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The WHCD was a joke. They joked about everything except Covid and Ukraine. Here is the real joke. All that money invested in Covid and Ukraine will suddenly reappear to reelect Biden for four more years. Go ahead and laugh and don't worry I was never any good at predicting the future. Go Green. 
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This is the game they play.

The whole "build back better" is a destruction and remodel of America. They need to destroy everything from entertainment to family values. Sadly, both have been working double time and it shows. They want to destroy cities, small businesses, and even internet privacy and freedom. 

All this to lead up to their 2020 2030 agenda. You will own nothing and be happy. 

They are going to try to push through fed coin this summer. Keep an eye out.

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2 minutes ago, YellowDragon said:

This is the game they play.

The whole "build back better" is a destruction and remodel of America. They need to destroy everything from entertainment to family values. Sadly, both have been working double time and it shows. They want to destroy cities, small businesses, and even internet privacy and freedom. 

All this to lead up to their 2020 2030 agenda. You will own nothing and be happy. 

They are going to try to push through fed coin this summer. Keep an eye out.

And it won't work just like the ratios for the vaccine failed them. In Australia the current gov, tried to fiddle with Super, (401ks) and everyone cracked it or there was strong rebuttal to opening up people savings to gov, fiddling.

The own nothing ideal won't work, and will only cause ugly marches like what happened in France when they tried to up the retirement age, and if they persist will lead to a revolution.

The police and military cannot repel millions of people, only tactical nukes could and that pretty much destroys the citys in the process.

This won't work.

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I think the only way these people get their communist utopia of controlling everything is if they kill billions of people. Not millions, billions. I see people get fed up and fight for much less. I think in America, a civil war is coming and it is going to be the people vs the establishment. They ruined the economy and people like me can't even afford to buy a house, much less even afford to rent something in a safe area. 

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9 hours ago, chrysostom said:

Cling to you bible and gun. You will need the one to keep the other.

It sure seems that way. There is a reason certain places in the world do not allow people to have bibles or even utter the name Jesus without being thrown in prison or worse. Being a slave to man is what they want, being a servant to God destroys their whole narrative. 

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9 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

There is a reason certain places in the world do not allow people to have bibles or even utter the name Jesus without being thrown in prison or worse.

We have two basic threats: Islam which will not tolerate any other religion and communism which will not tolerate any religion. 

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On 5/5/2023 at 4:28 AM, chrysostom said:

We have two basic threats: Islam which will not tolerate any other religion and communism which will not tolerate any religion. 

That is actually a really good way to look at it. I am going to use this next time the subject is brought up. Both are a problem because they reduce freedom and constrict people to form into a way of life "men want" ignoring our God-given freedom. 

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