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Mars Curiosity Stealth Mission


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10 hours ago, YellowDragon said:


There are very sharp corners, too sharp to just be a rock. You can also see it more after adjusting the saturation, brightness, and contrast a bit. The light hits as you would expect it to through a doorway or hallway. This is pretty strange if you ask me. Something is up and they aren't really addressing it. 

Agreed, the sharp angles are showing that a mirror type door is there, but sure NASA will dismiss it. NASA only shows indirect evidence that Mars is Earthlike and inhabited, since they figure that the population may go bananas, and of course the free energy thing.

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Looks like a dirt road, and probably a sign of some kind.


Always gotta be careful with images like this since the Rover is reflected back to us, but this just looks too alien to be the rover, (the rover has no blue on it for starters nor something that looks like a face) nor has the land cleared around it.

Business or private home, who knows.


Left of this rock, the rover in the middle, blue hills, distant sky and these tall shapes dottering the landscape, (probably plants or tall prickles, seen these plenty of times over the years).



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On 8/27/2022 at 11:51 PM, tmcom said:


Going by enhancing it, it only goes in as far as the sun is hitting the floor, and after that the rover is being reflected back, either with shiny rocks or a reflective door.

One of my videos at the start of this thread show a door with handles, on Mars which l found years ago.

What do you think they could be hiding? Like do you have any of your own theories?  

As I said, I really do feel like we have been on Mars before and maybe we nuked it through war or something. We had to escape and went to the closest planet which was earth. 

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7 hours ago, Cosmic said:

What do you think they could be hiding? Like do you have any of your own theories?  

As I said, I really do feel like we have been on Mars before and maybe we nuked it through war or something. We had to escape and went to the closest planet which was earth. 

Initially they hid Mars being earthlike and inhabited, on the grounds of a report done in the 50's, showing that most of us would go nuts if that was disclosed to the world. And now, they know that they cannot keep this hidden forever, but are delaying it for as long as they can, since a civilization about 1000 years ahead of us, will disclose their free or overunity devices and or their propulsion systems, which leads to antigravity and limitless energy.

Both can be militarized on Earth, and one will lead to free energy and oil stocks plunging, and that is something that the elites of this world cannot allow.

So they release this as a trickle so the foolish can ignore it, and the smart can grasp it, and NASA will quite ironically tell the world when they circle Mars and land on Phobos, (and show HD images of the monolith) probably 2033.

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On 8/28/2022 at 11:17 PM, tmcom said:

Agreed, the sharp angles are showing that a mirror type door is there, but sure NASA will dismiss it. NASA only shows indirect evidence that Mars is Earthlike and inhabited, since they figure that the population may go bananas, and of course the free energy thing.

There are some people who believe that Mars had life that moved to the earth and we set a deal with them to protect them so only some people know they are here because they can shape shift. This leads into that whole "greys among us" theory. And we are "fixing" Mars so they can return home. It is crazy to think something like this could have happened but at this point, I am not completely dismissing it. 

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12 hours ago, YellowDragon said:

There are some people who believe that Mars had life that moved to the earth and we set a deal with them to protect them so only some people know they are here because they can shape shift. This leads into that whole "greys among us" theory. And we are "fixing" Mars so they can return home. It is crazy to think something like this could have happened but at this point, I am not completely dismissing it. 

I am sure some are here, and by the year 2050 we will be running into them at shopping centers and not batting an eyelid.

Mars is already populated in the areas with the most protection from solar radiation, but most of the planet is desert, so there is most likely plenty of room for us, in those areas.

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On 8/30/2022 at 11:23 PM, tmcom said:

Initially they hid Mars being earthlike and inhabited, on the grounds of a report done in the 50's, showing that most of us would go nuts if that was disclosed to the world. And now, they know that they cannot keep this hidden forever, but are delaying it for as long as they can, since a civilization about 1000 years ahead of us, will disclose their free or overunity devices and or their propulsion systems, which leads to antigravity and limitless energy.

Both can be militarized on Earth, and one will lead to free energy and oil stocks plunging, and that is something that the elites of this world cannot allow.

So they release this as a trickle so the foolish can ignore it, and the smart can grasp it, and NASA will quite ironically tell the world when they circle Mars and land on Phobos, (and show HD images of the monolith) probably 2033.

It makes sense why they would hide something like this. People rely so much on energy in farming and day to day life that this is the only way they can consistently make money off people. This is why they don't want people growing their own produce and running their own mini-farms. They want us all in cities fully relying on production lines they control the costs of.

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On 8/31/2022 at 11:15 PM, tmcom said:

I am sure some are here, and by the year 2050 we will be running into them at shopping centers and not batting an eyelid.

Mars is already populated in the areas with the most protection from solar radiation, but most of the planet is desert, so there is most likely plenty of room for us, in those areas.

Do you think they have an underground civilization or something? There is so much about space I feel like we are being lied to about and it almost certainty has to do with money. And honestly, with how people are these days, I am not sure many people would even care. 

