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Whistleblower Says Feds Have 'Intact' Craft


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I just want to start off by saying that they are only allowing for this information to be "leaked" because they want people distracted away from the fact that the current sitting president of the United States was busted again as being a criminal. He should be in prison for treason. That aside... 



A whistleblower who served in the U.S. military and in several intelligence roles says the federal government has multiple craft of “non-human” origin ― and has been working overtime to cover it up.

“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” David Grusch told NewsNation on Monday evening.

In some cases, agents found more than just vehicles.

“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and, believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true,” he said.



What are your thoughts on this?

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It is probably more likely a distraction from Greers speech on this very subject as well as disclosing to the world half a dozen free energy, (open source) devices to a billion people at least next week.

And the scum of the earth knowing that the genie is about to be released from the bottle and a large loss of power and control, on their part are using high impact rebuttels.

Unless this guy lands one in Central park Washington it doesn't carry much weight.

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No one I know is even talking about aliens or the stuff with Biden, or even the big news with Greers. Everyone is wrapped up in stupid nonsense like trans genocide and the wage gap, like we are stuck in 2010. Where these people should be fighting for equality, they don't day whisper a word of it. Ugg... 

The good news is that the truth is at the surface for a lot of things and we are at the tipping point. Soon the world will be woken up for better or for worse. 

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The only stuff people are talking about in my social circles is the wildfire and that knife issue in France with that crazy man. 

I don't think anyone will care about anything alien related until they show people physical proof. This stuff don't work these days. People don't trust the government or the media enough to believe any of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems like it has already blown over. Like no one is even bringing it up at this point. 

It really was just an attempt to distract people. They are going to keep doing it but I don't think this kind of thing works anymore lol

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