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Everything posted by Cosmic

  1. If anything is going to happen, we are not going to see nukes like in the movies. I don't even think we will see nukes at all. We will see bio-weapons and cyber attacks. Why would he want to destroy land? Why would any world leader want that?
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/fbi-arrests-journalist-steve-baker-over-his-january-6-coverage/ar-BB1jbMPB Steve Baker was ordered to turn himself in this morning. He is and has been an active Blaze journalist for quite some time. This is the kind of stuff you expect to see in Russia, not America. This is very concerning to me.
  3. What scares me is the fact that Google will be painting narratives for the future. They already are. I believe them intervening and pushing propaganda is the reason that active duty air force member took his life. Do not go and watch the video. He lit himself on fire and later died. I feel so bad for him and all these other people that are being manipulated into believing this crap is worth taking their lives. I blame the media and I blame Google for this.
  4. Cosmic


    Trump is not the answer. I will say that. However, he is the path to the answer and even if you don't like him, we need him to win. We need things to turn around. We need to get on a good path again. What the US does and does not do directly impacts the rest of the world. For better or for worse.
  5. Cosmic

    Santos Seat

    What would end up being the plan after the fact though? Cause that is what concerns me. I am also worried these old farts will throw us into a massive war before we even see him take office. This is assuming they let him win. Best believe they are rigging it.
  6. Cosmic

    Santos Seat

    Most republicans are rinos. This is a fact. I think only maybe 10 or 12 people aren't at this point and voters are too stupid and just keep voting for the same criminals who steal from them and ruin their lives. I don't know. I want to be positive but I think it will take a revolution to fix this problem.
  7. Well, that is a whole other level of crazy. I don't know what people are smoking these days but I swear people are getting more and more nutty. My brother-in-law is convinced it has to do with the magnetic fields shifting. Who knows!
  8. I keep seeing videos pop up of mobs of men destroying everything in their path. They appear to be as young as 16 but as old as 50. The recent one I saw was yesterday where there were maybe 15 men destroying cars and smashing windows. They all appear to be middle eastern. Is this because of what is happening in Gaza? I am not familiar enough with the issues over there. We have enough issues in the US to keep me occupied lol
  9. If you are not familiar with this man, he has claimed to have been visited by aliens and has the ability to clone babies. Sounds like something you would find on Reddit and laugh about but sadly, thousands of people follow and believe this man. There is a documentary on Netflix about him - https://www.netflix.com/title/81330942 Have you ever heard of him before? His following was labeled as a cult in France in 1995. His followers are called Raëliens. I am not even kidding. I can't help but agree with France on this one... The dude is running a cult.
  10. I watched a few of the time-marked segments. I was finding it easier to just watch clips people were sharing around since I don't have time to sit through the entire thing right now. Putin was sort of avoiding things but he is clearly with it and smart and he is 100% correct about the US government being corrupt as well as the MSM.
  11. Science cannot explain that kind of stuff. This is why I have always felt we are more than just skin and bones and how we think, speak, and act plays a role in the overall health and value of our life. I believe the bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue. I believe it.
  12. I read so many studies on cancer and it all points to if you give the body what it needs to heal, it will heal itself. So getting your vitamin and mineral levels checked should be the first step. Correct those first. Make sure the person is drinking clean water (not chlorine or fluoridated water) and a good amount of it. Ask how their diet is and what their activity level looks like. When we don't move enough, our lymphatic system doesn't work which leads to a build up of toxins. Sleep is another thing that should be asked about. Treating one small area of the body when it is a massive puzzle that works and functions together never made sense to me.
  13. That is true. There will always be something made to counter things. I mean seeing the AI trends right now is an example of that. AI is being used as filters and to generate fake women for "fantasy purposes" and 4chan apparently made AI that puts clothing on these lewd ladies. It is kind of funny lol
  14. This is something I have worried about for a while. Like it is only a matter of time before there will be cameras EVERYWHERE and we don't even know it. I love the whole meme of pigeons being CIA/FBI tools and birds aren't real. It is funny but we are getting close to a point where they will be making cameras and other devices small enough to be mistaken for bugs. I am not a fan of it.
  15. Cosmic


