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Trump found guilty, now what?


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Some are saying he will go to prison, others are saying it will likely just end up being a fine he will get slapped with... Either way most people (his supporters as well as people that are new to supporting him) are convinced he just won the election because of this. Not sure what is going to happen personally but I do know if he doesn't win this next election, America is done for. 

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10 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

Some are saying he will go to prison, others are saying it will likely just end up being a fine he will get slapped with... Either way most people (his supporters as well as people that are new to supporting him) are convinced he just won the election because of this. Not sure what is going to happen personally but I do know if he doesn't win this next election, America is done for. 

Yes Biden and his muppets spouting on about "justice is done" isn't fooling anyone. Most Americans can see straight through this scam, (Democrats file almost 100 charges against him why now, Bidens son brings a bag of cocaine into the Whitehouse and nothing happens to him, Trump goes through hell with the top secret pages at his house even tough Biden during his prior years did likewise and he gets off Scott free for being senile).

It is only the very stupid and ones with their hands out that are still supporting Biden.

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CNN is saying it was a sham so that tells you everything you need to know. Biden is about to be thrown under the bus. I don't know if it will be loudly or quietly but I expect them to have someone else step forward for the demonrats... I mean democrats. 

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9 hours ago, Cosmic said:

CNN is saying it was a sham so that tells you everything you need to know. Biden is about to be thrown under the bus. I don't know if it will be loudly or quietly but I expect them to have someone else step forward for the demonrats... I mean democrats. 

But on a positive note Trump got 60 million in campaign contributions, (which is a record amount).

Demorats, lol l prefer the term Demigods myself.  :classic_laugh:

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He is very much unbothered by it. I think people need to pay attention to that. Don't worry about it. He knows this is helping him.

He was at that UFC event last night and got a standing ovation. He also joined TikTok and has more than 3 times the amount of followers on there vs Biden's TikTok. LOL This is what I find truly hilarious because I know more people on TikTok are under the age of 25. 

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On 6/2/2024 at 11:48 AM, JRexx said:

He is very much unbothered by it.

As should everyone else be. 

I think it is a trap. They want people to revolt and act out like on Jan 6th but worse. People keep saying to pay attention to dialog floating around because they are likely having feds sow seeds! 

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What not enough people talk about is the fact that every government agency in the US as well as foreign agencies have gone over all his records, his deals, his businesses, his contracts, etc. dating back who knows how long and could not find a single thing on him. The most they found was his ex lawyer being scumbag and stealing from him and accusations of him supposedly sleeping with a woman. If anything it sound more like his ex lawyer was the one that slept with the hooker, not Trump. lol

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A lot of things happening right now just seem fishy. Almost like there is a script happening and we are just unaware of it. I have a friend that fully believes Trump is part of the "plan" but I don't think so. I think he is interrupting the plan. 

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On 6/3/2024 at 3:13 PM, britanica said:

As should everyone else be. 

I think it is a trap. They want people to revolt and act out like on Jan 6th but worse. People keep saying to pay attention to dialog floating around because they are likely having feds sow seeds! 

Seems like a strong possibility. I had a friend I knew online that said he was part of a forum for gun enthusiasts and they had a few feds on the forum trying to convince the "unhappy few" to act on things. Like he said one guy found out his wife cheated on him and the fed was trying to convince him to go do some shooting. He showed me some screen shots and it was freaking wild. 

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11 hours ago, JRexx said:

Seems like a strong possibility. I had a friend I knew online that said he was part of a forum for gun enthusiasts and they had a few feds on the forum trying to convince the "unhappy few" to act on things. Like he said one guy found out his wife cheated on him and the fed was trying to convince him to go do some shooting. He showed me some screen shots and it was freaking wild. 

We can't trust our government. Cling to your bible and gun. 

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11 hours ago, chrysostom said:

We can't trust our government. Cling to your bible and gun. 

Amen. The government has long been corrupted and Godless men and women run this country and every other country. We have to pay attention to what they do, what they are planning, and within our own capabilities try to effect change where we can. 

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11 hours ago, britanica said:

We have to pay attention to what they do, what they are planning, and within our own capabilities try to effect change where we can. 

Speaking the truth as we know it is sometimes all we can do. 

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