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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. I wonder if they will pull the plug on this since it caused them to lose so much money. Some are saying 70B is nothing for their parent company to lose since they own so much of the market.
  2. YellowDragon


    Voting needs to be changed in the US. I feel like if you are not working or if you are on government assistant programs you should not be able to vote. Then people will say "they will vote to take out benefits away!!" Yes, and then you will be able to vote again to bring them back. It will balance itself.
  3. Yeah this has been a mess for awhile. I think sometime in 2012 everything shifted and Google has gotten worse and worse. Now everything they show in the top results are all pre-approved by other corporations, their top donors, and the government. I would argue everything started going downhill in 2012 and that was when all this woke cult BS started entering mainstream. Or at least when we were able to notice. Some say it dates back to the early 2000's. I mean in terms of when it started getting injected in businesses.
  4. YellowDragon


    I would like to think he would but even if he wins, which I do think he is going to at this point... They will just find ways to block most of what he does. What he needs to do is convince enough people and corporations to stop listening to the leftist marxists that are taking over the country and demand the change ourselves. I do hope he removes a lot dems and reps from positions of power. Something I am really hoping for is legislation that removes anyone in congress or the government, or their immediate family from participating in stock markets and if they get cause doing it through friends or family, they will go to prison.
  5. Those are a couple of cuties right there. I love how you can put kittens together from other litters and they end up acting like human siblings a lot of times. One minute they are sharing and snuggling and the next they are trying to beat the crap out of each other and the reason is never clear why lol
  6. YellowDragon


