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Everything posted by britanica

  1. I thought the same thing but the way it runs is different from everything else. Like if you sign up on one instance and get banned from it, you still have your account and posts and can migrate to another one. It is basically set up like Reddit but in Twitter form. Minus all the ego heavy authoritarians and pedo sympathizers that run things behind closed doors.
  2. I sure hope this is the case. I am starting to not feel as good about his lack of changes. I mean he is meeting with people and organizations that ruined that platform and directly interfered with the election. And I think he is purposely waiting to unban people until after the election just so people don't blame him when the democrats in the US lose.
  3. I saw this. He was meeting with some people and organizations that are on the far left and made up of very toxic unreasonable people. The one organization was responsible for buying bots during the last election! I am not going to get my hopes up anymore. I really feel like he is Jack 2.0
  4. Twitter has already improved, just for the humor and the fact that the media can't keep peddling out lies like they want to. I don't care why Elon bought it, even if it is to help his AI bots or whatever, if it improves the platform and works as a safe space on the internet for people to share opinions, news, facts, or just utter nonsense I am all for it. We need to be able to speak freely and not have our voices cut off. People will have bad ideas, opinions, and say naughty worse. We are meant to be adults. People need to learn to deal with it.
  5. All over the US, there have been increased reports of UFO sightings and a lot of people were growing concerned over this because most of the media has just outright ignored it. Well, leave it to the American government to declare these sightings as "spies" or simply "flying trash". https://www.thestate.com/news/state/south-carolina/article267929392.html https://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-attributes-ufo-sightings-spies-165617857.html There are several stories floating around, and of all days, on Halloween. I think this was intentional because they know a lot of people won't be paying attention to much news.
  6. There was most certainly a point in history where we were curing things and making amazing breakthroughs but it wasn't gaining enough money. That is modern medicine. It isn't cures or "treatment" and it isn't preventative medicine, it is suppressing symptoms long enough for something else to go wrong so they can make money. They don't want to kill us, just keep us sick and reliant enough on their broken system to keep paying.
  7. The more I think about it and look at things, it seems like they are banking on people just being either uninformed or misinformed which is likely why people got so upset about Elon buying Twitter and Mark's meta whatever failing. Big tech is very much a part of the plan and they planned to use it to control people but a lot of people woke up and more are waking up, it is ruining it. I expect what Gates said to come to pass.. The next pandemic will be deadly and worse and many will die. No joke, he legit believes this. I am fairly certain the next one will be 100% planned.
  8. There was someone in the US who recently said that cures hurt profits. I can't remember who it was but it was someone in the pharmaceutical industry of course. What a load of BS these people are full of. I have heard of so many cures for different things over the years but they suppress everything. I can't remember the doctor's name but he was in prison over seas and since he was a doctor he was allowed to treat fellow prisoners but they refused to give him any medicine so he had to work with what he had, which was only water. He ran an experiment and found out that increasing water intake helped cure or greatly reduce over 80% of the inmates problems. JUST WATER! I heard about the above cure though. No doubt they will continue to suppress it.
  9. They say that our diesel has not been this low since the 2008 recession. It doesn't mean it will run out but they are hardly making any moves to replenish it. It almost seems as if they want the democrats to lose. Like they want themselves to lose. It makes no sense what they are doing.
  10. Tons of movies and books exist about the concerns of an AI becoming too intelligent. The most popular one appears to be the story of The Terminator. With the direction we a heading, do you think we should have concerns? Elon Musk has his own robot he is working on that will do basic labor tasks and work "for us". But what if that is only for now?
  11. I hope you are right. Everything I am seeing is saying otherwise. I keep seeing things about everything crashing. Like the fuel alone is expected to hit well over $100 a barrel. That would mean gas (petrol) would cost $10+ a gallon eventually. Food and production costs shoot up from there.
  12. It seems like in the US, interest rates keep going up and the stock market keeps dropping. That is a clear indication that we are facing bad times. I am not sure how bad things will get but I feel like most people are not prepared for it if it comes. I also know a lot of wealthy people are buying up property in places like Idaho, out in the farmlands. I wonder why... Maybe they are preparing an escape plan if everything goes up in smoke. Should we be preparing for another Great Depression?
