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Everything posted by britanica

  1. This is interesting. Glad you tested this out. A lot of people would not bother with going through with it. It seems like we have so much knowledge online these days that things can easily get mixed up. There is likely something to this though.
  2. This is some good info and informative takes on everything for sure. It still makes me mad that we could have had light bulbs that lasted for "life" (something like 50 years) but they decided to market them and sell people ones that always needed to be replaced which just added to the waste issue on the planet.
  3. Does anyone here know a lot about graphene? I keep hearing more and more people talk about it as a means to make better energy sources that could greatly reduce waste, save money, and change people's lives. I guess it is just a matter of learning how to harness it?
  4. I see this all the time still. I mean I know not everyone owns a flagship phone but all smartphones have decent cameras these days. May not be the best but they are certainly not looking like something that came from 2003.
  5. I have never heard about some nazi deal. I have heard of the moon thing. Do you have any information about the nazi deal and what happened there?
  6. britanica

    Trump Tv

    I think the Hunter laptop is a BIG story. Bigger than we can even imagine. We just have to wait for the truth to come out. I feel like Biden has some massive ties to treason.
  7. When you have no moral compass, you can easily flip flop on what is right and what is wrong. These are the types of people who would have wanted to keep slavery around and would have been the people turning in Jewish people.
  8. There were loads of people silenced on Reddit for their concerns over the vaccines. They were having bad reactions and Reddit mods kept deleting them or ghosting the posts so no one could see them but the OP.
  9. A lot of these hospitals have called them back and even gave pay raises. Looks like mistakes were made. Surprise, surprise. At least COVID is not as big of an issue anymore... well, at least not right now. Look! Russia is being bad! lol
  10. How did this man win an election and have the most votes in history? I will NEVER understand it. He needs to be handed the 25th and go out to his farm house. Keeping him as a president when he has this much cognitive decline is just sad.
  11. britanica


    I never liked Trump as a person. I didn't even like him when he was first elected. By 2018, I was actually impressed with what he had been doing as president and at this point, he is the best president I have witnessed in my lifetime (I believe JFK was the last "real" president we have had).
  12. We need nuclear energy. Period. Here is a video that explains why the other ones will fail and continue to fail:
  13. There is a bit in the bible that speaks about "the dead walking the earth" so I am not entirely sure we should just brush the possibility off. I don't think it will be the way people imagine though.
  14. Did you ever see the pigeon meme about being spies for the government? I always thought that was hilarious. They don't need to use birds. People just give their private information for free on Facebook!
  15. If you look back to when we first started tracking the weather and temp patterns, you will notice how the earth shifts about every 15 to 20 years. It will get hotter then cooler, then hotter then cooler. It knows what it is doing.
  16. Light and truth remain unchanged. No matter how dark it gets or how many lies are being spread. It always prevails and we know this throughout history!
  17. Just as the human body knows how to clot blood to close a wound, the earth knows how to care for itself. People who are pushing this nonsense aren't "scientists"... They are corporate interests just looking to get more money and power.
  18. Maybe I am alone here... Well, no I know I am not. The earth will be fine. It has an intelligent mechanism to take care of itself. You ever see a forest fire completely destroy everything? What happens after - without any intervention from man? It comes back. It always comes back. We need to focus on fixing ourselves lol
  19. I wonder where this tech is going to head. Have you ever been in one of those smart homes? Those are nuts. We have one near where I live. Someone since bought it. It was like 10 million.
  20. That is... Interesting lol People on YouTube are always looking to make the biggest this, that and the other. I mean I am fine with it. It is entertainment to me! haha
  21. Magnets cause cause a lot of damage! Have to be careful with them. This is pretty nuts though. I wonder if this is still the strongest at this point. Some say we are 10 years behind when it comes to tech that is publicly known.
  22. I have seen my vision improve by just eating carrots. When I actually do eat them on a day to day basis, I find myself needing my glasses less but soon as I stop? My vision goes back to where it was. Not sure why that is. I have never heard of this stuff though. Interesting!
  23. I mean we have tech that allows people to hear so I am sure we are heading in this direction. It is great for people who have no other options.
  24. A friend of mine got one of those bigger 3D printers like 4 or 5 years ago. He doesn't use it often because the printing supplies is not cheap but he has made some cool stuff with it. Nothing on this level though!
  25. You remember that movie iRobot? People messing with this stuff worries me lol I will stick with my toaster and such. I don't want nothing smarter than a "smartphone" LOL!
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