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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. Agreed at YouTube if someone posts about the world ending, and you try to refute it but cannot do it with links or images, and have to use carefully structured sentences and hope that you post survives or doesn't get removed. That is not having a conversation, it is idiots with a big stick. Let's hope that he buys that one next.
  2. Jackson Browne - Lawyers in Love - 1983
  3. He has also fact checked Biden's tax comments and found them to be fake. This platform is going to take all of the lies and BS, we have had to endure from the news, radio etc over the years and expose it all one by one. I am going back to Twitter and join in on the fun.
  4. Not sure if this is legit, but it probably is, even though pensions and such probably have some gov, guarantee.
  5. Sorry to hear that, l created an account then quickly dropped it, when l realized all conversations about climate or the jab where their way or you were booted. I suspect that a lot of the fruitcakes will disappear with only a handful of idiots left, but being able to quote and link to solid evidence and watch them squirm, tempting.
  6. From what have heard TWTR is going to be delisted from the stock exchange this Friday, since Biden and his muppets cannot legally block his ownership. And are obviously scared that a giant platform with little censorship, (removing valid evidence) is going to really screw up his sicko game. I may go back there just for the sheer entertainment value.
  7. Yes, the UK's electricity is up 80%, because of brainless Boris and his bimbo climate wife, and Australia is going the same way with our electricity going up about 56% in the next year or so.
  8. Agreed Rockefeller set this money grab around the turn of the century then some other greedy scumbags pushed it in the 50's with the cut/burn/poison approach to Cancer based on whatever dodgy study they could find, or make up. I would pop a pill over surgery any day.
  9. They want to back the US into a corner in order for the public to want to vote for a one world government and one currency and own nothing BS.
  10. Excellent presentation, and well worth the watch. No one need to fear getting Cancer after watching this, nor their doctor who typically wants to perform barbaric surgery as a cure.
  11. Of course your doctor will say, No Cure bad luck, or translated, "no Big Pharma profits".
  12. Terri Gibbs - Somebody's Knockin - 80's
  13. Yeah, l know just watched Biden, (Mr Magoo) and others talk about dipping into reserves and increasing production to win votes, or putting a cup of water onto a bonfire. And it is a bearish market but stocks can still do well, and reverse ETF's can do well.
  14. Making good progress, and l can relate to the guy from GM Motors who created a device the size of a packet of sigurettes which created mains power for recharging their electric cars, and tried to commercialize it. I also remember he was murdered just before he succeeded, in creating self charging EV's. These dimwits pushing solar/wind/battery garbage on us, while our electricity goes up and up, so they have a valid excuse to bring in their sicko Tower or Babylon #2, won't succeed!
  15. No it won't get that bad. Stock market dropped yesterday but overall it is going up for some time to come.
  16. Dammit, every time l go from A,C l screw up. But l did make .30 of a volt, so have to scale back to my previously experiment and scale that up. Creating the greatest invention in human history certainly takes it out of you, lol.
  17. Well, l had a bit of a break through recently, but l have been waiting for some materials to come in so l can scale up to a 3 volt LED globe. I figure that today l will either succeed or fail. If l succeed then l will feel like Edison staring at his light globe knowing that he has changed the planet for the better, and that powering a house from a suitcase isn't that far fetched. So far l have run one test with a tiny volt then scaled up ten times with the corresponding increase in volts, so it should work, but you never know.
  18. Good to see that intelligent people are trying to fight this, but with morons like our present climate minister running the show, we will pretty much destroy our economy before Australians vote them out.
  19. A pity that a lot of people commit suicide, after their doctor tells them this, when a search online could have given them this option.
  20. This world is based on greed, suppression and power, and when the truth comes out then most will seek out holistic approaches to cures which is the way it was at the turn of the century.
  21. A lot of these are staged, or designed to scare people. I have seen nothing on Mars to tell me that grays are war like and evil, quite the opposite.
  22. These hypocrites preach about the end is nigh and wind turbines but won't allow them in their back yards.
  23. They will try and fail, but megalomaniacs like Gates and Swab, don't want to go from their $100 million dollar mansions to an 8x10 prison cell, and will risk everything up to nuclear war to push their sicko, Babylon #2 dream.
  24. When Musk owns Twitter we should get some freedom back.
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