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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. True but you also have the fact that they cannot keep hiding the fact that Mars is habitable, although people keep buying it. And that coal and gas won't last forever less than 100 years for coal at least in my country. Gas a few hundred years l think and nuclear virtually limitless since we are pro nuclear.
  2. tmcom


    Only a matter of time before some fruitcake marries one.
  3. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-davos-founder-klaus-schwabs-father-hitlers-confidant-1710381 Fact checking sites are a tool more than anything else, but it does show some connection, certainly the photo if verified shows a resemblance, and yeah not his father just an associate, my mistake.
  4. Agreed, and talks of a recession in the US is spooking investors or the US stockmarket will probably be dropping til at least Xmas time.
  5. The US dollar indexed to oil plunging, (Life leads to intelligent life which leads to propulsion which leads to free energy, an anti gravity wheel in a gravity environment would spin forever).
  6. I am pretty sure that this was the Guru that the Beatles went to see, and said that he was wasn't anything special when they returned. I always suspected with their references to spiritual awaking in some of their songs, that he told them to say that.
  7. And in the end, the unvacced pilots will be welcomed back, and most likely the vacced public with s substantial increase in blood clots at high altitudes will have a new clause in their plane tickets, so air lines won't be sued. Since unless MSM mass release all of this they will have to cover themselves in a shifty way.
  8. I believe that he was a descendant of Hitler, (no really).
  9. Agreed you would have to spend 200k every 10 years for the battery backup to charge your car every night, and enough solar to do it daily which barring a paddock or two littered with these things it is not viable. Then spending a few months worth of electricity to charge if entirely from the grid every day. An unsustainable, very expensive mess that only the rich, can afford, and a death trap on freeways when a blizzard happens since batterys discharge quickly in the cold.
  10. Dionne Warwick - Anyone Who Had A Heart - 1963 Dionne Warwick - Deja Vu PS it is a real music video, and not something some kid in some basement put together, give it a minute.
  11. Some course language, and NSW in AU, and California want to ban non electric in the next few years. Or effectively the grid won't work and either power blackouts or charge rationing will happen. While the rich get richer, true a scam.
  12. They need to put Shwab into the Latest Bond movie, (with a white cat of course) and blow him up at the end.
  13. Yes one person in the past said that the great flood was just flooding or a dam bursting, but that doesn't explain seasells on high mountaintops.
  14. And our climate minister dances about telling us that nuclear is more expensive than solar/wind, etc, when an expert with 30 years experience very clearly tells him that it isn't.
  15. Backed by oil, ok that explains their knock of anyone who threatens oil with some commercial venture, (run a car on water, produce electric cars with a Tesla generator in the boot, etc). In Australia they get rid of any backers and force you to sell it to them or the military use it and we get the usual solar/wind/battery BS. The jet engine idea sounds interesting but l would need to see the difference in thrust ratios in the example above, and l don't really buy a transformer generating power for several homes on its own.
  16. Even weirder still that you can.
  17. Interesting idea that they are drawing energy from our atmosphere and labeling it as energy from coal or whatever or using it as trust for jet engines. It wouldn't surprize me at all considering that they bury anything that threatens oil.
  18. Agreed, we were talking about antigravity in the 50's like we where close, then it all got stripped from all science mags, and papers and then misinformation or trying to put a UFO label on anything flying about without wings. And now, we have scientists playing around with flywheels and spinning tops, scratching their heads, saying dub, we can't figure it out. They figured it out 50 years ago, but have to play dumb. But that is ok, geniuses still can, just as long as they don't go commercial with it, since that will put you in a casket in the US, and in poverty in AU.
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