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A Different Take on the Great Flood, Adam and Eve and Humanity


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There is so much around the great flood that I think was misunderstood and still not fully grasped even to this day. I will watch the video in a bit but I wanted to state a few things I have read into. One was that the flood actually killed off the remaining dinosaurs. They either drown or were forced to go up to escape the flood where there was just not enough food for them. Another was that because we live up higher than before, it changed our body chemistry which is why we don't live as long as they did in the early days of the bible. Noah was something like 900 years when he died. There are a lot of really interesting theories out there for sure!

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12 hours ago, Cosmic said:

There is so much around the great flood that I think was misunderstood and still not fully grasped even to this day. I will watch the video in a bit but I wanted to state a few things I have read into. One was that the flood actually killed off the remaining dinosaurs. They either drown or were forced to go up to escape the flood where there was just not enough food for them. Another was that because we live up higher than before, it changed our body chemistry which is why we don't live as long as they did in the early days of the bible. Noah was something like 900 years when he died. There are a lot of really interesting theories out there for sure!

Yes one person in the past said that the great flood was just flooding or a dam bursting, but that doesn't explain seasells on high mountaintops.

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  • 5 months later...
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I always thought it was interesting that the dinosaur bones are found in specific areas only. I do feel like if the earth was flooded, it likely did what any other flood would do. It would rise high but eventually settle which would explain why everything got a bit mixed up and how seashells ended up on mountains, like you mentioned.

I do wonder what things really looked like before the flood. I would imagine there was at least 40% more land. 

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