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Mars Curiosity Stealth Mission


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Ok, a new thread for a new forum, and as you can see the first video which l did 7 years ago, shows that l have been scouring through Curiosity images since it landed, and making a lot of discoveries alone the way.

This video was done 7 years ago, but still has some hard hitting material.

And this very recently, with a lot more hard evidence, (this shows what l have found over the last few years, or the highlights).

So sit back, enjoy and be enlightened. :classic_happy:



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Top images, at sunset show no dark blue sky, and the right hand one shows plants, (Color Picker, Photoshop "CP" shows green) with the bottom image showing what looks like a childrens depiction of the rover, (Doesn't look like an evil race ready to enslave us, to me)?


Sun is still setting, with a bright blue/white sky, NASA should be ashamed.



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Ok, right, the rover cam, turrent, middle/left plant life, (middle, left CP shows strong grass green).


Top, Mars real sunsets,  or all cream/orange clouds.

Bottom ones are my favorite, arrows show the rover, (left, right) but take a look at the green blob on the right, (CP shows very strong grass green) with the blue hills and orangy clouds just visible. Or definitely not the rover, or a plant on Mars in other words.

Dead rock, lol, sure.




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  • 2 weeks later...


Bottom, what appears to be a landscape of plants, and top, (l thought that this might be rock carvings, but later realized that it is the rover, red arrow) and also thought that the things on the right where stand alone plants, (blue arrow) but after a lot of studying they are unfortunately the rovers wheels and support frame.




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Interesting image, showing distant blue mountains and things sticking up inbetween the rovers and hills, (pretty obvious from some of the details that they are not rocks).


And this, (not the rover or shadows of the rover) showing scraggly, green things everywhere, (if you want to see what alien plant life looks like, here you go).




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Ok, left, the sun on the left and it is reflecting off some shiny surface, probably a lake. Right hand images, this, (arrow) could be the Mars/NASA all blue sunset, NASA keeps saying this is the only sunset there is, but if you look at the surrounding sky, the blue is localized, so an interesting anomaly but not an all blue sunset.




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The sun is still setting and has an overcast sky.


Took me a while to figure this one out, but the sun is on the far right, and the orange is the suns rays bouncing off the clouds.

The freestanding, green thing, (arrow) either part of the rover or a plant of some kind, Color Picker on Photoshop, (CP) has shown me strong green.




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  • 3 weeks later...


First one up the top showed these strange things, that the CP said where plants, but l wasn't going to post unless l got confirmation in other reflective rocks.

Bottom/right is the best one, or seems to show a landscape of plants dotting the landscape, (the white things are not the rover, and resemble the tall plants that grow near dams on Earth).




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Right hand image doesn't give away much detail, apart from confirming the bushes dotting the landscape on the left.

Mars rover, black arrow, bushes green, or you have the rover looking back at us, with tall bushes behind it, and blue mountains behind that. And most of these bushes are showing yellow/green with only one showing strong green, and a few browns as well, or most are dead or dry. We know Mars has rain from earlier Sols, so it must be the area?

Doesn't matter if it is here or Mars, NASA lies about the environment/climate.




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Most likely a martian plant.


And these are, (CP shows strong green) and the one on the far right, has a flower up top.

Bottom image shows it up close, with a large, purple, flower up top. IF there are flowers then there are birds and bee's.

Yeah, dead rock. :classic_cool:



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