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Islam: An Ancient Mystery

This is more about Tom Holland, a modern day Gibbon, who was more interested in the Roman Empire until it ran into this upstart Islam that rose out of the abyss to challenge the greatest empire. Holland dared to wonder about how this could happen. What we have here is the movie, the lecture, and the book. Start with the lecture if you are interested. The book is a difficult read but it does dare to suggest that Islam is the fourth beast of Daniel. 

The Movie
Islam : The Untold Story 

The Lecture 
The Origins of Islam 

The Book
In the Shadow of the Sword

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I have heard and read about Islam being one of the beasts just because of all the stuff that has happened out there for decades and these people having it in for God's chosen people, in reference to the old testament. 

I saw something on Twitter/X the other day, someone was saying Muslims killed Jesus. My understanding is that it was always the Romans that did. Do you know anything about that? 

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10 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

I saw something on Twitter/X the other day, someone was saying Muslims killed Jesus. My understanding is that it was always the Romans that did. Do you know anything about that?

Have not heard that. Muslims did kill the message if not the messenger in that they deny that Jesus is God. 

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The reason his book is not interesting is that he set out to find something that should be there and didn't find it. They of course respond that not finding something is not proof that it doesn't exist. Tom Holland has the gall to say if it was there, I would have found it. So the only remaining question is, is Tom Holland really that good?

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So what did Holland find? He found Sebeos, the first historian to take a look at Islam and maybe the first to suggest that Islam, not Rome, was the fourth beast of Daniel. This leads us to the biggest mystery of all.  What makes a beast a beast? Historians are happy to let the theologians answer that question. Sebeos, a 7th-century Armenian bishop, was willing to give it a try. Thus far no one has suggested that it's the temple that makes a beast a beast. So let's take a look at that. Babylon destroyed the first temple. The second temple was desecrated by Greece and later destroyed by Rome. That gives us three beasts. Islam's Dome of the Rock is preventing the third temple. That's four. 

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On 1/26/2024 at 2:44 AM, chrysostom said:

So the only remaining question is, is Tom Holland really that good?

Not exactly. Perhaps the real question is where did he find the courage "to go where no man has gone before"? To publish not only what he did find but more importantly what he didn't find. The answer may be found in his own words. he was "fed up with universities and fed up with being poor".

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I don't know much about Islam but someone was saying to me today that their end goal is to turn the entire world into an Islamic state and kill anyone that does not agree with this. Is this true? Like I know extremists do exist here but is this what the majority want? 

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15 hours ago, Cosmic said:

I don't know much about Islam but someone was saying to me today that their end goal is to turn the entire world into an Islamic state and kill anyone that does not agree with this. Is this true? Like I know extremists do exist here but is this what the majority want? 

I can't give you the accurate statistics but they are not shy about saying this in other countries. It has been said and documented in the UK and Canada, especially in areas that are made to be Muslim. They will actually attack women and shame women when they are not covered. A friend of mine I know online mentioned an area in the UK that is bad with this. They actually tell native residents (non-Muslim) to avoid the area. I think Sweden has a few places like this too.

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I was going to mention that. With their birthrates. Most areas are on a major decline but not these areas. They are only experiencing slight decline if any at all. It is going to be a scary future in general if these trends continue. People my age will not have enough workers staffed in care or other facilities to manage the aging out population. 

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8 hours ago, britanica said:

With their birthrates. Most areas are on a major decline but not these areas

Just recently our immigration rate has exceeded our birthrate. If your children can't take care of you, there will be plenty of foreigners to do that. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

As more of these sorts of people are forced into Westernized nations, more problems will come of it. Just looks at the rape and abuse of local women skyrocket when they do this. Not to mention pedophilia and grooming of children. 

I saw something about Japan bringing in 800,000+ migrants to help offshoot the labor shortages and the streets are already getting littered. I am not sure if these are Islam folks or not though. 

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We do need more serious laws to protect kids. When these people are able to target kids, they create more pedophiles. That is the most common cause of pedophilia is a child that gets sexually attacked/groomed by an adult.

This is also why there are suddenly so many "trans kids". They are getting mentally abused and groomed. 

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21 hours ago, chrysostom said:

Not having a father in the home may be the biggest problem.

You'd be surprised to find out a lot of trans kids do have fathers in the home and they are often pushing it too. It is just less likely compared to women. Women are social and view it as a social status to have a "trans kid" which is another reason it is making the issue worse. 

I have seen plenty of "dads" in tiktok videos showing off their trans kids. Heck, some of them transitioned with their kid! 

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18 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

You'd be surprised to find out a lot of trans kids do have fathers in the home

A bad father in the home is better than no father. Learning respect for authority is important. 

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13 hours ago, chrysostom said:

A bad father in the home is better than no father. Learning respect for authority is important. 

I mostly agree with this but I draw the line at abuse. My cousin's father was in prison from shortly after she was born until she was around age 10. Tried to come back into her life and ended up molesting her. She believed this was normal and it ruined her for life. She ended up getting into prostitution at the age of 16. The family no longer even talks to her. I have no idea where she is or if she is even alive. She would be around 25 years old at this point.

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On 4/8/2024 at 10:55 AM, chrysostom said:

Not having a father in the home may be the biggest problem.

That is actually part of Islam's success. The father is always in the home and raising the children, especially the boys. This is why they are able to form such strong morals and worldviews in their children that cannot be broken by modern thinking. It is not good because of what Islam stands for but it shows the important of a father figure with instilling morals and values to shape children. If you don't shape your kids, the world will.

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