind is indeed powerful. I have met people that keep a positive mindset so much so that they almost will good fortune into their lives. 

  4. I tried the Dreamworld one and it tasted horrible. There is another one called Starlight and from the sound of it, is also sounds terrible. 

    I know Japan is known for their wacky coke, kit-kat, and chip flavors we don't get in the US but they tend to be good. We just get crappy ones! lol

    Has anyone tried either of these here and actually liked one?

  5. Everything they have been pushing in America for the last 10 years doesn't benefit the people at the bottom. It only benefits the people at the top. And by people at the top, I mean the top 3%. Being unhealthy means you are spending more money on food, care, corrections, clothing, products, etc. and you end up working your health away only to find yourself trying to buy it back later in life. 

  6. I never really looked into this much. So this is like saying "empty space" is not truly empty or void of matter as within everything, something exists? 

    I always viewed everything to have some form of life within it and there is a connection between everything but that might be a different topic. 

  7. My brother and aunt both have had experiences with aliens. They have no proof of it other than what they can describe about their "abductions". My aunt has a metal plate though in her body. No doctor has been able to figure out how it got there either. It is in her back, right below her shoulder blade. What is weird is there is no scar where it is either. It makes metal detectors go off though! It is about the size of a lighter but flat and can't be felt beneath the skin. 

  8. I have never experience orbs while sleeping but I have heard of this before. I always found it interesting how our brains can string together things while we sleep that we share with complete strangers. I have heard of two people having the exact dream before, the exact time, in different parts of the world. 

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  9. On 7/7/2023 at 11:10 PM, tmcom said:

    Canada pulled the same stunt recently but that should be of no surprize!

    With how everything is shaping up in the world, I can't help but feel like everyone involved with NATO is about to be heavily screwed over. I hope to God that Ukraine does not join NATO or I think we are all screwed. Our money will not be worth nearly as much and banks will plummet. 

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  10. agoK8pg_700b.thumb.jpg.b70f836d6adf54e7fb9115f425009ca0.jpg

    This is one of the better more simpler inventions I have seen in some time. It is something that is not only useful but protects women, and heck it protects men too. There are a lot of sickos out there. I don't know if this is new or not. I only saw the picture floating around. I thought it was worth a share here though. 

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  11. Yikes! I guess banks are closing in other areas too then? We had a few big ones close but I think one of them got bailed out. I can't remember at this point. Too much is happening in the world, it is hard to process everything. I don't think human minds were designed to have this much access to so many different things happening all at once. Probably why anxiety has increased 200% in the last 15 years. 

  12. On 7/3/2023 at 10:54 PM, tmcom said:

    And unfortunately their are still plenty of gullible people who still buy it.

    I just can't believe it is 2023 and people still believe all these lies. They have been saying the world was going to end for nearly 60 years now and we are not anywhere closer, if anything we are further away from it considering the o-zone layer is repairing itself! 

    • Thanks 1
  13. This is nothing to worry about. I mean Twitter is private right now do you can expect stuff like this to happen from time to time.

    I think people that are addicted to the platform are overreacting. I would guess this will be lifted in a month's time max.

  14. A Biden administration report required by Congress outlines research options for a last-ditch effort to slow the heating of the planet. But the White House says it’s not changing its climate strategy.


    I am sorry but this country is being run but absolute morons. 

    I hope that other world leaders insist on how bad of an idea this is and how it would destroy so much on this planet. I swear the more these people attempt to fix a problem that doesn't exist, the more problems they actually create. Maybe that is the point?

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  15. I know a lot of people would say they have no reason to lie about the planet but I feel like certain things are a bit off. Like the distance for example. I don't think it is as far out as they claim. And I have thought for awhile now, that there IS water on Mars but for whatever reason, they just have not been able to sustain any "earth life" on the planet. I think they have been running experiments on Mars for a few decades now. Maybe I am just thinking too far out there. 

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  16. 23 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

    Even with "green" measures, we have shown ourselves that any level of change, good or bad, needs to happen slowly or it will destroy a lot of things. They are in a rush to change too much too soon and it has disaster written all over it. 

    This is my biggest issue with it all. Like I think we all should make changes to better the planet but it is very dangerous to rush things. Even with them trying to rush people onto EVs from standard, it is going to effect a lot of things, some for the better and some for the worst. We just don't know! This is why things should be done slowly!!

    • Like 1
  17. I don't think they will allow someone like him in. They didn't even let Bernie in. 

    I feel like they are going to try Gavin Newsom run for the democrats. He is friends with Trump, apparently. Which is strange given his son is married to Gavin's ex wife lol

    • Like 1
  18. On 6/18/2023 at 5:00 AM, chrysostom said:

    I agree with this and have seen posts that suggest being physically active is the only important thing. 

    I say this because several things in the body require movement to function properly. Bones will brake down if you don't use them. The lymphatic system requires movement to function, it isn't like blood that relies on the heart. We always see older people in bad shape and I think this is because they slow down their movements too much. 

    91 and moves better than I do! -->


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  19. 11 hours ago, chrysostom said:

    Diet and exercise make that happen and for some that is discovered way too late. I do a lot of walking and bike riding which seems to be more important. It might have something to do with breathing. On the bike, you are not supporting your weight and legs flex more. A lot of bike trails have been added in the last ten years. 

    I think staying physically active is more important than diet in some cases. I think most teens and young adults are so unhealthy these days because they just were not active as children and it shows. 

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  20. I think there are different variations of "old" and it is about perception. Being old and being the "oldest" in your social circle almost certainly signifies you as being a senior citizen. I think it helps to always have a few older friends but eventually, you end up being the oldest. 

    Outside from that, other things effect perception of being old and that is health, fitness, and general activity levels. I know some people in their 60s that are more active and healthy than some 20 something year olds today. Talk about strange.

    Then there is trends. I stopped paying attention to celebrities, mainstream music, and all that stuff a good 10 years ago. I don't even know who most celebrities are if they are under the age of 30. A lot of people would consider be old because of that.

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  21. I would guess it has more to do with politics than the actual city. I think the city itself is lovely. I went to Melbourne years ago and loved it. I don't know how it is these days but based on those pictures, not much seems to have changed!

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