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Everything posted by Cosmic

  1. I have seen way too many movies and read way too many stories about this sort of thing going wrong. I am just for it. I don't think it is a good idea that we do most of the crap we do in labs much less this. It is going to cause problems. I just hope, for all our sake, it doesn't get to a point where it is so bad we are forced under ground.
  2. He posted a video about it a little bit ago. This deals mostly with the UK's government. Sadly, they are going to continue this. Going after anyone that tells people to think for themselves and spreads truth. They want to shut people like him down so corporate media and big tech can continue to scam us and lie to us. The people at YouTube (Google) are disgusting cowards.
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing it come back and be trendy again. I don't think it ever fully went away though. The indie gaming scene has kept it alive. I believe Konami is going to be making a remake of an older game as well.
  4. A bit of an update, she is STILL trying to ban guns. She needs to be removed. People need to act on it now cause this crap will spread. She needs to not only be removed but charged as a criminal against the people.
  5. I spotted this. No one is really talking about it though. I will link a few stories below. What could this mean for US independence? Could this be the break the US economy has needed? Will they sell it off or actually use it? I have to wonder what will come of this discovery. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/a-15-trillion-discovery-was-just-made-in-the-middle-of-a-nevada-supervolcano/ar-AA1gCqBJ https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Slumbering-US-Supervolcano-Holds-15-Trillion-Worth-Of-Lithium.html
  6. They basically said the bare minimum to not get people mad. I will say though, a lot of leftists and liberals are siding with the guns. That is nice to see. I want everyone to be on the same page again. It is about OUR freedom. The government wants us at each other's throats.
  7. I never heard of him talking about it. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. I don't really follow sports so I wouldn't have even heard about this if it was not for this thread! lol I do also think this is just for distraction purposes. What else is new though? I noticed politicians do love this. Remember all the dumb campaigns they did trying to get young adults to vote?
  8. Cosmic

    Civil War?

    Weak men create hard times. Will this end in a civil war? There is a chance of that but we have very weak leaders not just in the US but around the world. Leaders that are destructive, ignorant, and honestly out of touch with their own people. I think we will see a lot of people wise up and get more critical thinkers in positions of power (politics) that will be able to bring good change. Right now, in the US at least, we have leaders that are only looking to benefit themselves and it is backfiring.
  9. I think they are going to try to tank the market so they can put everyone on fed coin. They really need their one world currency thing to pull all their plans off, especially when people have guns still.
  10. Can I say a movie I would not recommend? I got dragged into going to see the Barbie movie and I hated most of it but I will be honest, Ken was the shining star of the movie. I actually felt bad for him. The entire movie just has Barbie and friends crapping on him while he is pouring his heart and soul out to her. Yikes.
  11. I am not a fan of DeSantis. I know Vivek has ties to big pharma but recently, Ron is under fire for having ties to sex change pharmaceuticals which counteracts everything they claims to be fighting. I love him as a governor but as a president or VP... I don't think so.
  12. Expect to see more and more of this. Do not get shocked if we do find out that this is what was happening in Canada, and what happened in Hawaii. There is a lot more to the stuff in Hawaii though. A lot of things were purposely ignored. That was very clearly an inside job. Either way, these eco-terrorists are going to get worse.
  13. Well he said the climate change agenda is a hoax. He still believes in climate change, to what degree I am not sure. I think he is a good guy. I would like to believe that. I agree more with his thoughts, ideas, etc. than I don't but he is fairly new and comes from big pharma (a background in it) so I am going to need him to earn my trust. A lot of people are saying it will be a Trump Vivek ticket.
  14. There is a lot of things not adding up with this fire and many other "wild fires". I just don't trust people at the top anymore. People with all the wealth and power... It just all seems like things are being done intentionally. I am rational with most things but history has shown us time and time again what absolute power does.
  15. It probably won't last but they are bleeding money even without all this controversy. I have to wonder if this is with intent to destroy Disney entirely and everything the man created. I see politicians pushing stuff they have to know will hurt their countries and you would have to imagine their are either evil or insanely stupid.
  16. The boycotts with Budlight and Target in the US have been... Bad. Both companies have taken MASSIVE hits and continue to lose money. Now a bunch of people are calling for a boycott on Disney. I have not been into anything related to Disney since I was a teen. I don't even know what they do at this point other than horrible remakes. I have not watched anything by Disney in well over 10 years now. Nor have I bought anything related to the company. Do you think they will actually face a huge loss?
  17. Supposedly, lightening had started the fire. It just seems strange that the property of all the rich elites on the island was untouched. I can't help but feel like this was done on purpose but that is just me. The way Biden said "no comment" when questioned about the crisis made my skin crawl and my blood boil. What an absolute disgrace that disgusting old man is.
  18. Corrupt people will end up using this against most people. Either to remove freedom or to gain more wealth, likely both. Either way, we are all heading in a bad direction. Most people will willfully walk right into it too. They already are by the millions.
  19. I have no proof of any of this but this is purely my speculation. I want to make that clear. So these "Chinese Weather Balloons" were seen going over Alaska, Canada, Hawaii and other areas. Where has there been "natural wild fires" happening? Alaska is about to face one next. I believe these "balloons" were mapping out zones for them to use lasers to start fires. Now you may be asking "why and what purpose does this have?" Well, it is two-fold. One is that it pushes climate crisis propaganda of which we know the rich become richer from but also it has very much to do with land. All that damaged land in Hawaii will need to be bought up to be fixed. They cannot afford to fix it all themselves. It will become a commercialized hub for Chinese investors as well as Blackrock and the like. The land in Canada will likely be bought up as well. They destroy it and make it cheaper for themselves. Then you have the pollution these fires cause which leads to death, damage, and unhealthy people. Population control is something all these people want. Share your thoughts on all this.
  20. I thought having a thread like this can be fun. You can just top by anytime you learned something new about anything to share with everyone. So I will start off this thread with something I was honestly shocked by... Donald Trump has never drank any alcohol. Not so much as a drop. I don't know why or what made him decide this but I was shocked when I heard this because in my mind, all major business men drink. He has never done any drugs either. I guess his children won't even drink in his presence either out of respect. Crazy.
  21. Yes. I think we have had enough proof as to why this is a problem too. People are not designed to have this much constant access to information. It not only hinders free thought but cripples creativity and self identity. Is it any wonder why so many younger people don't even know who they are?
  22. My wake up call for this was when Obama bought beach front property. lol It is all a scam and I do hope and pray that people, enough people are paying attention and remove these nutjobs from power before it is too late.
  23. I won't even pretend to understand all the ins and outs of food production but I do know historically speaking, if it is made in a lab, it causes problems. Looks at what GMO corn does. There are lab studies, several of them, that document rapid tumor growth in mice.
  24. It seems like they unearth these sorts of things every few years. I think they had been previously found but just not made a fuss over. I like to see the old tools and things used but speculating on how they are used is another thing. I have heard of people getting that stuff wrong on numerous occasions lol
  25. I think that the uses in terms of helping people walk again and things like that are fine but it needs to be treated with care and respect. I don't like the eugenics side of it though. Enhancing people and everything. I feel though this is where it will all lead to.
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