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I was randomly thinking about this the other day after reading a long post on X about it.

I think some people are inherently followers and this benefits them for survival but this also makes them easy targets for people looking to control others. I have seen a lot of people just follow "the current thing" to fit in and be like everyone else. It seems there is some sort of hivemind in the human species that focuses on survival and throws critical thinking out the window in favor of it. A lot of people consider these types of people "stupid" or just ignorant but I think this is what happens when their brain overrides thought in favor of survival and maybe this is down to genetics being passed down from person to person. Like how animals can know something is dangerous without ever having faced it based on ancestry. Thoughts?

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Just like back in the day that everyone just believed certain people were witches based on some sort of suspicion and they killed a bunch of women over it. 

We have these people throughout history and they always seem insanely stupid when they are in the group but if you catch them one on one and have an honest conversation, you will see it isn't ignorance, it is them just being too scared to believe and say things that would get them thrown out of their social circles. 

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10 hours ago, britanica said:

Just like back in the day that everyone just believed certain people were witches based on some sort of suspicion and they killed a bunch of women over it. 

We have these people throughout history and they always seem insanely stupid when they are in the group but if you catch them one on one and have an honest conversation, you will see it isn't ignorance, it is them just being too scared to believe and say things that would get them thrown out of their social circles. 

We need to dunk Tim Flannery in a river though!

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On 10/30/2023 at 12:16 PM, britanica said:

We have these people throughout history and they always seem insanely stupid when they are in the group but if you catch them one on one and have an honest conversation, you will see it isn't ignorance, it is them just being too scared to believe and say things that would get them thrown out of their social circles. 

I noticed on X that a lot of these sorts of people were waking up or at least not agreeing with the hivemind 100% anymore. It is good to see. I think more people will wake up but we need to worry about the damaged caused by the mind virus and hope we can get around to fixing it soon. 

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On 11/2/2023 at 2:13 PM, JRexx said:

I noticed on X that a lot of these sorts of people were waking up or at least not agreeing with the hivemind 100% anymore. It is good to see. I think more people will wake up but we need to worry about the damaged caused by the mind virus and hope we can get around to fixing it soon. 

The problem is the next generation coming up. They aren't on Twitter/X so much, they are mostly on TikTok and these people are pushing for communism across the board. They are out right saying they need America to be destroyed so it can be rebuilt and their communist utopia can exist... Where everyone will own nothing and be happy. Sound familiar? They are mindless tools who will be the first to be shot if it head in that direction. 

Social media has enabled very stupid people with very stupid ideas to persuade other stupid people into believing they have the answers for all their problems. 

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I keep forgetting about TikTok! Ugg... That social platform should have been banned in the US when India banned them. Trump mentioning doing it and just never did it and it still makes me mad. China (CCP) is on record saying they will destroy the US from within and they have been playing the long game. They push a lot of funding into out college campuses, put money in the pockets of politicians, and now they have TikTok warping the brains of the kids. 

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