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Everything posted by britanica

  1. I remember when this happened. So many people were scared. Not sure what was going to happen or come of it. A lot of theories were floating around about the weather being manipulated to cause the disaster to happen on purpose. Do you remember it? Do you think something was fishy about it? What ever came of the radiation?
  2. It is crazy how well this was built. They just picked the worst place to build it. I don't know if this was down to a mistake, intentional, or just them not being able to properly predict the land.
  3. I would never want to live anywhere near where these are a problem. I still don't know how people choose to live in California. They are so darn scary!!
  4. That is scary! Anytime I see stuff like this happen, I have to wonder what led to it. It seems like people can be careless and dangerous without even trying these days.
  5. Putin wants his money. I think the UK, Europe, and the US screwed him over. Putin isn't a great guy but neither are most politicians currently in charge.
  6. I don't understand the fascination with Mars. I feel like there is so much on Earth yet to be explored and found, especially in the ocean.
  7. Some of you may enjoy this video here. It explores different exploration points and visions/ideas through men looking to the stars for life. 00:00 The Ashen Light Begins 03:37 The Martian Canals 10:52 The Ashen Light Returns 13:13 Mercurians and Solarians 14:36 Lunarians 22:13 The Phobos Incident 25:47 An Interplanetary Message 28:40 The Ashen Light Rises 31:29 The Search Continues
  8. I figured I would find a video or something to show you and everyone else what they are: The one I saw was more yellow and not moving but it was not over metal or anything like it is here.
  9. Someone told me it could have been "ball lightening" consider it had been raining that day. I think it is rare to actually see those and no one knows what causes them. They are normally much larger though.
  10. I don't really buy into most of this stuff. I think some people are just more in-tune with their surroundings. I think some people have better intuition than others though.
  11. Electric cars will not be a valuable option until the batteries are greatly improved. I would get a hybrid over a fully electric car. Even if someone wanted to give me a Tesla, I would sell it. lol
  12. Joe has been having a bad year. It feels like he has been president for almost 3 years but it has only been 1 year. The amount of damage he and his admin have caused is troubling.
  13. So this is just a remastered version? I mean it looks better than I remember it. I played GTA 6 for awhile but the hackers ruined it for me since I play games on PC.
  14. I didn't play this game. I am still waiting for the new one that happens after Breath of the Wild. I want to know if that one will be any good.
  15. Sugar and memes. lol Memes can be lighthearted and fun but I tend to like ones that are more dark humor which I would consider poison. I got suspended from Twitter over one. lol
  16. How did they actually finish it? I watched the first 6 but don't remember much from 1-3. I think most people would agree 4,5 and 6 were the best.
  17. This is something I have never heard or heard about happening with something. I never really looked into Mussolini's life outside of basic things we learned in school when I was a kid. I think you can find someone fascinated and be interested in learning about them without agreeing with the bad aspects of their life.
  18. A lot of these videos are overly acted and seem fake to me. Not sure why. I never really got into these sorts of channels. I have a friend who loves them but they just aren't for me.
  19. Some of the caves in the world are just insane! I had not actually seen the ones in India. Going to have to look into this a lot more. Looks pretty interesting!
  20. Asian men in general are some of the best inventors of the modern world. I feel like places like the US don't have as many anymore because there is no real struggle. Everyone has it easy.
  21. I still don't know how this man is running a country. I just don't get it. He seems to lack very basic verbal and motor skills half the time.
  22. She has a very mild case of it but it is sad that it happens to people. She rocks the bald head well though! I feel like she wasn't as hurt by the comment... I think it was honestly a stunt and was fake.
  23. You can find gold in most states but you are not going to find a lot. I would bet you need to spend a lot of time in one area to earn just $100 worth of gold and that would take weeks or months.
  24. If I had to pick just one, I guess I would say ice cream. I love the cold feeling, the sweetness, and the wide-variety of flavors. I used to eat it a lot more than I do now.
  25. I see so many older areas from back in the day. People seemed to be more focused on community, family, farming, you name it. I feel like we have lost that connection.
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