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GYPSY COMMUNITY: 500 YEARS OF DISCRIMINATION There are five centuries in which a community was continuously marginalized. In this chronology, we present the fundamental moments to understand the history of the Roma people in Portuguese territory.



 The first gypsies arrived in Portugal around 1462. The date is uncertain, but Leonor Gusmão, co-author of a study on the DNA of the gypsy community, did not hesitate to tell Público that gypsies “have been in Portugal longer than the Portuguese in Brazil”. For Catarina Marcelino, anthropologist and former Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, the history of the gypsy community is a “history of stigmatization”. Despite having been in Portugal for more than five centuries, “gypsy communities have always lived, and still live, apart.” This chronology tells the story of a community that has always been pushed to the margins of society. On March 3, 1526, King John III decreed “that gypsies should not enter the kingdom and those who are there should leave”. 1538, D. João III, "The Pious", enacts new laws against gypsies: "(...) that no gypsy enters my kingdoms and lordships (...) and entering, they are arrested and publicly flogged with string and preach" 


Mod - English Speaking Forum!


I didn't have this knowledge, I discovered it today on the internet by accident.


My country is samll,butit is big in history,for better and for worse.

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The Expulsion of Muslims from Portugal 

Video in English


King Manuel I of Portugal made the controversial decision to expel all Muslims from the country, uprooting thousands of families and forever changing the religious landscape of Portugal. In this video, we delve into the history, causes, and consequences of this event, exploring the impact it had on Portugal and the wider world.


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