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2 minutes ago, YellowDragon said:

Do you think they have an underground civilization or something? There is so much about space I feel like we are being lied to about and it almost certainty has to do with money. And honestly, with how people are these days, I am not sure many people would even care. 

The Nazi's found some Sank-script literature talking about aliens or grays in the Arctic in a cave, and went there with a Submarine. Which lead to a pact and the Nazi UFO thing.

And most likely that is where the UFO or shuttle came from which the Apollo astronauts kept seeing going to the moon and on it.

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On 9/3/2022 at 12:56 PM, tmcom said:

The Nazi's found some Sank-script literature talking about aliens or grays in the Arctic in a cave, and went there with a Submarine. Which lead to a pact and the Nazi UFO thing.

And most likely that is where the UFO or shuttle came from which the Apollo astronauts kept seeing going to the moon and on it.

Hmm, interesting. I never really looking into nazi stuff on that end. I had no idea they even had alien in-tell or anything of the sort. I only know about the generic war stuff everyone is taught in school as well as the US bringing their scientists back here and their use of the research in mind-control through manipulation. 

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  • 1 year later...


Well back in it again, the blob in the middle is the rovers reflection in this rock and the stuff behind it rising into the air is its dust).

If Mars atmosphere is so thin,...yeah, (apologies for the crudeness just got back into this).



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  • 2 weeks later...


Reflective rocks always give it away, (blue sky even before color correction) and the rover shows the same, (although upside down).


Next water droplets all over the rover, (ignore the top one). Which may be from the warm Freon liquid moving through these pipes but the plate as well?

I may pass this off as condensation, (since the previous images shows clear skys) but l have found water drops all over the rover and puddles on the ground with overcast sky's so.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Craters full of water, (the top one shows clear water over some white rocks and where there is water...).


I thought that these things were tree's but the color analysis only shows a light coffee color at best so some natural anomaly.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Been a while...


Martian landscape with blue sky and this strange dark thing on the right near the rover that appears to be a dust devil which is picking up far more dark soil than it should.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Top images show what looks like buildings of some kind and these white structures spanning most of the horizon which looks like a town or city.

And the lower images just to show some rocks on Mars are very reflective, (left part of the white rover are being reflected back and right the rover and its path behind it, which almost looks like the local grays or reptilians or maybe humans dug out a path for the rover as it was too rocky for it to drive though, (the dirt color is pretty clear and looks intentional or man? Made).



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Doesn't matter if it is false color or not both show Mars blue Earth like sky not red.


This shows a sandy area with a shallower area cut into the sand which also appears to be glistening in the sun or in other words a brook with clear water on Mars which means an underground spring or rain but either way it puts a nail in the coffin with the BS air pressure NASA feeds us.



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On 6/18/2024 at 12:04 PM, Cosmic said:

It almost seems like there was a war with technology many years ago. I am sure they are probably hiding something or maybe they don't fully understand it yet. Who knows! 

I would say NASA knew about this since they first landed Viking in 1977, which they originally wanted to land it in the middle of the pyramids/face area the  space probes showed but changed it since it would blow the lid on it all, (if they disclose that Mars is habitable then that opens up "is there intelligent life there now" which opens up free energy and antigravity which threatens oil.

NASA's latest rebuttal so Musk doesn't get any ideas, (couldn't find it but it goes alone the lines that no gravity will lead to Kidney failure) doesn't want anyone to land on Mars even though it is only a matter of time.

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Found some green, (and green things dotting the nearby hillside) that seem to be showing tall plant life or trees.

Lower image is clearly Photoshopped or blurred intentionally and this object does have green on it but l will get back to that.


Next image top shows some more green, (photoshop color tool) and this lower image that looks like the rover is passing underneath one of these tree's.


The seed pods are greenish and the stems more brown and this rock is showing us what the rover is passing under and the first image most likely one of those pods on the ground.

desert willow

This is as close as l could get on Earth except quite ironically the Martian one is greener.

The rover passes underneath a tree and we hear nothing should at least get front page news globally with a headline like "MARS HAS LIFE".

No wonder they are making up crap about going to Mars being hazardous to health don't want Musk to land near one of these things and realize that the air pressure/temperature ranges and low oxygen content are 45 year old lies.



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Saw these dust things in the distance might be a road of some kind. And this long hollow tube glistening in the sun, that l am trying to figure out whether it is the rover or not.


On closer inspection very hard to tell.



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A green landscape or at least a dry landscape dotted with plants and tree's. The color picker regardless of false color or not shows a strong green, and even though these JPL pains try to cover it all up enough gets through, (left hand image shows what looks like a pine tree even though JPL tried to blue the trunk).


Obvious plant or tree on the rovers left and you don't get a strong green like this on Mars, (rover has no green color).



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Great find today or Mars Real landscape, (blue hill shrubs and tree's dotting the landscape and the tall thing with an arrow is a plant or probably a prickle)


And another for the skeptics, with the same tall prickle, and green shrubs or trees in the distance.



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