    Yup but no one ever talks about it. No dealer, no buyer. Well, I am sure some inquire about it and change their mind with buying an EV. Hybrids are still worth it because you save money either way. If you live in Cali, it makes sense to consider an EV... If you live in New York, not so much.
  16. So the governor of Texas declared he is taking authority and securing the border. Several states have stated publicly they support what Texas is going or in Florida and Oklahoma's case, will directly support them with whatever they need. I believe there are 10 states so far backing them. If the Biden admin were to do something against them, it could easily lead to a civil war. Anyone worries about this?
  17. Cosmic


    The battery does not function in cold temps just like in EVs. If you have a straight EV, once it gets cold enough then you just end up burning through power like nothing. The batteries they use in hybrids and EVs are not designed to function in freezing temps. So in the winter, on colder days/weeks my car mostly uses gas but in the summer it is great.
  18. Cosmic


    I have a hybrid and save a lot in the summer but since it snows here in the winter, I don't save much when it is cold out on gas. Either way, it is better than standard IMO. Also, the batteries seem to last longer in hybrids vs EVs because they are not as overcharged or overused. But that is just my experience. I have a Ford Fusion.
  19. I did not like Trump. When he won in 2016 I thought the country was going to get way worse. Not in the same way as the leftists though but that he would just screw up having no political background. I actually felt sick to my stomach. I was happy Hillary didn't win but still. A few years in, I saw that things were improving. People were going back to work. New jobs. Low gas prices. Peace in various areas. By 2019 I was convinced that he indeed was the best president of my lifetime. I thought for sure people would see all this stuff he has done and he would win by a landslide in 2020... But he lost to Joe "blow e'm up" Biden. I am worried that even though Biden (his admin team, lets be real Biden isn't doing crap) has royally screwed us and many other countries over... That people will vote to get shot in the back again. I hope I am wrong. Trump is not going to solve all our problems but he is a step int he right direction.
  20. This is how I view a lot of these people... The LGBT+, the commies, the Marxists, the climate cringe activists, even the WEF... They have replaced God with man-made religions to give them purpose in life and as a scapegoat for all the evil acts they commit to themselves and one another.
  21. So under Biden, America has seen the US get involved in how many wars now? And they have killed how many people at this point? This crap would not have happened under Trump and everyone knows it. The people that lie and saw he would cause WW3 know they are lying. We all know Biden isn't in charge either. Pretty sure Obama never left office. Not to mention the lack of a border in the US. They are spending 85k per year on illegals to feed them and treat them, and give them a place to stay... When the average medium income is 46k of WORKING CITIZENS. I am done with this government. They are going to cause a global war to outbreak and once we have most nations fighting someone, we have WW3.
  22. I saw this. They also made a shooter I think it might be on Steam. I am enjoying the memes and how people are using him. I think it will be some of the funniest content we have seen in years involving the mouse.
  23. Blackrock is firing most of their ESG hires so I think the tides are turning. This is something I just heard about yesterday. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/blackrock-layoffs-coming-firm-matures-esg-pullback-bitcoin-etf-approval This is mostly tied with bad investments hurting stocks and people backing away from ESG or outright refusing to have anything to do with it. I think the climate agenda was a big focus for them and it seems to be backfiring!
  24. Cosmic

    Epstein Island

    I am not sure if there is a thread for this yet but I thought it would be timely! Since all the news is dropping about it again. There is a lot going on and I feel like the latest drops dealing with Trump that completely contradict the court documents shows that we are going to have spinning narratives. Reports are saying that there is video evidence of certain individuals (Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, to name a few) that show them with underage girls. Hillary also had agents threaten a girl's life back in 2007/2008 because she wanted to run for president and the girl at the time was wanting to come forward about her sexual relations with Bill on the Island. OOF. They need to release the videos and the documents on this all. Everything needs to be brought to light and if Trump for some reason does end up guilty, he needs to pay too.
  25. Anytime they mentioned the words inclusive, diversity, equality, or DEI/ESG standards... Just know it is a dog whistle for communism. It is all communism. These people want communism with rainbow colored flags and your blood smeared on the pavement.
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