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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. Everything I know and have observed tells me that "climate change" is real but the way they sell it and tell it, that is a lie. The climate will change and adapt to changes to preserve the earth. This will result in fluctuations that can be brought on by us, sure, but we are seldom the root cause. The earth has a core that is self-regulating. This requires a lot of energy and the temperatures to constantly go up and down to maintain levels. Volcanoes erupt when the core becomes to hot to relieve the pressure. The ice caps will melt to help cool the earth and then reform. There is already proof of them reforming again. I know there are scientists out there who get this and have studied all this. They know the truth and spread it but are often labeled crackpots and silenced.
  2. Source I have to ask, with all these advancements and the direction things are heading... Would you trust a robot to perform surgery on you are are you more likely to trust a doctor? I feel like this is something I am torn on because I know plenty of doctors are flawed and make mistakes on a daily basis which results in suffering and death. I just don't know if I could trust a machine to do a better job.
  3. I think because it would benefit everyone and be cheaper, we likely will not see it being used for awhile. It seems that they only like to use things that can make large sums of revenue. That is why the whole green act never made sense to me. They pretend it is about saving the planet but it is all about controlling more people and gaining more wealth. There were places in the world that still used lead in fuel up until 2021 I believe, knowing full well it makes people sick and ruins the environment.
  4. They likely removed it because they started cracking down on conspiracy theory type stuff. Anything dealing with super natural events likely falls into that. Unless it is purely educational and you can site references, they likely will just keep removing stuff. It started with Alex Jones. I never liked the man but I knew once they removed him, they would start going after everyone else.
  5. This is interesting. I read some other studies that deal with transitioning that point out that when males "transition" into women, the hormone disruption displaces magnesium content in the body which directly will increase the risk of depression. I wonder if that is why suicide rates are so high among trans women.
  6. The way Elon talks about Mars, it really makes me wonder why he believes we will be on Mars in his lifetime. He is like 50 years old, so let's assume he lives to be 85, that is within 35 years. There must be a reason he believes that as the information we have been given about Mars thus far would imply we are at least 50+ years out from people actually living there.
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