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Everything posted by britanica

  1. Wait... I need more details on this. LOL! You can't drop something like this on me. Like, I really would believe it with how he thinks and acts, especially in regards to other people but I really want to know if they are related.
  2. I would love that but Hollyweird has a lot of people who look up to him and some who even invest in WEF like Leonardo. I would love to see it though. Even his name sounds like a Bond villain!
  3. Some say that there are creatures out there that have been experimented on and have either been lost or let loose. Like people believe that to be the case for things like Big Foot. They were some kind of government experiment gone wrong.
  4. I saw the caterpillar looking one before. Isn't that used to collect trash and litter from people? I never looked into how they are actually powered or function. Is it via wind? moisture? solar?
  5. Yeah I think a lot of people refer to it as the petrol dollar at this point. Which again is why this green push makes no sense. The only reason to shut down pipelines and force people to drive EVs is if you want fewer people being able to drive which I think is exactly what they want. The WEF's Klaus already publicly stated he wants all commercial use of cars to be gone. So outside from public transport, he don't want people driving.
  6. The only reason oil hasn't started to get phased out is because USD relies on it. Since the 70's, when they changed the dollar being backed by gold. Now it is backed by oil and the US government constantly is throwing money around, tax payer dollars and money they printed, just to keep other countries spending our money. They need them to stay in debt and they rely on oil to stay at the top. The fact that they are pushing this green crap makes no sense for that very reason.
  7. What they explain makes sense for some things but not for all things. So I can understand not buying into it. I think we are at a point where so many new discoveries are just based on past ones and people are just assuming this must be the case for this other thing. Still, it is interesting to see what people come up with in terms of conclusions and theories!
  8. A couple of scientists have claimed to have solved the mystery behind the Bermuda Triangle. I know it is not a widely discussed topic these days with everything else happening in the world but I thought this was interesting and worth sharing on here. Basically, they believe that pockets of methane gas rise to the surface and cause a vacuum effect. Have you ever played modern Minecraft? There are bubbles in the ocean where they will suck you and your boat down. It is similar to this but a big more complex and on a larger scale. Source
  9. It seems like most of what is being produced be it movies or TV shows, all seems to have to force feed political messages and beliefs to its viewers. So much so that the content itself (character building, story building, etc.) is taking a backseat to making sure these creators get their voices heard. This has resulted in a lot of people being upset and when they voice not enjoying something, they are called a collection of words - racist being a big one. Has entertainment shifted too far into politics?
  10. I have seen so many of these videos. Some of them you can tell are glares and issues with the lens itself but the ones where you can't explain, it can be rather freaky! I have seen stuff with my own eyes (demons) so I know they are here.
  11. Yeah, this is true. And some people do hold more electricity in their bodies than others. Both my mom and my grandfather are/were like this. When my grandpa was still alive and driving, he would get shocked every time he filled his car up with gas (petrol). I think people like this are more likely to be struck by lightening as well. So there is something to this but it is purely physical.
  12. This is the only form I believe people can harness in terms of metaphysics and it dates back a long time. You can find references of it in old literature and even the bible (laying of the hands). There were some studies done not to long ago with mice who were cured of breast cancer just from having happy/positive people hold them one hour a day. I believe there is an energy working either in our favor or not in our favor and it is controlled by the mind. What are your thoughts on this?
  13. Yeah, gas = petrol. They want to stop the sales outright and it just boggles my mind. Like if they really wanted to help the environment, they would be bringing up issues with China and India because every step to be "more green" the US, UK, AU, CA, ect. take, they just undo it by causing more pollution. Look at what is happening around the world as they push this crap. People don't even realize the amoung of slave labor in Africa it takes to mine for a single EV battery and they want MORE people buying them! It is bad enough with our phones, tablets, and laptops... Imagine what all this minding will do to the planet too.