    Wanna solve the debt issues? Defund the government. Make them lose money and lose power if they are not bettering the lives of Americans or doing what they said they would do prior to being elected. Make penalties and get written law that they could face prison if they take actions against the American people. Reduce or eliminate the FBI, CIA, IRS, etc. and use those savings to pay off the debt. Cut politician salaries by 10% each. Reduce federal taxation for EVERYONE by 10% to start and work on making it be 0% for anyone earning under 500k per year. For every 500k after that, you pay 5% so only the people with excess wealth and can afford to pay it are paying it. Everyone can pay state taxes like normal. And for the love of GOD... STOP FUNDING OTHER NATIONS FOR WAR!!!!
  7. I read that raising kittens together, especially from the same litter, helps them better socialize and they have a bond with their friend or sibling for life. You should share some pictures, I would love to see them :)
  8. I saw that they are having kids in school watch the interview in Russia. And you know what the people in the US think (on the left at least). I have seen them talking about indoctrination and all that meanwhile they are doing just that in our own schools across the country. You can't make this crap up. People are so easily controlled and manipulated.
  9. I just don't trust dogs over a certain weight anymore honestly. Unless I was around to see them grow from puppy age, I will not go near them lol I know there are certain things you do with dogs that look like they want to attack you but it is hard to consider things in the moment.
  10. I was told this before and was almost attacked by a dog. My friend had insisted that his new dog was well trained and behaved... He listened to him fine, sure but the second the dog got the chance to he was bolting behind me to the bathroom and had me backed into a corner. I had to yell for help.
  11. What amazing timing. This video details a lot o what was mentioned in this thread. I believe this ties into mind over matter and having a stronger connection to the "non-physical" realm of life. This is a great channel for all sorts of topics.
  12. Most cancer heals on its own. The body takes care of it. This is why cancer rates shot up when screening did, it was because people were finding it before it got the chance to heal. Only the most severe forms of cancer should be treated with aggressive treatment, most should be "wait and see" cases. Cancer doesn't even kill people, the die-off effect of cells does. I can't remember what it is called but if you can prevent that then cancer cannot actually kill anyone. Not to mention we ALL have cancer cells in our body at all times, it is just a matter of making sure our bodies are supplied with what they need to manage them and keep them from growing/expanding. There is so much dealing with cancer and other diseases that makes zero sense when you consider how they treat it. Like yeah we will "get rid of the cancer" but we will also be throwing your body into high-risk territory for developing more problems from it down the road using radiation. Stem cell treatment seems to be a better option if you want a more aggressive treatment.
  13. Cats are good people. I don't trust anyone that says they don't like cats. Only two types of people don't like cats - those that have never spent enough time with one and complete psychopaths! A friend of mine is allergic and he and his wife still adopted two. It has taken several months but the exposure has minimized his symptoms almost entirely. They only seem to act up in the spring when his other allergies bother him.
  14. It is hard to tell. Like I don't trust the government or the media at all but we all know there are crazy people out there in the world like this, they just tend to be part of the rainbow cult 9 times out of 10 but that 1 our of 10 event happening does still happen. This may just be that case. A lot of people hate the government and hate people that work for them. So who knows.
  15. A lot of strange things are happening that is for sure. People keep talking about some great awakening. Like all the crazy stuff is the powers that be on their death bed trying to reach and grasp at anything they can cause they know they are losing.
  16. Yup, it is a modernized communist take over. They are using social issues (LGBT, race, gender) to divide and cause anger among the people while they work to strip power and convince people that it is a good thing. It is all nonsense.
  17. I have heard and read about Islam being one of the beasts just because of all the stuff that has happened out there for decades and these people having it in for God's chosen people, in reference to the old testament. I saw something on Twitter/X the other day, someone was saying Muslims killed Jesus. My understanding is that it was always the Romans that did. Do you know anything about that?
  18. What a wholesome guy. He just likes to make people smile. He has been working at this place for 10 years and just enjoys meeting people and making their day brighter. I only just heard about him and I would love to shake his hand. We need more of this in the world. He has made a basic job most people would complain about into something more.
  19. Did you see the Tesla graveyard in NYC? Yeah, EVs are not the future unless you intend on making millions of people unable to drive 3 months out of the year... I been saying hybrid SHOULD be the standard for ages now. It makes sense. It saves people money, cuts down on gas usage and is reliable in all forms of weather. The car does the work for you. Why did they make them and quickly jump off them after just 10 years?
  20. Nikki is there dark horse. She is a democrat. She wants war. She doesn't want to change the immigration or citizenship process. Democrats are already pulling money and support to back her with but I think it is too late. Too many people consider her to be the "red Hillary". Even democrat voters hate Hillary. I am not sure how I feel about Vivek at this point as I have seen videos of him saying almost word for word the speeches Obama gave. I feel like our only answer to stop all this and change the ship's direction is Trump. I just hope people who hate him realize that. You do not have to like the man... But if you value the country and your future as well as the future of your kids... You have to vote fro Trump.
  21. No one is even talking about it anymore cause even people that hate him are saying the same thing. Cause no one trusts what happened with this island. We all just want the truth at this point and I doubt we will ever get it nor see these sick people pay for what they did. Child sex trafficking is modern slavery and it is mostly ignored by the people who have the power to end it.
  22. What is funny about the climate hoax is that we have more green lush coverage on earth than ever before and this is thanks to carbon emissions. Plants need it to for growth and healthier plants provide more oxygen which is something we need to survive. Funny how more people = more plants = more life. Almost as if the planet was beautifully and wonderfully made and not some accident in space... But what do I know!
  23. It is being pushed to the Supreme Court, for all states. If they declare he is allowed on the ballet, then the states will have to allow it. I am assuming this will be the case. I don't even know anyone in my own life, even people that hate the man, saying he should be removed because they even know this is unconstitutional.
  24. More and more are joining the LGB without the T group. Not sure what they call themselves but it is pretty much lesbian, gay, and bisexual people wanting nothing to do with T and everything that follows it because they can see how it is hurting the progress they made and making them all look bad. And there are a decent amount of OG feminists that are not tolerated it and they are labeled as "terfs".
  25. Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais both had recent specials on Netflix, both of which are taking jabs at all this identity politic stuff and it is beautiful. It is encouraging more and more people to stand up and say they are not okay with it anymore. We need more people like this to use their platforms and show these woke weirdos and queer marxists that we have had enough of their BS. George Carlin was right when he said years ago that these people need to be ignored not platformed. Do you think comedy will end up saving us from this?
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