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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. Let's say you don't want Trump to win in 2024 but you also don't want Biden. What are the next best options for people? I think overall Biden being president again is not a good option for ANYONE. He is ruining the country as the months go on. For the democrats, I think the best option is RFK Jr. Even though it is clear they don't want him... On the other side, a lot of people are saying Ron DeSantis is the go to pick but I think Vivek Ramaswamy is a better choice. He is younger and more aware of the issues. Ron is on the younger side, don't get me wrong... But I can't help but feel like he would easily be manipulated and play for the same side both dems and reps have been doing for the last 2 or 3 decades.
  2. I noticed a growing trend among young adults in urban areas not being able to read or write and having issues with basic math. They graduate high school but seemingly are reading at a 4th grade level which is insane. I think the system mixed with bad politics is just turning out a lot of adults that can't think or act for themselves.
  3. This is good. This means the right people are winning. If they had it their way, this would lead to the liberal world order. Basically everything WEF wants and then some. They would have most people in all countries confined to tiny cities living in tiny apartments and being assigned jobs. Basically 1984 but worse. They like to use climate change to push through their crap but the simple fact that they continuously push back on nuclear energy which is cheap and clean, shows you their interests are not entirely about the environment.
  4. They have kept the same model in America since WWII. It is designed for kids to be obedient, agreeable, and okay with doing repetitive tasks. It focuses more on remembering things than anything else and I think most things learned past grade 8 are useless in the real world.
  5. I think the way school systems are set up are outdated and still on the practice of being a pre and post world war generation where they are taught to remember things, be comfortable doing repetitive tasks, and not to ask questions. Critical thinking seems to be punished as well.
  6. I always hear jokes about Melbourne online, like it is the most hated place in Australia. Why is that? Do you know what people reference when they say this? I think a lot of the buildings and older architecture look amazing. I personally would never want to live in a city but I think visiting them is fine.
  7. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The father, the mother, and the child. The body, the soul, and the spirit. It all lines up. More and more I realize how beautifully and wonderfully made everything is.
  8. What started out as a group for equal rights quickly became a government funded institution to push woke ESG nonsense on people and companies. These companies didn't just decide to support the LGBT for marketing, they were told they had to because the funded they received was from places that demanded it of them. It is all about population control. They are just being used like the rest of us.
  9. It will keep escalating until a deal is met. I think a lot of it comes down to who wins in 2024 in America. As stupid as that sounds, having someone that will cut off funding for Ukraine would quickly force them to find a deal. The US is supporting them 10 fold compared to other nations.
  10. I remember reading years ago that smoking, when not done in excess and using clean tobacco (not chemically treated garbage), offers a level of protection from airborne viruses and even radiation because it forces the lungs to be in a state of cleanse and repair. The issue people seem to face with smoking is smoking too much and not eating a balanced diet. You can enjoy alcohol and not risk the ill effects of it if you take care of yourself and don't over do it. Same with smoking. If you are going to smoke, it is always a good idea to take vitamin C as that is the one that gets depleted the most with smokers. You need 30-50% more vitamin C as a smoker as it is being used to protect and restore lung tissue. It makes sense when you look into more things on it. Also, things like nail polish and hairspray are more likely to lead to lung cancer. If smoking is your only bad habit and you avoid other toxins that can be inhaled, your chance of getting lung cancer from it is around 3% for light smokers and 7% for standard smokers. I think menthol scored the worst with 11%. I wish I could remember the studies and groups I read. It is fascinating stuff.
  11. I always see people using this one and the beam in someone else's eye. Sometimes it is used to allow people to feel or think a certain way but I think the basis of both are about personal growth with God, not other people.
  12. I would not be surprised if he was with minors and that was the real reason he and his wife divorced. Like she could forgive cheating but could never forgive that. I think he even had a contract to meet with his ex girlfriend every year, even after he married. I wonder if this is because she knows something the general public doesn't as well.
