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Posts posted by tmcom

  1. 55 minutes ago, chrysostom said:

    "Mickey Mouse Trap" says it all. Think about this. 

    Steamboat Willy is nothing. Even to old people. 

    Yeah l have, Mickey Mouse Trap is a B - Grade horror flick but some elements of it drag you in, (like watching your friends behind some glass while a schychotic Mouse is behind them with a sharp knife).


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  2. Climate change or the emergency part is becoming a joke in my country, (Australia, Victoria is green when this time of year it is usually dry, and we and Queensland are having wall to wall rain, when according to dimwhits we should be having a hot summer).

    Climate change is really a flat earth cult hell bend on power and control!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Cosmic said:

    There are far too many people like this and these are the people that are ruining society for everyone else. They believe their are "informed" and spread lies and get angry when you question the narratives they were fed by the people that took money directly from these pharmaceutical companies. The conflict of interest is enough for any critical thinker to present questions but that is it... These people are not critical thinkers. 

    More than that they cannot or will not entertain the thought that humanity or 16 odd billionaires are schychotic and planned all of this, and will jab up to prove to us tin foil nutters that we are wrong.

    But they are getting seriously ill for the common cold as well as diseases we eradicated a long time ago, not to mention the heart attack thing.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

    I am sorry, I just can't anymore. 

    I am all for people living their lives how they want so long as it is not breaking laws or hurting people but ffs I just can't with this. I am over it. Most of these "trans women" are doing nothing but making a mockery of women in sports, military, etc. It needs to freaking stop already. 

    Agreed she/she whatever above can do that and l agree genius can be developed in a positive environment, but not in a military format.

    I mean she would tell the men she commands to put their guns down and try to reason it out with the opposition force, while the enemy would just shot them in the head one by one and laugh later on about it.

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  5. 2 hours ago, chrysostom said:

    Pope Francis once told a young crowd to "make a mess".  Now we know what he meant. Fiducia supplicans is truly making a mess. It is all about blessing a same sex couple without recognizing their marriage or what they do. Technically it is not changing Church Doctrine. i. e. You can bless sinners without blessing their sins. A distinction without a difference for some. This will create even more division within the Church but who am I to judge? We are all called to judge what the Truth might be even when our leaders don't. Stay and fight. Keep the Faith. 


    Everyone has the freedom to choose, but unfortunately in our day and age we have to know about all too frequently.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Cosmic said:

    If I were to mention anything about Biden or Covid or the shots in a negative light, I will have my one cousin snap "WHAT ABOUT TRUMP!? YOU BELIEVE IN CONSPIRACY AND NOT TRUSTED SCIENCE!? WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR NEWS - MEMES?"... Got into an argument with him over the summer and he lost his mind. Like anytime someone criticizes Biden he pulls out the magic "WHAT ABOUT TRUMP!?"

    I am sorry but people like this are either insane or completely mind controlled. 

    Yes, same crap from my brother a year or two ago when my Mother had her 80 birthday, came over on some emergency carer reason so he could travel further than 5 km's, spouted some crap about coming over angry if my Mother came to harm, (l spent a year previously doing everything l could to stop her from taking the stuff) then  went on about Mass Media saying that Covid was life threatening and the Shots were safe, (while wearing a mask in his car, (we were getting some takeaway)).

    Then after tolerating this crap to the pizza shop, l threw a big bone his way and mentioned, "except Israely News Feed" (they said backed up with charts that the vaccine does not work and the vacced in their hospitals were the ones dying and getting sicker).

    He blew his lid and went nuts, or mentioned that l wasn't good enough to be a son to my Mother, (something like that) after that he didn't want to discuss it anymore and we never have. There is nothing to discuss l am right.

    I predicted years ago this would happen or the vacced apart from being sicker would go more and more insane to support the vac's being safe, and would revert back to 5 year olds to believe in anything MSM said about the subject.

    The Herald Sun last week put a small article in the back of their paper that someone took it a year back then couldn't walk and became paralyzed then died, so even a paper that pushed the vac hard is turning.

    I expect that schychotic behavior is first, (supporting their narrative) then anger then probably insanity since their minds will be between "safe and affective" and "dangerous and useless".

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Cosmic said:

    Mine was mostly quite. We have smaller ones every year it seems. I am not made about it but I just wish there was less bickering and political snaps. Like most people in my family are conservative or moderate so when we have a few that are to the left that show up, things get snippy and it reminds me of high school. 

    Either way it was a good Christmas. Nothing bad happened. 

    I don't say a word when my brother brings up some Covid stuff since Xmas day would be ruined.

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  8. 7 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

    I hope you all had a great Christmas! As per usually, my family was yelling about something and people were complaining about each other to me. Such a fun time of year! LOL Once I am able to have more space, I intend on taking over at least Christmas Eve to prevent people from complaining as much. My house, my rules. haha

    My brother didn't even show up since he and my Mother had a disagreement, so it was quiet and we watched The Voice - John Pharnum/DVD together, well l watched most of it.

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  9. 5 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

    Every year it has gotten worse. Several people in my family complain about not having money for gifts and go on and on about it. I honestly don't care to even participate at this point but I am obligated. I want to just find a way to have them all agree to not do gifts for Christmas next year but I have tried in the past and my mother would get so angry at me yet she is one of the biggest complainers every year. I would much rather just do away with the gift thing or make it so we just do a secret santa thing and everyone just spends a set amount of money and is done with it.

    How can I talk my family into this? I wanna bring it up on Christmas Eve. 

    I would ask for vouchers and or cash only with a card, (a card makes it distinctive and the voucher is just swapping similar monetary values)!

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, britanica said:

    I am more concerned with people getting tech integrated in themselves and doing evil than robots doing evil but that is just me. Like these brain chips we have right now can allow people to have night vision without any tools or anything. Just using their eyes. 


    Just finished watching Moonfall again so l still have "the advanced culture, self aware nano robots destroying everything since it became self aware" still in my noggin.

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  11. 4 hours ago, JRexx said:

    I noticed this stuff is in most countries now and I know it lines up with the social credit score but I think it isn't that simple. 

    The more I looked into it, the more I started to understand. ESG wasn't just a means to make way for the social credit score but it is an actual currency! It is the currency that these people wanted to use as the NWO's one world currency. It would effectively tie together everything. The better your ESG, the more "access" you gain. It is basically a means to justify an end but the good news is that it is tanking and ESG stocks as a whole are crashing world wide. 

    They don't care about diversity or anything of the sort. It is just Marxist dog whistle speech. Communism is knocking on the backdoor though and if people don't wake up we are in for very uncertain times. 

    Which is why Web3 may take off, people wise up and a better way comes out.

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