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Everything posted by Cosmic

  1. Cosmic

    Military Draft

    I see a lot of young men, especially gay young men saying they wouldn't be drafted because they are gay all of the sudden. No one cares about that in the military anymore. In fact, the Navy is known for being loaded with gay men. No one cares! They want to see men who know about guns going to war, not them even though they voted in favor of it. They don't understand that war isn't just guns. Men are needed for medical help, constriction, cleaning, cooking, supplying stock, etc. even basic driving! Some men never even touch a gun!
  2. We have been lied to so much that I don't even know what to believe anymore when it comes to MSM or our government. I am sure things are not much better in other countries. All of them lie. I think lying to protect the public is one thing and I could understand that but these lies seem to benefit the people at the top and that is about it.
  3. I don't either. People don't even completely grasp what that will look like. Many nations right now are divided too. A war would not bring us together, it would rip us to shreds. We have people in the streets all over America supporting terrorists and attacking random people for no reason. You think they will come together if America targets Iran? No, they will likely start another BLM style riot only 10 times worse. Cities do not have the police force to handle that stuff and our military will be focused elsewhere.
  4. The elections in the US have been "fixed" to a certain degree for a long time. We haven't really had an open and fair election since JFK if you look at the numbers and they killed the dude for wanting to be honest with the American people. He had his problems (drugs, women, ect.) but at least he wanted to be upfront with his supporters. I do think part of the reason they took him out is because they viewed him as a security risk to the entire country. They probably thought he would say too much and it would allow for other nations to attack America. But who really knows? At this point, thanks to Google and other large corporations as well as wealthy financial backers... These elections will not be fair for a long, long time. Even thought Trump won in 2016, it was still heavily favored for Hillary to win because they made it to be that way. They did allowed Trump as far as he was because they didn't think he could actually win. They couldn't JFK the dude either which is why they had to ride out his first term and prevent the second.
  5. No. I am honestly just too tired of all the BS. I see all these cities falling apart. I see the open border. The 100k+ a year fentanyl deaths. The criminals being let loose. The inflation going up and up. I got a raise a few years ago and it has been wiped clean by the inflation. I can't afford to buy a house. Rent just went up and I am very close to not being able to afford that now. And here is daddy government helping other countries once again. I can understand why people hate America.
  6. The only therapy to truly "cure cancer" is clean water, clean air, and eating the right foods. You need to have everything balanced in your body in order for it to heal itself. I heard H202 therapy is another option when you need more help but they don't really do that here in the US it seems.
  7. We already seen what fake news and withholding information did in 2020. I always say that I understand not liking Trump but people literally voted for a career criminal and war monger over "orange man bad" who showed us that he wanted to make peace agreements around the world and gave us one of the best economies ever.
  8. I am really getting made that a bunch of people are calling for this war to get even worse. Like who the heck wants WW3? I don't! The more I see people doing the "I stand with Israel" or "free Palestine" nonsense, the more hope I loose in humanity. They are acting like this is some sort of sports game.
  9. There are reasons to say Palestinians have every right to be mad and many of their people were mistreated but to boldly stand up and say the actions of raping, abusing, and murdering children and women that had nothing to do with this conflict and then parading them around is something to stand with says it all. People that supported and still support BLM are supporting Marxist terrorists.
  10. I still can't help but laugh at the people saying Trump is going to start WW3. They were literally crying over it. And now look where we are and they just pretend like this was never common speaking point.
  11. I would not be surprised to learn that this was intentional. They don't want healthy people they want passive, healthy "enough" to work people. Unhealthy people fund their biggest industries after all.
  12. Obama winning a nobel peace prize after killing a 16 year old American about sold the ship on this award. They will give it away to just about anything and anyone at this point. I am just so tired of all the nonsense. I feel like we live in reality TV. Wasn't there a movie with Jim Carey about this? Like he was stuck in reality TV and didn't know it?
  13. I understand this. I think a lot of people feel this way but are too scared to say anything about it because they will be labeled "transphobic" but I think it is "womanphobic" and "childphobic" not to at this point. I saw a father transing his 4 year old boy... I just about lost it. How is this logical at all? I thought I was a dinosaur at the age of 4...
  14. So I saw some articles floating around and people talking about this stuff. They are finally cracking down on trans women pushing and forcing themselves into women's spaces. I have been saying it for the last several years, women need their own space and if trans women need a space too, it has to be in addition to, not in place of. You can't allow trans women into women's locker rooms, sports, and other spaces where they are meant to feel protected. I am very much live and let live but I draw the line here. I believe they are in the process of banning trans women from female sports as well charge/fine doctors for using terms that degrade women like "birthing person". I tend not to use the word "based" but it seems fairly based lol Anyone from the UK here? You think this is a good thing?
  15. Oh right, like how they want to make it too expensive for most people to drive. Maybe that is the end goal with everything. Not to outlaw it, just to make it very very hard. People can grow indoors though so if it ever came down to it, that is what I would be doing.
  16. They can use this against people too though that is what worries me. Look at how they can already manipulate the rain and cause earth quakes, this will probably just help to do other sorts of storm systems if anything else. I don't trust the evil people at the top. I just don't.
  17. That is something I never understood. They say it is colder than earth yet there are puddles on the surface. I am not entirely convinced that the sun and the distance from it play as big of a role in temps on planets. I am sure does to a certain point but if the earth has a hot core, mars likely does as well and would account for the temps more so than the sun. Maybe the surface is actually quite warm but because the atmosphere of the planet got messed it, the actual temps can self regulate anymore.
  18. I haven't heard anyone really even talk about it since posting this so if I had to guess, this is not going to be used to benefit us as a country. I don't even know if most people are paying enough attention to this sort of stuff for it to matter.
  19. I would say they failed. I mean sure, it has not killed off the number of people they had hopped but they got shown that a lot of people are sheep and they can abuse them over and over again and they will still follow. That is what scares me about a lot of this stuff. The mindless millions that march behind bad ideas.
  20. I have seen way too many movies and read way too many stories about this sort of thing going wrong. I am just for it. I don't think it is a good idea that we do most of the crap we do in labs much less this. It is going to cause problems. I just hope, for all our sake, it doesn't get to a point where it is so bad we are forced under ground.
  21. He posted a video about it a little bit ago. This deals mostly with the UK's government. Sadly, they are going to continue this. Going after anyone that tells people to think for themselves and spreads truth. They want to shut people like him down so corporate media and big tech can continue to scam us and lie to us. The people at YouTube (Google) are disgusting cowards.
  22. I wouldn't mind seeing it come back and be trendy again. I don't think it ever fully went away though. The indie gaming scene has kept it alive. I believe Konami is going to be making a remake of an older game as well.
  23. A bit of an update, she is STILL trying to ban guns. She needs to be removed. People need to act on it now cause this crap will spread. She needs to not only be removed but charged as a criminal against the people.
  24. I spotted this. No one is really talking about it though. I will link a few stories below. What could this mean for US independence? Could this be the break the US economy has needed? Will they sell it off or actually use it? I have to wonder what will come of this discovery. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/a-15-trillion-discovery-was-just-made-in-the-middle-of-a-nevada-supervolcano/ar-AA1gCqBJ https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Slumbering-US-Supervolcano-Holds-15-Trillion-Worth-Of-Lithium.html
  25. They basically said the bare minimum to not get people mad. I will say though, a lot of leftists and liberals are siding with the guns. That is nice to see. I want everyone to be on the same page again. It is about OUR freedom. The government wants us at each other's throats.
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