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Your Favorite Poison?


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This can be anything, food, alcohol, gladiator fights, or whatever? For me it used to be a coffee, cake and reading the paper, but with over the top Covid restrictions in my state, (some of the worst in the world) l can only enjoy the cake/coffee in certain circumstances, so let's just say that l read the paper at home, and will be posting those in the future.

What is yours?




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On 9/4/2020 at 5:27 PM, Jeffery said:

My wife's 'Tiramisu' with a unique flavor.

We tend to have sour grapes here.


[Satire/black humor]

Yes, Dans double standards, or if Australians are in quarantine and break it, then they cop a 25k fine, and a $1,630 fine if they get too close to anyone, and so forth. But if a Afgan, does likewise, and dobs their family in, nothing!

Or it seems that Afgans or BLM protestors are immune to Covid, or are key voters for Dan the Destroyer, (latest nickname).




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  • 4 weeks later...


Dan is throwing everyone under the bus, (satire) l saw this yesterday and laughed.

Love it! :classic_happy:

We have been locked down and muzzled for almost 6 months and even beat China, (for duration) while Dan gives us trinkets and nothing changes. Most Victorians have had enough, and don't give a s... anymore.

It is 2 years before we can vote him out, but l suspect he won't last that long.



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  • 3 weeks later...


Finally! :classic_happy:

After frickin months, we are allowed to do this!

You can see that we are only allowed to have 20 per restaurant, but it is a start. And unfortunately Ferrel children are still permitted, but you can't have everything.

We still have to muzzel up, (and enjoy heatstroke) and have the made up, no medical reason 25km limit.

We should get less stupid in two weeks time?




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  • 3 weeks later...


Not a bad cake, or a swirling, sponge/coffee one. And the "Job Lifeline" heading  is about our non-profitable aluminum smelter since our dimwit Premier blew up one of our coal fired power stations years ago, and every summer when we run out of power, they have to shut down.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Tried somewhere different today, and considering it was a stinker, l had a Kinda Surprise type ice cream type dessert, and read my favorite, evil, Rupert Murdock r... Paper.


Not a bad place, and in the courtyard of my local shopping center.

Top left hand corner had an article about our "Australia loves and trusts" the ABC, although after they want to rename Australia Day, to Australia Day/Abbo Culling Day, for some unknown reason, most Australians now hate their guts.




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