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Should we be preparing for another Great Depression?


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It seems like in the US, interest rates keep going up and the stock market keeps dropping. That is a clear indication that we are facing bad times. I am not sure how bad things will get but I feel like most people are not prepared for it if it comes. I also know a lot of wealthy people are buying up property in places like Idaho, out in the farmlands. I wonder why... Maybe they are preparing an escape plan if everything goes up in smoke. Should we be preparing for another Great Depression? 

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8 hours ago, britanica said:

It seems like in the US, interest rates keep going up and the stock market keeps dropping. That is a clear indication that we are facing bad times. I am not sure how bad things will get but I feel like most people are not prepared for it if it comes. I also know a lot of wealthy people are buying up property in places like Idaho, out in the farmlands. I wonder why... Maybe they are preparing an escape plan if everything goes up in smoke. Should we be preparing for another Great Depression? 

No it won't get that bad. Stock market dropped yesterday but overall it is going up for some time to come.

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On 10/20/2022 at 2:37 PM, YellowDragon said:

We are in a recession right now, that is for sure but I am not sure it will get much worse. It is pretty bad for millions of people but the country is still ticking on. I think other places are going to have it way worse. Germany is a great example. 

What is happening in Germany? 

I heard about the UK today. They are planning scripts (BBC) for when they have rolling blackouts from the energy issues they are going to face. They want to push to be fully electric and the people will be paying for it. The cost of utilities in many areas in the UK have gone a lot.

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On 10/19/2022 at 11:29 PM, tmcom said:

No it won't get that bad. Stock market dropped yesterday but overall it is going up for some time to come.

I hope you are right. Everything I am seeing is saying otherwise. I keep seeing things about everything crashing. Like the fuel alone is expected to hit well over $100 a barrel. That would mean gas (petrol) would cost $10+ a gallon eventually. Food and production costs shoot up from there. 

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5 hours ago, britanica said:

I hope you are right. Everything I am seeing is saying otherwise. I keep seeing things about everything crashing. Like the fuel alone is expected to hit well over $100 a barrel. That would mean gas (petrol) would cost $10+ a gallon eventually. Food and production costs shoot up from there. 

Yeah, l know just watched Biden, (Mr Magoo) and others talk about dipping into reserves and increasing production to win votes, or putting a cup of water onto a bonfire.

And it is a bearish market but stocks can still do well, and reverse ETF's can do well.

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On 10/21/2022 at 5:38 PM, Cosmic said:

What is happening in Germany? 

I heard about the UK today. They are planning scripts (BBC) for when they have rolling blackouts from the energy issues they are going to face. They want to push to be fully electric and the people will be paying for it. The cost of utilities in many areas in the UK have gone a lot.

Germany was fully reliant on Russia's oil so they have a major fuel shortage coupled with inflation out the behind. They were paying something equivalent to like $15 a gallon at one point. Come winter, they will be faced with blackouts and millions without heating. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 3:29 PM, YellowDragon said:

Germany was fully reliant on Russia's oil so they have a major fuel shortage coupled with inflation out the behind. They were paying something equivalent to like $15 a gallon at one point. Come winter, they will be faced with blackouts and millions without heating. 

Oh, wow that is a problem. I have a friend on another forum who lives in Germany. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks. I am going to have to get in touch and make sure he is doing okay. I don't know how bad things will get but it seems like some areas are going to be much worse than others. 

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On 10/22/2022 at 11:02 PM, tmcom said:

Yeah, l know just watched Biden, (Mr Magoo) and others talk about dipping into reserves and increasing production to win votes, or putting a cup of water onto a bonfire.

And it is a bearish market but stocks can still do well, and reverse ETF's can do well.

They say that our diesel has not been this low since the 2008 recession. It doesn't mean it will run out but they are hardly making any moves to replenish it. It almost seems as if they want the democrats to lose. Like they want themselves to lose. It makes no sense what they are doing. 

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3 hours ago, britanica said:

They say that our diesel has not been this low since the 2008 recession. It doesn't mean it will run out but they are hardly making any moves to replenish it. It almost seems as if they want the democrats to lose. Like they want themselves to lose. It makes no sense what they are doing. 

They want to back the US into a corner in order for the public to want to vote for a one world government and one currency and own nothing BS.

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On 10/24/2022 at 8:22 PM, Cosmic said:

Oh, wow that is a problem. I have a friend on another forum who lives in Germany. I haven't talked to him in a few weeks. I am going to have to get in touch and make sure he is doing okay. I don't know how bad things will get but it seems like some areas are going to be much worse than others. 

Be sure to check on him. I heard things are getting worse week by week. The UK is not doing much better. They are expecting to have rolling blackouts all winter long. Some places are demanding people keep their homes heated to a max of 65 degrees or face fines over it. 

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5 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

Be sure to check on him. I heard things are getting worse week by week. The UK is not doing much better. They are expecting to have rolling blackouts all winter long. Some places are demanding people keep their homes heated to a max of 65 degrees or face fines over it. 

Yes, the UK's electricity is up 80%, because of brainless Boris and his bimbo climate wife, and Australia is going the same way with our electricity going up about 56% in the next year or so.


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12 hours ago, tmcom said:

Yes, the UK's electricity is up 80%, because of brainless Boris and his bimbo climate wife, and Australia is going the same way with our electricity going up about 56% in the next year or so.


We need to get these people out of power. I am all for helping the environment but not at the expensive of millions of people suffering. We have time and we don't need to rush changes. We need to find ways to be practical about this!

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On 10/25/2022 at 10:46 PM, tmcom said:

They want to back the US into a corner in order for the public to want to vote for a one world government and one currency and own nothing BS.

The more I think about it and look at things, it seems like they are banking on people just being either uninformed or misinformed which is likely why people got so upset about Elon buying Twitter and Mark's meta whatever failing. Big tech is very much a part of the plan and they planned to use it to control people but a lot of people woke up and more are waking up, it is ruining it. I expect what Gates said to come to pass.. The next pandemic will be deadly and worse and many will die. No joke, he legit believes this. I am fairly certain the next one will be 100% planned.

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