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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. Finally! After frickin months, we are allowed to do this! You can see that we are only allowed to have 20 per restaurant, but it is a start. And unfortunately Ferrel children are still permitted, but you can't have everything. We still have to muzzel up, (and enjoy heatstroke) and have the made up, no medical reason 25km limit. We should get less stupid in two weeks time?
  2. Almost missed this, (pretty easy to see the green on these rocks).
  3. Ok, since l have had to endure the harshest lockdowns on the planet, for almost 6 months, l thought that l show give an account here. We had lockdowns for 5 weeks initially, and that wasn't much fun, then a few weeks of freedom then Dan Andrews stuffed up hotel quarantine, and we got another 4 months of the harshest lockdowns on the Earth, (we beat China). This miserable existence took its toll on me and all Victorians, apart From Dan and his 50% pay rise, (almost half a million per year) and some didn't like him initially but now there is a deep hatred for the man. Why? he ignored 500 top medical experts in my State saying that lockdowns are useless, ignored half a dozen top business experts, trying to sit with him to sort out an exit plan, he ignored them and he hasn't said a word to the opposition. The arrogance of this guy, well that and treating us like naughty schoolchildren, and blaming us when cases and deaths rise. Contact tracing is still bad in our state, eventhough he has had months to fix it, (still uses fax machines and paper). It is like he wants to keep us locked up, smash businesses and keep the airport shut, (he believes in Climate Change, so...GND). He recently ummed and arred about opening up things on Wednesday, and there was a huge, public outcry. So coffee shops and restaurants are open again, but with 20 allowed inside only, (more outside) and more freedom in two weeks time. And shops, (from what l have heard there are ques stretching around the block). I am so fed up with feeling like a criminal whenever l grab a coffee and paper, (hypothetically speaking), So how has it affected me? - I have had a sore back on and off for the last 2 weeks, due to stress whenever l go out, (looking out for cops, and dimwitted members of the public who are not aware with the term, "medical exemption for not wearing a mask"). - My balance at home is out, or l tend to lose my balance more than usual. - My head is foggy, probably due to the 5km limit. - Not as sharp as l used to be, (l grabbed my cup of tea this morning out of the microwave, caught it on the dish, and spilt it on my hand). - I am turning into a hunchback, thanks to our idiot Premier, and his junk science rules, (no base medically). And he wants to keep masks going, eventhough they are not effective, outside of hospitals or someone coughing directly at you, (has never happened to me, and l go out frequently). We are going to have rising heatwave victims soon enough, but our chief health officer, is a lair, (withheld emails) and has no idea of the junk data he is relying on to make these decisions. I have already seen one overweight women in a shopping ctr, fanning herself, while wearing one, and that was on a mild day, but the shopping ctr barely had any air con, going, understandable considering the revenue loss. And l am so sick of carboard cups of coffee, especially when my last one was weird, or the hot coffee had a chemical reaction with the cup, and it smelt weird, tasted weird, and made me feel sick. Dan, Sutton and the rest of his minions, all believe in the world ending, or that there is some crucial tipping point and we have to act now! Then Covid shows up and they have the perfect reason, (no one will vote this in) to close the airports, businesses and restrict travel, to reduce CO2, (eventhough moisture is the main driver of weather, but they won't listen). Dan Andrews, and the Green party, (he needs their vote to stay ruler of everything) have realized this week, that the Covid GND is not sustainable, and is political suicide. And thankfully a convenient Virus isn't enough to make it permanent, l would say that the left would need to start a war, to make it work. And a war in our state, gets back to political suicide again.
  4. Biden listens to the scientists, (l won't mention the 11k, that are saying that masks and lockdowns don't work).
  5. Nice one, yes pretty solid evidence that Mars atmosphere is just as strong as our one is, (reminds me of the ESA high res, one l posted on NM). Doesn't surprize me much that UM, deleted it, the Mod over there in charge of Astronomy, is one of a kind.
  6. The drug works but idiots keep saying that it does not.
  7. tmcom

    A Great Speech.

    Also good to hear that Boris Johnson, isn't listening to idiots anymore, and using the police force as the "SS" Elite, (Victoria/AU still is).
  8. Grab a Stone Tablet, and get chiselling, l will consider all suggestions, apart from a Stoning every Thursday, (including packets of gravel).
  9. Good movie, which even makes fun of similar movies, well worth renting, maybe even buying, although if l compared this with Skyscraper, it would be in second place.
  10. No, not a glitch, that was for the "trophy" l gave you, (similar to UM).
  11. Ok, l use imgur, (wasn't aware of that one). Stroke, ok, sorry to hear about that, l take it you can use the mouse with either hand then, (l have learned to use either, since my right hands fingers are sore, due to overuse). Thankyou Mal, l tried to create the most beautiful forum around, so members will enjoy posting here, (no stark white backgrounds). I also created an open forum, based on the Disney movie Tomorrowland, (one of my domain name, options) or a world created on facts and evidence driving the community instead of fear. Me, l live in AU/VIC, so not sure about the time thing, but l will be going to bed soon so...
  12. Lol, good to hear, and if you are not yet aware SpaceNut is a mod here. Agreed, which is one of the reasons l set this up. Seems a bit counter intuitive that someone would set up a forum about alternative views, then use mods who don't believe in it, or allow a small army of skeptics to run rampant, (and yeah, l have had some run ins with the Admin there. I tried to set up the Curiosity ,...mission one there, and it was a blood bath, or l was trying to show about 20 people, who didn't want to believe that NASA was lying, that doubt was there. I was relieved when they shut it down. This forum, l am open to all of this stuff, and have carefully screened the Mods, and as for skeptical members, that is fine also, the TOS are there for all to see. Umm, sure, but the same rules apply at the NM, as here for the Mars Curiosity Stealth Mission thread, a few images, (preferably imgur or Dropbox) is fine, but if you have a lot of images, best to create a separate thread. Edit option should be in the top, right hand corner, (you should see three dots on each of your posts) but you need to be logged in to edit. Let me know if that is not there, and l will look into it.
  13. And another. Green arrow, sky, rain bearing clouds and traces of a blue sky, red arrow, distant hills.
  14. And now for some Bryan Ferry, (all 80's). Bryan Ferry - Don't Stop the Dance Bryan Ferry - Slave to Love Bryan Ferry - The Right Stuff Bryan Ferry - Kiss and Tell
  15. Just watched this. And sure it has robots that have machine guns and lousy aiming abilities, but still a good movie overall,...to rent.
  16. She craps on a bit, and the hair is a worry, but at least we can get a real hoverboard now.
  17. Dan is throwing everyone under the bus, (satire) l saw this yesterday and laughed. Love it! We have been locked down and muzzled for almost 6 months and even beat China, (for duration) while Dan gives us trinkets and nothing changes. Most Victorians have had enough, and don't give a s... anymore. It is 2 years before we can vote him out, but l suspect he won't last that long.
  18. Another Mars sunset, or a very bright sun with traces of a blue sky above.
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