  13. Jordan is an amazing man. Such a hero to millions of men. He is right. There are loads of books and information on how these tactics work. I have seen them do it for several years now in the US. I started paying attention back in 2010. It is amazing how easily they manipulate people. So much has changed in the last 12 years in this country, I can tell you I don't even recognize it anymore. Especially online spaces. People have gone insane!
  14. I learned about this years ago. I tried getting my mom to help my grandma with it. That and lemon juice both do wonders. Sadly, she was in a nursing home and no one there would do anything natural based. I am not sure if it works but I know for minerals, they get absorbed through the skin. I wonder if applying coconut to the skin helps?
  15. With aliens? No, I can't say I ever have. I still get creeped out over that scene in Signs where the guy is in the closet watching the Mexican news channel and they show the alien for the first time. If I ever saw one, I am not sure what I would do. lol
  16. Are you really surprised? lol I think there are issues we will face if we don't start to change things but we are talking at least 200+ years from now. I think we do need to make changes to be better and do better for the wildlife... But the people behind this "climate crisis" BS are just milking a known problem to force people into a complete state of government dependence. I will not be surprised if people will soon be banned from flying but do you think the rich with their private jets will be?
  17. The History Channel posted this a month or so ago on their YouTube channeled. I thought I had shared it on here but it may have been on another forum. Either way, they explore the top 4 alien encounters and they are chilling! Did you hear about these stories?
  18. I don't know if it was a policy that altered people's accounts outside the US. My guess is if they did go through with it, they would have rolled it out elsewhere in other countries over 3 months. Their stock dropped 5% because of this. I think Elon Musk tweeted to people to tell them to close their accounts. And as for the WEF thing, I think you are right. I do see protests but it seems like they try their hardest to suppress them.
  19. I didn't see a thread for this but I thought it was worth talking about. This group of wealthy elites has a vision for our future. By our future, I mean everyone not in the 1% in terms of wealth. They not only want to remove our ability to drive and travel through a supposed "climate crisis", they want us to give up meat - live in pods (in tightly packed cities) - eat bugs - have no privacy - and own NOTHING. This sounds like some sort of conspiracy but it isn't. They legit talk about this stuff but most people ignore it. Do you think they will succeed with their plans?
  20. Technology has hit a point where we have greatly benefited from it, so much so, the script is going to be flipped and it will be used against us. Image a world government who has the ability to control everything you do. That is where we are heading if the power that be allow for it. It will be like the CCP in China but worse.
  21. Same with my family. I can't tell you how many times I told my own mother to stop using the platform. She has fallen for scams on there a number of times. She is only on there to basically see what her social circle is doing. She just judges everyone and gets all in a bad mood. It seems pointless. Then my sister goes out of her way to post and share things on Facebook without even telling the family and then gets mad when no one knows what is going on in her life.
  22. I think if you give the body what it needs and some time, it sorts a lot of issues out but you need to be aware of whether or not you are the one causing the harm. Like if you are eating something that is damaging the body and you keep eating it, the cancer is less likely to go away.
  23. I have been hearing more and more stories on this subject. They have yet to figure out how or why this happens. I watched a video several years ago where a doctor said most breast cancer heals itself. This is why you didn't really hear a lot about it until they started pumping out expensive tests and scans to "check" for it. By the way, those boob crushers increase the odds of tumors forming so I hope they stopped using them. Either way, I find this aspect of the human body really interesting. Even more so when you read studies about it happening in other species like mice and rats. I think if they could figure out how and why the body does this, they can help people's bodies that don't fight it off to do so... But maybe they already know what it is and how ti works? Maybe they just want to keep making money off it. Also, there is word that there will be a vaccine coming out in the next few years that claims to treat most if not all cancer. I am sure it will be deemed a the greatest medical breakthrough of the last few decades but I wouldn't trust it.
  24. I know there are a lot of stories floating around like this with different people but the only one I fully believe is Justin Trudeau being the son of Fidel Castro. I don't care what anyone says! He looks too much like him.
  25. I only heard of these in passing when reading or watching something else. I never really looked into them much further. So is the mystery how they came to be and why they are there, or how they just ended up there to begin with? I would imagine finding them in strange areas would make anyone question things since those large ones had to be impossible to transport back then.
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