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Everything posted by tmcom

  1. Sly Fox - Let's Go All The Way - 1985, (posted by the individual who wrote and stared in the music video)
  2. I have doubts about the Star Gate idea, (l have watched them all also) but wormholes connecting all stars in the known universe is likely, (the middle of most stars could create a stable wormhole which would seek out similar anomalies,or other stats). So a race about to connect to one then ride it to another star, (and getting out before being destroyed is plausible). But aliens races, (like in the movies) no not likely, or taking wars to a level where destroying planets is part of that war wouldn't last long. Or the more advanced the bigger the destruction until universes and galaxies are part of the mix, or very advanced races would risk destroying everything to win. Quite insane and it wouldn't happen. Races advanced enough know that bigger better leads to extinction.
  3. I doubt that it is lazes more likely they just stocked up on Napoam and set it off when needed so the fools can say, "look climate emergency". Looks like Biden and his crooked family are going to be impeached soon anyway.
  4. That climate emergency thing, (cyclones are supposed to be more frequent and more severe, they are neither).
  5. About 16 Billionaires are running the planet, and with a few exemptions they are evil and stupid. At the moment with the vaccine failure and the climate emergency failure they are in damage control or trying to push something through, (electronic currency) but their "Boiling planet, hottest month since 1980, or the last 7 million years" is getting quite stupid so much so the harder they try the more wise up.
  6. Not sure about Disney but the head of the creative division at PIXAR will push her theme no matter what, since she see's this company to push her ideal globally! And no doubt she will blame everyone and everything else while she single-handedly destroys that company, (PIXAR will probably be taken over by Activation before gong bankrupt in the next 10 years). I have watched all of the Doc's on PIXAR on the Disney channel, and it is basically all female now with a handful of Yes men, where by before they could get in a room and watch "Saving Elmo" for example and tear it to shreds, (a key reason they had such a winning streak) but now with the woke rules in place no one can say a word. Since if they could someone would have said, "Buzz Lightyear stands for the family unit, (they created buzz from 1950's Comic book heroes) so putting in a lesbian family with that movie is sure to make it flop. That is why Supermario was such a big hit, Disney and Nintendo left it alone, and Mario's family was big so they could have slipped someone in. No PIXAR is gone and apart from putting Puts on it to make a buck they are pretty much toast.
  7. Is l have no announcements! Apart from announcing that there is a new section here on making an announcement!
  8. Agreed in Star Trek it is appropriate, but not in children's movies. It seems that DIsney is in a wrestling match between Walts family unit ideal and modern day themes. But PIXAR shouldn't even be putting gay/lesbian in anywhere on their streaming platform and certainly not in childrens movies, since society refuses to accept them. And at 3 million each and 5 years work, that company is cutting their own throats to try to use their influence to push their cause in an inappropriate format.
  9. Not sure just heard about it. But it seems that PIXAR pushes gay and Lesbian themes and Disney the rest, (PIXAR has tried to push same sex kissing scenes in their movies and Disney wouldn't allow it. And of course PIXAR moaned about it and brought up Californias new rules and Disney had to apoligise but still won't allow it).
  10. The harder they push the stupider this becomes.
  11. No this will be temporary, it is their Woke garbage that will put them under, (they want to rename Snow White, not kidding). PIXAR is already going under since their creative division is being run now by a Lesbian and her umm, wife l guess and their two illegitimate children. John Lassater employed her in the 80's and because of California's silly rules is really all powerful in that company. Most of the men have left that company and their last two motion pictures, (3m each and about 5 years) have flopped since both pushed Gay and Lesbian themes hard in a children's movie. It is sad to see a great company l used to admire go under like this.
  12. Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street 1978
  13. I learned today that what Trump said about Pulaski was hilarious and made my day, (something about him acting like a little scared puppy in court and him replying on Trump Social, that she was a wicked Witch, psychotic and will live in hell).
  14. Probably China, (watched a TY video showing some walking across the road, (zebra crossing) glued to their Smartphones, and getting hit by a car). Worse is the idiots doing a selfie on a cliff edge, l think that these days some think that their magical SF will defy gravity or make them immune to death or disability.
  15. It would benefit people at shopping centres not having to dodge them anymore.
  16. Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody - 1984
  17. It is called a lie and one that has been going for a good 50 years, and now the lie is becoming obvious so being greedy and stupid they ramp it up as far as they can, (Financial Review said this week that our seas are red hot, and that is a climate loony publication) and some WHO guy said that our planet is boiling. it is getting so stupid now it is embarrassing, and sea levels haven't even gone up a cm, (which l point out to my amusement to others who still buy this).
  18. Another misdirection in today's paper saying how the CIA has publically said that they have evidence of alien life, (pellets on the ocean floor from a meteorite that landed hundreds of years ago). But l couldn't find it online?
  19. They wouldn't come here for us, (way too stupid) or Musk publically says that the 18 year old kid playing basketball and almost died of a heart attack had fierce opposition. Even though there is overwhelming evidence, but not for the majority who only listened to biast MSM who have pushed the safe and affective. I read today about their rebuttel to that disturbing mainstream accurate remark in today's paper that have pushed the jab hard for years and are now desperately trying to fight facts with full page spreads about, long Covid, (side affects from lockdown and the jabs) and idiot doctors saying that even the Spanish flu dropped down to cold/flu levels after a few years like Covid has, but it is still deadly??? And that Climate emergency nonsense, yet again overwhelming evidence, (in AU, floods full dams freezing winters and record snow on our mountains) not to mention zero sea level rise doesn't matter how hard to try, (apart from the crap on some sites) if you research it you will never find any rise not even a little, it is just not there. But there is some hope l read today if our electricity prices go up enough per month most will vote against any climate emergency nutcases in power, (the Greens being the exception). The world is pushing the lies hard and more are waking up or finding it harder and harder to stay asleep.
  20. Breaking news the world is boiling! And the ice wall surrounding the flat earth plane protected by ice dragons is also threatened, l mean honesty who buys this crap?
  21. It is all very good hearsay, or entertaining but to be honest it is all fluff. Greer mentioned that Fission thing with lazers pointed at a Deterium pellet to release more entry etc, but to be honest the lazers take 3 phaze for hours on end and it generates enough energy to boil a kettle, so it seems to be a carrot to misdirect humanity from zero point. As Greer gets funding and starts building his facility, this crap will ramp up and fail, l mean with idiots increasing our power costs anything that works will take off!
  22. Cause every time we have tried that in Australia it has ended up as scrap after a storm. You should watch "The Lost Century - Stephen Greer" which is available at Amazon direct, Apple tv and several others, which shows half a dozen systems that work and could end fossil fuel dependency immediately if disclosed. He unfortunately didn't show step by step how to build one, but he wants to make a research lab to develop and share freely those and others.
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