  13. Especially science! I find it really fascinating that a lot of modern luxuries and things we know today were already known in bible times. I mean everything we have now humanity could have had, for the most part, way back in bible times. Things just weren't greatly understood and I think it too more people trying new things to make the discoveries.
  14. I think most people have theories on how our solar system came to be and how earth is where it is today. We have a basic understanding of things through holy and ancient text which has always been fascinated to read through. I tried to not believe in God in my teens and I couldn't do it. Too many things point to a higher power.
  15. I have a feeling they block a lot of things that would be better for the environment and more useful for us because they have not found a way to profit efficiently from these things. Same in the medical world. It is easier to make billions off "suppression treatment" than to actually heal the root cause using vitamins and nutrition.
  16. If you are not aware, cultivated meat seems to be in the future for America. This is meat grown from cells, not meat taken from living animals. I have a laundry list of issues with this but it would appear studies are already showing it is a bad idea and could actually harm the environment. https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2023/05/12/Cultivated-meat-could-emit-25-more-CO2e-than-conventional-beef-finds-research
  17. There are a lot of things going wrong that people don't know enough about. The push to "save the planet" has brought forward a host of issues. Many of the issues we will face in the future, we don't even know the full ramifications yet. From the dangerous toxic waste solar panels produce to the deaths of millions of animals every year due to vegan farming and wind turbines. A lot of what is being done to "help mother earth" is going to end up hurting the planet, especially because it is being done too quickly. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2020/dec/08/the-curse-of-white-oil-electric-vehicles-dirty-secret-lithium https://consumerfreedom.com/2023/01/peta-admits-vegan-diets-kill-animals/ https://www.sierraclub.org/michigan/wind-turbines-and-birds-and-bats https://fee.org/articles/solar-panels-produce-tons-of-toxic-waste-literally/
  18. Linda Yaccarino was named new head of Twitter today, or maybe last night. I am not entirely sure. I only just heard about it a few hours ago. This woman has a seat at the infamous WEF cult and I have many concerns about this move. I think Elon has done great but everything tied to this woman, it is not looking good. I think people can change and I am open to hearing what she has to say but I am not getting my hopes up. I am worried. She will be going live in one of those Twitter spaces sometime today with Elon and others. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/linda-yaccarino-is-twitter-s-new-ceo-what-to-know-about-elon-musk-s-pick/ar-AA1b72yO?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  19. YellowDragon


    I heard about this and I think it is great what he is doing with this. I am all for Don joining Tucker on Twitter as an independent. I think they will both be more trustworthy moving away from these corrupted networks.
  20. Yeah it is not looking good. I hear similar. That by 2050, if will be over 70%. I think buying power and the ability to own land has been such a foundational piece that made America so great. It has not been in good standing for a long time though. We were once able to afford a big house with a good yard in a safe area with just the man working to support his wife and 5 children. And this was without a college degree. Then you track inflation and what the federal reserve did after the second world war and it makes more sense. They screwed us all over.
  21. That is actually a really good way to look at it. I am going to use this next time the subject is brought up. Both are a problem because they reduce freedom and constrict people to form into a way of life "men want" ignoring our God-given freedom.
  22. It seems like Hitler's work never stopped. It just had taken a new form and most countries are infected with it. Though to be fair, this is more in line with Stalin than Hitler. Either way, they want a global takeover.
  23. It sure seems that way. There is a reason certain places in the world do not allow people to have bibles or even utter the name Jesus without being thrown in prison or worse. Being a slave to man is what they want, being a servant to God destroys their whole narrative.
  24. I wonder if this is why children that are close with their fathers do better in life. Not just boys but girls as well. Mothers play an important role but in today's world, the role of the father is ignored or completely uprooted.
  25. This is the game they play. The whole "build back better" is a destruction and remodel of America. They need to destroy everything from entertainment to family values. Sadly, both have been working double time and it shows. They want to destroy cities, small businesses, and even internet privacy and freedom. All this to lead up to their 2020 2030 agenda. You will own nothing and be happy. They are going to try to push through fed coin this summer. Keep an eye out.
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