  14. So not too long ago, California announced they are banning sales of gas-powered vehicles in the state. Well, because of the droughts and other issues (a grid not large enough to power homes as well as cars) they are telling people they can't keep charging their cars. How the heck are people just okay with this? The further we become dependent on technology like this where the government can easily remove our freedoms to enjoy things, the more I get worried. We are now in a time where if for whatever reason you are not liked by people, the government, or a corporation - they can easily remove you from websites, banking, smart devices, and now even using your car!
  15. I am still on the side of this not being possible. I will listen to stuff like this and read about it though because it is still quite fascinating. I am more interested in teleportation than I am in time travel but I think that is equally as impossible.
  16. China has been facing issues for a while now but look at what was happening in the 80s. That was the point where people became passive and submissive to their government and since then, it has been absolute hell for the people of China. We are going through what they went through in the 70s and 80s which led to a communist take over masked with rigged capitalism.
  17. I bet you the people who are paranoid about being spied on wised up to it real fast. Like I for one don't want nothing to do with this kind of tech for that very reason. I still put tape over webcams and front facing cameras on all my devices. I know mics can still listen in but at least they can't see me! lol There are too many evil people out there looking to exploit our privacy.
  18. This is one I remember reading about years ago but if I try to find any of the videos I remember watching on YouTube on the subject, they are gone. I am curious if anyone here has some good resources that are more up to date on this. I know it is a conspiracy theory at this point but I am convinced they are using tech to manipulate the weather in some fashion but they have yet to really harness the power of it, because if they did, they would be able to really commit to the climate crisis.
  19. I remember hearing about them 10+ years ago and while I know there are some homes basically built with Amazon's Alexa in every doorknob, light switch, and carpet fiber... I haven't see anything remotely dealing with smart homes in a more mainstream fashion anywhere. Outside of security features and things you can just buy yourself (app powered light bulbs and whatnot) fairly cheap, where are the actually fully built smart homes that people were raving about 10 years ago?
  20. I don't know if it is so much a theory as it is just people throwing ideas at a wall. Like it could have very well happened but there is not actual evidence of it yet to be found so no one really dived deep into it. That being said, solar flares can cause some major damage. If we were to have to deal with with now, especially now with inflation, food shortages, etc. it would likely kill millions of people due to them not having access to food or medicine.
  21. Geeze that sounds terrible. I have never been there but I have heard of people making similar complaints because they have never spent extended time in heavily polluted cities. I know I haven't. I do know that while my closest major city isn't exactly clean, it is not as bad as others and I can feel the difference of the air quality. I guess cities like NYC produce acid rain too.
  22. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/as-amazon-grows-so-does-its-eye-on-consumers/ I don't know who here heard about this but Amazon had bought out those automatic Roomba vacuums that drive around your home. What they are planning is likely to implement their tech into the vacuums to effectively have a close eye and ear on people's homes. I for one do not trust this. I will NEVER own an Amazon Alexa or whatever it is called. It is bad enough I know we can be listened to through phones and other devices.
  23. I just feel like they did this on purpose at this point. Like they want people renting, not owning land. They want a means to constantly gain money from people. They still do via property tax even after a home is paid off but the government is so greedy, that they want more.
  24. I don't know if anyone else here has been following it but my husband and I have been trying to buy a home now for a year and a half and every time we find a house we like, it either goes through to pending a sale in 3 days (too soon for us to even consider it) OR someone offers too much over the asking price that we can't counter bid on it. All the homes in our price range sell like hotcakes! It is making it hard to buy anything. Houses $320k and less seem to be selling way too fast and most of them are overpriced for what you get. Then you have rising property taxes and interest on mortgages. When we started looking at homes a year and a half ago, for good credit is was 1.8% and now it is 5.4%! I can't help but feel like this is all by design because the people at the top want us all renting and not owning anything.
  25. I guess that is fair. Propaganda is one hell of a drug! I know people keep talking about civil war though and this is mainly down to the fact that the "woke" nonsense is getting out of hand. So much so that there are millions of people who will simply believe whatever the opposite is of the people they don't like, even if that makes them wrong, intolerant, or evil.
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