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Everything posted by JRexx

  1. I watch investors and what they are pulling out from and backing away from. If you notice a massive uptick of people getting laid off in the entertainment realm (movies, tv shows, gaming, ect.) it is all DEI hires which ties into ESG.
  2. It seems like stand-up in America has played a role of breaking down glass walls for people. Like people used to be arrested for swearing in public. I think people should not do that now, especially around kids... But to be arrested for it? So yeah, I think it will help normalize people not being afraid of these people that go around trying to cancel everyone and have fits every time something is said they don't agree with. People walked on eggs shells for far too long over these adult children. Did you see that younger woman that went viral for calling the LGBT+ "alphabet bullies" and mocking them. People are celebrating her right now. We need more people that are'nt afraid.
  3. True. I mean they basically pay everyone off at this point. They own the narrative but only for now. More and more people don't trust them and that is a big deal. The fact that a family member of mine who was a CNN addict told me he can't trust them anymore says a lot.
  4. Hard to follow the money but if you actually see where it is moving to and from, you can see where the holes are and it lets you know the truth you are not meant to be noticing. They are getting sloppy. I think they are going to slip up BIG this year.
  5. It seems awfully convenient, like the perfect way to introduce some sort of "one world digital currency"... I thought they were going to do that in the US, part of me still does but their oil bucks still seem to mean something so I am not sure how they would adjust for that.
  6. That is crazy!! I heard they were doing this but I just assumed it was for low-income families not anyone that wants the extra cash! I mean how the heck is this even meant to work? Cause like they are going to be using tax money to pay people... So are they just robbing everyone to give to everyone? It makes no sense! lol
  7. It is the opposite in my house, if my mother mentions the shots or covid everyone rolls their eyes so she seldom brings it up. Most people in my family, even the people that got the shot, view it as a scam or worse. So there is that!
  8. Just wanted to pop on here tonight and wish you all a Merry Christmas! I am getting ready to call it a night as I have not slept much the last few days and gotta get up early to drive to family for the holiday. Hope you all enjoy the gifts, food, etc.
  9. I think most families have people that complain but if you suggest no gifts, they get angry. Makes no sense! Like this year someone in my family just randomly decided to say today they had no money to buy gifts but they had money for tattoos and eating out 4 days a week. Just going to tell them not to worry about gifts with me so they can save money and I will do the same.
  10. For those of you that celebrate, do you have any plans yet? We do the same thing every year. We have a evening gathering on Christmas even. Eat some pizza, sausage, and just finger food. We do gifts around 9PM and then call it a night. Each year we go to someone else's house for that and this year it will be my oldest brother's. For Christmas we gather at my parents' house. Used to be my grandma's before she passed. Christmas is much smaller these days. Only a handful of us do anything and there aren't any young kids running around.
  11. I know this is a bit random but does anyone feel like this second rising of communist ideas in western worlds is because of the internet?
  12. He showed up late today. No surprise. And tried to play it off like Joe had nothing to do with any of it when we all know they shared bank accounts and he got him a lot of jobs, loans, etc. from back in 2009/2010.
  13. War has been on the table for the US since the '70s honestly. I don't think we are any closer or further from it. I still think this whole Ukraine/Russia/China/US thing is more about money than anything else. The US wants to remain at the top, China and Russia both want to take over. I can't see Russia helping China to the top so if a war were to happen, it would not be Russia AND China vs the US, it would likely be both of them attacking us for their own reasons.
  14. I noticed this stuff is in most countries now and I know it lines up with the social credit score but I think it isn't that simple. The more I looked into it, the more I started to understand. ESG wasn't just a means to make way for the social credit score but it is an actual currency! It is the currency that these people wanted to use as the NWO's one world currency. It would effectively tie together everything. The better your ESG, the more "access" you gain. It is basically a means to justify an end but the good news is that it is tanking and ESG stocks as a whole are crashing world wide. They don't care about diversity or anything of the sort. It is just Marxist dog whistle speech. Communism is knocking on the backdoor though and if people don't wake up we are in for very uncertain times.
  15. I am considered a millennial but never connected with them. I have more of a gen x outlook. I am very much anti-government. A lot of millenials are for government help and handouts cause they never grew up. We have adult children walking around.
  16. Well the good news is that gen Z is going to be heavily conservative. Something like 55% of them are already preppers. Many don't find enjoyment in drinking and partying. Few want casual sex. It seems like the only ones that do this are the "progressives" which aren't going to have kids anyways.
  17. Wasn't this all debunked several times now that as the ice caps melt it cools the earth down again to self-regulate the temps and there is honestly nothing that can be done to stop this process? Like it makes sense the earth has built in mechanics to balance the ecosystems. We see this in nature every season!
  18. History has a lot of life lessons in it that we should learn from both as leaders and every day people beneath said leaders. I think every so many years, somewhere in the world an evil person rises to power and it never ends well for him or his people.
  19. Didn't that weird autistic sweed girl say the earth was going to end in 2019? I just can't with this nonsense anymore. They have been peddling this BS since the '60s and every few years we are going to die in another 10 years if nothing changes so they force changes on people that didn't ask for it while allowing India and China to pollute more.
  20. A lot of nations politicians and leaders have been peddling very racist "anti-white" talk for sometime now. A good 10+ years at this point and it seems that the straw is going to end up breaking the camels back if they don't stop this crap. I am mixed race and I can tell you that my white family members are pretty fed up. Even my aunt who has not a single mean bone in her body is talking like a right wing extremist now... Not in the leftist way but actually saying all immigrants who are non-white need to get kicked out and dragged and beaten if they refuse to leave. This was over Thanksgiving and it took me by shock honestly. Like I am all for immigrants and I don't care what color people are but I feel like all this anti-white talk and policy and everything else happening around the world is going to backfire and it is not going to be good. I don't think it would get to Hitler levels of bad but I think we are going to see a lot of nations go back to being "white first" and kicking a lot of minorities out and no longer letting them in. The will start to look more like Japan and China where non-Asian makes up a very small percentage. I think it is only like 5%. There is too much tension building and I am worried about it man.
  21. I heard about that. I don't know how to regulate something like this in a "free market". I like having a free market but not when rich people at the top are manipulating it and screwing us all over. After taxes, I only make like 40k so I can't afford much of anything in the US right now. I'd probably be homeless in Canada.
  22. Didn't some other "far-right" guy win in Europe? I can't remember where it was but people were making jokes about it cause he is very strict on immigration and will be kicking illegals out.
  23. I don't know what will fix this outside of a crash and I think they are preventing it which is making things worse. A crash would be bad for a lot of people but it would help build millions of people's futures being able to buy a home especially for people that want families.
  24. The average cost to rent a house in my area is around $2,300 a month. Apartments are around $1,350. The prices for these same houses and apartments just 5 years ago was $1,600 and $800 per month. If you want to buy a house and have excellent credit, you should expect to pay around $1,600 a month for a mortgage on a 200k house with 20% down. With nothing down? $2,300. So basically you can rent a house for the same amount you can buy a house per month but there are very few houses on the market for under $300k which makes buying a house right now a nightmare. A friend of mine recently tried buying and was outbid on 4 different houses by as much as 40k.
  25. The most ironic part about this is that TikTok was allowing this stuff to spread as well as hate against Jewish people but Apple, Disney, etc. blame Elon and gun down X over his "antisemitism" and pulling ads off of X over it while praising Xi in a meeting that just happened the other day.
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