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Everything posted by Liam

  1. They cost a lot more money, and weigh a lot more. There isn't a reliable charging network, and if you want to tow something with an EV good luck with that.
  2. EVs don't have the range or the flexibility of a petrol engines car. Even fast charging one (if you can find a charger) takes longer than filling up my car's fuel tank.
  3. What would happen if life is proven to be on mars? What would be the consequences of the discovery
  4. The Video is seem looking unavailable, do you have any other link so i can check it ?
  5. The one in the forest is strange. You would almost think it's a bear, but bears don't walk on two legs like that. Also, the fact the forest is so remote, anything can really happen.
  6. It’s weird to think that you wouldn’t be able to survive there without breathing apparatus.
  7. It seems extremely unlikely with the size of our universe that only one planet has intelligent life, or even any life.
  8. Sending them to Mars is a piece of cake. Getting them back to earth, alive? Not so much...
  9. Liam

    Mars Rainclouds

    I like the photo of the hill made out of sand stone. You can't make sand stone with out sand and you can't make sand with out coral eating fish.
  10. Liam


    This is beautiful and I always wanted to see planets from close
  11. It's amazing that a helicopter can fly at 1% the atmosphere of earth. Truly remarkable
  12. Truly excellent bundle of news. Lets hope we can sort ourselves out as a species though before sending anyone anywhere.
  13. That was the best interviewer who didn't interrupt him while he was talking
  14. Incredible speaker! Opened my eyes to additional use cases of AI which I never thought about.
  15. It's more important: you can hardly repeat other people's success but when it comes to mistakes...
  16. The cinematography is so beautiful. I’m blown away.
  17. Personally, I'm not a believer in any of these stories. But there is certainly, life outside our galaxy. No life would be impossible; there's too many other galaxies, waiting to be explored.
  18. Did no one read the article or the tweets. He continues on to talk about how it was an incredible human project and posts a bbc article about it.
  19. What do you think is the probability that aliens exist? Life on earth is the example, that life is possible in this universe. Even if the chance for this to happen is really small, the unimaginable scale of space and time makes the existence of extraterrestrial life highly likely.
  20. No, but my grandpa was an air traffic controller who would often get mid-flight reports from pilots of seeing random lights in the cloud
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