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Transhumanism is a topic that people are either immediately fascinated with, skeptical of, or down right mortified by. 

I for one think certain things can be benefited from technological advancements but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. The general aspects of how power and corruption work in this world, it tells us this is a very bad idea. I can see this leading us into an advanced stone age if we are not careful. 

What are your thoughts on transhumanism? 

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I think that the uses in terms of helping people walk again and things like that are fine but it needs to be treated with care and respect. 

I don't like the eugenics side of it though. Enhancing people and everything. I feel though this is where it will all lead to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/8/2023 at 1:07 PM, Truthseeker1 said:

Bizarre is not, the more advanced we become the more that children seem to be born with health issues.

I was going to mention this. I am not sure if it is due to us spending less time with nature, diet, or medication... Probably all of the above. The direction everything is heading with sperm counts going down the drain and people having less children, I can't help but feel like we are going to head right for a major humanity collapse. 

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6 hours ago, Truthseeker1 said:

He said men's sperm count was falling and chaps in their 50s often had better readings than those in their 20's.  He suspected using laptops on your lap as a significant reason.

Cell phones too really. Most men keep them in their pockets of pants or jackets which is close to the groin area. I am sure most of these increases (or decreases) are down to a lot of different changes, possible a domino effect of sorts. 

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Corrupt people will end up using this against most people. Either to remove freedom or to gain more wealth, likely both. Either way, we are all heading in a bad direction. Most people will willfully walk right into it too. They already are by the millions. 

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  • 8 months later...

I think the first gut was implanted with that Neuralink this year. I have to wonder where this goes. 

I would imagine that having something like this inside the body would have negative health consequences. 

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15 hours ago, britanica said:

I think the first gut was implanted with that Neuralink this year. I have to wonder where this goes. 


It has been said that the gut is in charge. If the gut is not happy, nobody is happy.  This may be why some kind of fasting is required. It gives the gut some time to cleanup the mess that we have made.

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