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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. Maybe? It really depends on the younger player base. I think the old style of video games mixed with new graphics is a good genre to bank on. Nintendo is bringing back the classic Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
  2. What were the ones that shot arrows called? Those have always fascinated me. Never looked into how they work.
  3. If more people realized this, we would not have the problems we do right now. That is the shame of it. They divided us. They keep dividing us. And it works to push their narratives and their plans in motion.
  4. I wouldn't say the cops were on the right side. They chose not to do anything for the time being. This is not to say they won't start charging people 6 months from now over it. I would not be surprised if they did. Wait until people aren't paying attention and don't care and then start picking people off one by one. The people that showed up at the protests with their guns I mean.
  5. Now I remember the whole "vote or die" thing and South Park making fun of them for it. Why are they so desperate to have young people vote? Because they know most adults under the age of 30 are left leaning and uninformed. The perfect voter for democrats.
  6. Bingo. I was going to say the same thing. Aaron is a celebrity and these people always get used for agendas by people in positions of power. It is nothing new. The dude probably thinks people are finally taking him seriously when they are just mocking him at this point.
  7. I don't think we will see aliens any time soon but I do think we will have AI robots all over the place. It is already starting. It is only a matter of time before they make them look and act like humans and just have them in a simulation loop to spy on us. We will be friends with them, some people will be dating them, we will probably not even know it and the "transphobia" hate will be switched to transhumanism hate.
  8. A friend of mine has a shirt that says "Climate Change Is Real" and below it shows Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. I always get a chuckle when he wears it. I wish more people would wake up to what is really happening. They have so many people fooled. My favorite is the people that spread climate alarmism and own multi-million dollar beach front property in the zones they tell us will be under water in 10 to 20 years.
  9. SOURCE They always like to throw climate change around but wildfires have little to nothing to do with "climate change" at least not the kind they are claiming. Their lies will eventually crumble. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Either way, this is disgusting. How people can gather and think this is a good idea. I can bet you these were climate crisis alarmists who were trying to fake a wildfire. I think this is what was happening in Canada as well.
  10. I hope this is the case but they moved way faster with Bill Clinton for doing way less. I doubt anything will happen.
  11. Interesting that the places with solar panels were not touched. I am not a huge conspiracy theorist or anything but so much of this doesn't make any sense.
  12. The pictures alone just look like the aftermath of a war. I think there is something to those lasers. I know a lot of people think "oh you are crazy, that kind of technology doesn't exist!" yet we know 100% that China controlled their weather to ensure it did not rain during the Olympics. And to think evil people won't do evil things is naive. We have technology as humans that most every day people would not be able to comprehend. I mean we had heart attack guns decades ago!
  13. It is crazy to think about this. Like I am all for people earning wealth and being able to do as they please with those earnings but after a certain point, having this much wealth is nothing but having power over and above everyone else and people should not be tolerating it.
  14. I lol'd at this haha This place is rad. I have not been a part of community that is this relaxed in so long. I do hope it grows and more members find us.
  15. I know these businesses care most about money so the fact that they push things they know most people do not want their kids to watch or that they won't want to watch themselves makes me wonder why this is happening. I know the ESG stuff is tied into it. I think it is being used as a weapon of sorts as it is outlined a bit in Agenda 2030 or whatever WEF calls it.
  16. I don't think this is off the table just yet. Elon is talking about driving to his house and knocking on the door. I hope if this does happen, everything gets recorded. I would love to see it lol I know he is most likely joking.
  17. This is what a lot of people are suspecting to be behind the spike in "trans youth". Most of these children are shown to be autistic. I just hope people realize it before it is too late. I don't want to see thousands of children as adults regretting everything pushed onto them when they are older.
  18. Cell phones too really. Most men keep them in their pockets of pants or jackets which is close to the groin area. I am sure most of these increases (or decreases) are down to a lot of different changes, possible a domino effect of sorts.
  19. I noticed an uptick of autism in children, teens, and young adults in the US. This has been looked at and while there is no clear indication as to why this is happening, I think spending too much time online from a young age may have something to do with it. It created poor socializing skills and what appears to be autism in some is just a learned behavior from not experiences normal socialization from a young age.
  20. I just want to see the memes people make from it honestly lol The whole thing just sounds like a joke but I will probably watch it. It depends on when they are doing it though. I think it might end up crashing his platform. People who aren't even active members will be on to watch it.
  21. There is a place, I can't remember where but they actually put crossing signals on the ground cause people are always looking at their phones and getting hit by cars. This is the world we live in. People are glued to their phones now and social media has made it addictive. I think if just 25% of people under the age of 30 stopped using social media platforms, a lot would improve for them as individuals and the world and culture as a whole.
  22. I am honestly mad right now. I had to wait to open my pool this summer and it has been so mild that I have not even gone in it yet. The temperature of the water is taking forever to warm up because our night temps are 5+ degrees below average. We usually have temps at night being 65+ but they have gone as low as 54! Yet everywhere people are talking about these heat waves. Anyone I talk to says the summer has been mild or even cooler. Are they lying or something? I mean I can see places like Texas are getting hot temps but that is normal for them this time of the year. They are acting like the entire country is drying up and the temps are 90+ when that can't be further from the truth. This summer has been the coolest I have experienced in a good 15 years now.
  23. Probably. Knowing humanity and the direction we have been heading it, I would not be shocked. All of these animal-born viruses are a result of humans screwing around be it bird flu, mad cow, swing flu, etc. are all the result of people neglecting animals or making for an environment where viruses mutate and get out of control.
  24. Transhumanism is a topic that people are either immediately fascinated with, skeptical of, or down right mortified by. I for one think certain things can be benefited from technological advancements but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. The general aspects of how power and corruption work in this world, it tells us this is a very bad idea. I can see this leading us into an advanced stone age if we are not careful. What are your thoughts on transhumanism?
  25. There are a lot of conspiracies that dive into this. Some deal with mineral harvesting, others believe this life form is actually living in our oceans. There is a lot to dig through on the subject but I am curious to see what you all think. Let's just assume there IS intelligent life that is non-human... What do you think they would come to earth for?
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