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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. Just get them a smart tv, plenty of free streaming services there that have old movies, (well some) and allows access to YouTube, which does have loud add's but plenty of old movies there.
  2. It is probably more likely a distraction from Greers speech on this very subject as well as disclosing to the world half a dozen free energy, (open source) devices to a billion people at least next week. And the scum of the earth knowing that the genie is about to be released from the bottle and a large loss of power and control, on their part are using high impact rebuttels. Unless this guy lands one in Central park Washington it doesn't carry much weight.
  3. Timmy Thomas - Why can't we live together - 1972
  4. Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Blinded By The Light - 1978
  5. https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/12/28/elon-musk-slammed-sharing-anti-lgbtq-anti-feminist-meme Scroll down for the image, which can be taken out of context but right in so many ways.
  6. Elvin Bishop - Fooled Around And Fell In Love - 70's Billy Swan - I Can Help (1980) - 1974 song created
  7. I am a big MASH fan and they play a lot of Poker, but they play for stakes, so it depends on whether they play for money or pretzels?
  8. Johnny Bristol - Hang on on there baby - 1974
  9. Koo De Tah - Too Young For Promises - 1985
  10. This is probably the best review to date, (minor spoilers, and he has pretty much played it to everyone else's range). Or he is up to being on ground after clocking Skyisland, and all l can say after hitting ground is blown away, (beautiful sunsets, in the clouds, they push the graphics processors to the max, so there is minor lagging times when throwing the camera about which is of a minor concearn, and closeup things like TNT barrels are crisp and sharp) or Zelda Breath of The Wild was great, this is brilliant in virtually every way.
  11. Our own Weather body BOM, is outright lying to us, (going by their own data) or they want to keep pushing this nonsense. G7 lol, no doubt Attenborough will give a slick pack of lies and Gore probably go on another, (my money trough is empty) rant again?
  12. It will pan out like all things that take power away from them and give it to us, usually using media and corrupt scientific bodies to most likely tell the public that these devices are dangerous and will blow up, (how magnetics or drawing energy from the air is going to do that is beyond me). They have learned during Covid that MSM lies, etc works well and will probably sucker in most, but like electricity it will grow. And grow fast, since our electricity just keeps rising while idiots tell us it isn't.
  13. Fancy - Chinese Eyes - 1984 Run out of songs here,...bite your tongue!
  14. All we can do is hold on til Greer makes his speech in Washington next month, then a lot of companies will have access to several open source devices anyone can put in their homes which will generate 24/7power without emissions. And they won't be too scared to market it since at least a billion will know. And all the devices we should already have if not for greedy gov, and protecting oil will reemerge, (we should have self powered EV,s within the year.
  15. Agreed, she is all for jabs and masks, (video link below) but if she turns Twitter into YouTube she won't last long, (Musk hired her since she has a long career in the media). https://newtube.app/TonyHeller/93EPw2t
  16. Agreed she needs to present herself better and not look so much like a vampire, time will tell.
  17. tmcom


    Well done Musk!
  18. tmcom


    Just a heads up chrysostom if you want to embed a YouTube video just Cut the URL text, (text above video) and Paste it here and it should automatically show up as a video.
  19. Another week, (already ordered mine, can't wait) sick of playing Nier Automata, which is a great game but not so much your forth time through.
  20. Agreed we have plenty of those in my country, (AU) who keep voting in Labor in NSW and who keep destroying our coal fired power stations so we get more expensive electricity and power blackouts and rationing. Liddel just closed and NSW power prices went up 50%, and around 20% of their electricity. And unlike Germany who only mothballs theirs, we being totally deranged destroy ours! And most voters keep voting them in, why, because the opposition is weak, lol, the opposition doesn't believe in nonsense. These types have to endure their EV's being useless due to restrictions at night or power blackouts for days or longer in wintertime, nothing else sinks in!
  21. The Adventures of Barry Mckenzie, (Soundtrack) - 1972 with Dame Edna RIP
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