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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. They will try and fail, but megalomaniacs like Gates and Swab, don't want to go from their $100 million dollar mansions to an 8x10 prison cell, and will risk everything up to nuclear war to push their sicko, Babylon #2 dream.
  2. When Musk owns Twitter we should get some freedom back.
  3. No, tried to find the update to my account or account changes but couldn't find it. But l am sure that crap isn't happening in my country.
  4. They will total as many economies as they can so people will cry out for something better, and then offer everyone their one gov, electronic currency BS. And no doubt if you survive their jab and boost campaign, and have naughty thoughts they will cut your pay packet. The countries that don't destroy their economies will most likely be sanctioned til they do.
  5. No, we have big marches now, (which MSM says nothing about) and that will grow to millions if they try to push this BS, give up your possessions and rent everything dogma. Australia under the previous gov, had no interest in this, but Labor with its climate dimwhit minister who knows, but odd's on they are not going to total our country for some City of Babal %2 ideal.
  6. Yep, previously covered that.
  7. Rockefeller yet again was behind it.
  8. 30 modular reactors in our outback, (100km from anyone) could power Australia! The Uranium could be mined there and the waste stored there, with the only real cost of the transmission lines, (most likely costing us trillions, but a one off cost). And accidents are not an issue, (we used to test nuclear weapons there). But the idiot politicians running our country think that it is too expensive, and just keep pushing the solar/wind/battery joke. And we keep closing down our coal fired power stations, even though we make just over a 1% difference globally and China is building another 1100, mainly using our coal. We have total morons running our country now.
  9. Peter Frampton - Baby I Love Your Way - HD 1080p (Vinyl Sound 1976)
  10. We had this BS, for the last few years, and by lockdown #6, we told him to shove it.
  11. Agreed l have heard that in the middle ages people got cancer all of the time and ignored it and it went away on its own, it is only if it is clogging up something vital that we need to worry about it. I have heard stories about new cancer treatments using RNA tech, or basically using Radium powder to cure a burn.
  12. True but you also have the fact that they cannot keep hiding the fact that Mars is habitable, although people keep buying it. And that coal and gas won't last forever less than 100 years for coal at least in my country. Gas a few hundred years l think and nuclear virtually limitless since we are pro nuclear.
  13. tmcom


    Only a matter of time before some fruitcake marries one.
  14. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-davos-founder-klaus-schwabs-father-hitlers-confidant-1710381 Fact checking sites are a tool more than anything else, but it does show some connection, certainly the photo if verified shows a resemblance, and yeah not his father just an associate, my mistake.
  15. Agreed, and talks of a recession in the US is spooking investors or the US stockmarket will probably be dropping til at least Xmas time.
  16. The US dollar indexed to oil plunging, (Life leads to intelligent life which leads to propulsion which leads to free energy, an anti gravity wheel in a gravity environment would spin forever).
  17. I am pretty sure that this was the Guru that the Beatles went to see, and said that he was wasn't anything special when they returned. I always suspected with their references to spiritual awaking in some of their songs, that he told them to say that.
  18. And in the end, the unvacced pilots will be welcomed back, and most likely the vacced public with s substantial increase in blood clots at high altitudes will have a new clause in their plane tickets, so air lines won't be sued. Since unless MSM mass release all of this they will have to cover themselves in a shifty way.
  19. I believe that he was a descendant of Hitler, (no really).
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