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White Backfire?


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A lot of nations politicians and leaders have been peddling very racist "anti-white" talk for sometime now. A good 10+ years at this point and it seems that the straw is going to end up breaking the camels back if they don't stop this crap. I am mixed race and I can tell you that my white family members are pretty fed up. Even my aunt who has not a single mean bone in her body is talking like a right wing extremist now... Not in the leftist way but actually saying all immigrants who are non-white need to get kicked out and dragged and beaten if they refuse to leave. 

This was over Thanksgiving and it took me by shock honestly. Like I am all for immigrants and I don't care what color people are but I feel like all this anti-white talk and policy and everything else happening around the world is going to backfire and it is not going to be good. I don't think it would get to Hitler levels of bad but I think we are going to see a lot of nations go back to being "white first" and kicking a lot of minorities out and no longer letting them in. The will start to look more like Japan and China where non-Asian makes up a very small percentage. I think it is only like 5%. 

There is too much tension building and I am worried about it man. 

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We are bringing in new legislation to limit students from overseas since we have record immigration that is making the rent crises worse.

Not to mention shopping centers turning into Chinese shopping centers.

Least our idiot gov, is trying to fix something!

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Immigration is fine when you do it right and legal. Not allowing anyone and everyone to come into your country unchecked. What happens though is a lot of high skilled workers end up moving to other countries leaving behind their own which only ensures future struggles for their own nations. These people should want to stay to better their own nations but they don't. 

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Most white people are unbothered and follow the "just leave me alone" mantra and that is how we ended up with problems like this. I doubt anything will happen but who knows. The younger generations coming up might be different. I read a poll that showed zoomers are overwhelmingly against same sex marriage. No joke. I think they are pushing younger people into more extreme positions again. 

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