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Everything posted by JRexx

  1. They want their land back. I can't remember the finer details of the agreement but they are not going to back down until they get something out of this. Too many people died on both sides for either side to back down unfortunately. I think some sort of agreement needs to be made. This is senseless at this point. It has been going on for over a year ffs!
  2. They are all over the place and they like to spew their horrible positions and opinions just to get attention. Like I have seen accounts that do nothing but leave stupid replies to random people and never even go back to respond.
  3. Does she have a starting date? I want to just keep an eye on things and see if I notice anything changing. It seems like if anything does change for the worse, people will be quick to call it out and make sure Elon knows.
  4. It has a lot of baggage and even though Elon has improved things and removed those horrific MAP circles, it still has issues. I mean it is a breeding ground for people to just be nasty to each other and many users, you can tell, just are not accustomed to speaking to people online. I grew up with it but a lot of Twitter users did not so they almost always overreact.
  5. A lot of things are changing in the world. Some for the better, some for the worse. i think we are going to face hard times in America for a bit but things will improve once they pass. I think too many people woke up to the lies for them to push anything. We have guns. We have a means to gather and fight back. They lose. End of!
  6. That seems like a lie! I cannot picture this woman being a Trump supporter at all. Like I said, he will fire her. He values his space and his popularity with the memer community. Don't let him kid you. Money is the only thing above that and I am thinking this is why he hired her to begin with. From what I heard, she is good at turning profit. We will see.
  7. The easiest way to explain real climate change to someone is pointing at the seasons. This happens on a larger scale over decades or hundreds of years depending on what your markers are. The earth is 100% self-regulating and often relies on things we view as problems. Like wild-fires. The plant life NEED the sulfur and other minerals that fall with the ashes to thrive. I am sick of people acting like the earth is dying in 5, 10, or even a few hundred years. If anything were to come of what they claim, it would take thousands of years and even then, you can't predict that with how technology is changing.
  8. Elon will fire her if she starts pushing woke nonsense and singling out people over politics. I am almost 100% certain of that. I still don't understand why he would pick someone like her as CEO. Unless their agreements were outlined to leave politics and political grievances at the door. I noticed in the last 6 months, Twitter is way more open-minded and a lot more people are not afraid to express themselves again. Before, you couldn't say anything that went against "special groups" or you'd get banned or attacked by mobs of people (really it was likely a few people using sock-puppet accounts though).
  9. They are trendy, sure but not practical for most people. I think there is more value in buying land and just getting a prefab house. Or if you do buy a home, look for something with more land and less house. You can always expand upon that.
  10. I read a lot of studies and some snippets of books over the years. Watched a few things on the topic even. There is a core belief that some people hold, in which the mind can bring positive and negative things into reality. Part of the "laws of attraction" play a role here. I think most people have heard about that. I think it is more complex though. I believe that everything is connected and if a person could tap into themselves and break through the physical barrier, so much is possible. An example of this was Jesus. He turned water into wine, moved mountains, raised people from the dead, and even healed them all through their faith in him. I think that is amazing. So for me, I think the mind is more powerful than people are even aware of but our physical "presence" keeps us from really understanding how powerful it is.
  11. Islam is the only religion that requires death to everyone that is not under their laws. It is a problem and has been a problem. Yet nations continue to point the finger at Christianity. As if Christians are out in the streets murdering homosexuals and sexually abusing children. I had a friend that came from a Muslim family and he and his parents fled to America to escape persecution. His parents became Christians and would have been executed.
  12. This is why I rejoined Twitter after years of not being on it. I think that countries need to return to a place of fearing God, not man. Even if you don't believe in any sort of religion, having a belief in God puts you on a moral compass and allows you to see the benefits of religious teachings in society.
  13. Anytime someone brings up making voting easier, I just point to places like L.A. and NYC. Even Chicago. These places have gotten worse thanks to mindless people voting for horrible leaders. There is that old saying "you get the politicians you deserve" in that people are the ones voting these corrupt scumbags into power and then scratch their heads when they can't afford food or housing. They blame the rich. Who do you think makes lifer easier for the rich? It doesn't just happen.
  14. There was another one that was shot down over Hawaii this weekend. I wonder how many of these things they have taken down that they are not even reporting on. People aren't even talking about them anymore.
  15. JRexx


    I heard he was under contract so he likely won't be doing much of anything. I think he is contracted for another year. Maybe he will host some political debates. That would be a fun watch lol
  16. I did recently read about that. In the 1960s, Big Sugar basically funded "science" to say that sugar was the cause of heart problems when in reality, sugar doesn't do that. Fat does but it is far within the body, not healthy fats from animal proteins. Crazy how "science" works. lol
  17. JRexx


    I feel like this is a major win for people who do not trust mainstream media. Some people are suggesting that Tucker may be running for president or will be Trump's VP choice. Others say he will be working with the Daily Wire. As for Don Lemon... I hope that man never works in news again.
  18. I keep telling my family and friends this but they just don't see it. Like I want to ring their necks sometimes. They will drop stories and ignore other ones unless it fits a certain narrative. Look what they did with that trans man shooter that killed those kids or that more recent shooter that shot up a bank. They found out he was an anti-Trump crazy person. Same with the other one. Yet they will plaster a bunch of fake news about people like that man that fled his car and got shot and ignore key details that the man was suicidal and wanted the cops to kill him because he had lost his wife.
  19. I think it is because they produce health and give cheap access to a lot of nutrition for people. Likely why they want all these chickens to be vaxed our of their minds with mNRA, so a lot of people stop buying and eating them. Jokes on them, I can get chicken eggs from my aunt's house. lol She just started keeping chickens again.
  20. Yeah, I know. I am reluctant to overpay though. I mean I would love to just have my own chickens. I don't want it to get to a point where they think it is a good idea to do away with eggs. They have been trying for years to get people to stop wanting to eat them.
  21. Bill is always up to no good. Yeah the egg prices came down, still not normalized though. I think they used to be $0.89 a dozen but they are still $2.29 which is more than double the cost.
  22. Indictments don't mean anything. I did enjoy the speech that came out of this though. I never liked Trump growing up. I thought he was scummy. I remember when people were obsessed with him. People idolized him and wanted to be him. Now look where we are. I actually have grown to like him, for better or worse. I still think he can be a bit of a dumb arse but he is at least honest with people, well as honest as he can be in his position.
  23. Wow. This is some pretty interesting stuff. Where did you start researching all of it @chrysostom? I do find it fascinating that more and more things are being proven to be a reality and they have been in the holy bible for a long time. One of the more recent ones being that they discovered a HUGE body of water under the ground that seems to signify the great flood really did happen.
  24. Welcome to the forum! I am still somewhat new here myself. I am happy to see people joining. It is hard to talk about these sorts of topics on other social platforms because there is no sense of community. This is why I always preferred forums over the social media giants of the internet space. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it here!
  25. I tried telling my family that Putin is not the evil you seem to believe he is and they started laughing at me and told me I am getting brainwashed by white supremacists. People are so far in the dark about what is happening here, it isn't even funny. You don't have to like Putin but he is very much standing in the way of the NWO happening for sure. And he is very much against everything people seem to be celebrating that is destroying lives.
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