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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. Another excellent Greer video, and it makes sense that we have had anti gravity since the 50's, considering it looks like fools in a sandpit when l see a special on how far we have supposedly come along that path, (which is virtually no where).
  2. Arlo Guthrie - City of New Orleans (1972)
  3. An interesting image of what Mars really looks like, with the rover on the right and below, and the sun setting in the distance, (middle arrow) with blue mountains and a burnt green landscape, dotted with tall tree's or prickles, (NASA has a lot to answer for).
  4. Ok, back to music... Cal Smith - Country Bumpkin Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle (1974)
  5. Commercial break. Still have mine. Sigh!
  6. SKATT BROS - Life At The Outpost (1980)
  7. Watched this again, after about two years or not being able to. And pretty ironic that it is based this year, (made early 1970,s) 2022, and other references.
  8. Common knowledge that ancient advanced relics litter the moon and Earth, with media not saying a word, and we will have to wait and see if it takes off, and Putin tries to shoot it down before the world see's it.
  9. Flash And The Pan - And The Band Played On (Down Among The Dead Men) [1978]
  10. Uriah Heep (with John Lawton) - Free me,1977
  11. David Bowie/Pat Metheny - This Is Not America
  12. Supertramp - Dreamer, (ignore the header the song is complete).
  13. https://www.ghoststop.com/?rfsn=5834144.782cbd7&gclid=CjwKCAiAvOeQBhBkEiwAxutUVDrmVEmsJs0NfhRBrKkpY2YXr11S9Hr-Jfwc1OemN6isb_SNVA6MUBoCgTAQAvD_BwE Came across this, no Proton Packs unfortunately but a lot of cool stuff.
  14. Had a talk to someone in store, and he said that VR is equal to current PS5 games, or as this Horizon promo shows, very impressive. And the headset uses 4k screens, so the level of detail should be fine, but it probably still is hard on your eyes. I know that l would probably get motion sickness, but being in a forest, with this level of detail is pretty cool.
  15. tmcom


    Brave, intelligent lady and brainwashed puppet interviewer, (the best part is at the end).
  16. Usually not a Madonna fan, especially when she has stopped being human, but here is a good one. Madonna - Burning Up - 80's
  17. Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe 2 UNLIMITED - No Limit Scatman (ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop)
  18. Ok, started off with the 60's and this gem, that has no dubbed, live music video's but this is pretty good. My Little Town - Simon and Garfunkel - 60's Paul Simon - Kodachrome The Lovin' Spoonful — Summer In The City
  19. https://au.fliteboard.com/collections/fliteboards/products/fliteboard-pro?variant=32373262286913&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjJOQBhCkARIsAEKMtO2MGYSsazOnGW0IspqnQGzKmY36f8WgdLzpe3_LYtkwWBS1WuWgbt0aAjT1EALw_wcB I want one!
  20. 2019 Nothing. Dua Lipa - Break My Heart. Amazed l found one good one from the early 2020's, considering that all of the music sounds like rap, or bad country music songs, (even decent bands like Maroon 5, songs all sound the same). Well, that is about it, (2021, phew more of the same) and it was interesting to do a search up to present day, but glad to ditch this era and go back to the original motif. Stay tuned.
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