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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. Yeah we need something that everyone can access the information and know what is going on. I think part of the whole "Ukraine war" is billionaires gaining land in Ukraine to run experiments. Think about the areas targeted and look at what Blackrock and the like have already invested in over there.
  2. They want people in the US going twice a year, sometimes more. I don't like getting xrays, especially not of my head. It freaks me out. I have not been to a dentist in 15 years. I have decay but I manage it so I have no pain but I would love to have my teeth fixed. There are no homeopath dentists in my area unfortunately. I am going to give oil pulling a try again. I think most teeth problems are down to poor nutrition, not under cleaning though.
  3. Biden's latest attack is on our hot water tanks... They couldn't just stop with gas stoves. They really do want more people dying in the winter months. ffs the US government is filled with mentally ill and ignorant morons. All to fight "climate change"... I am so sick of their dog whistle religion.
  4. I do wonder if "time skipping" is a thing that some other life form has created in another area of the universe or another dimension. A lot of the stars we see in the night sky are not even there anymore and new ones we have not even yet seen. Yet we have all these stories of people seeing objects that escape radar and seemingly disappear on camera.
  5. I am sure some of the findings are correct and things can be done but instead of focusing on solutions, some people only seek to cause more problems. Like think of all the stop oil people. If we were to stop it 100% right now, millions if not billions of people would die and they don't understand how it is possible.
  6. Maybe? I would have to look into it again. This was a few months ago when I was reading the stuff. It is interesting, if nothing else. I guess the human mind will paint pictures that aren't always clear or even factual but the observations are fascinating.
  7. It is strange. Someone mentioned to me the other day on another forum that he believes this as well as the trans push on kids deals with the child trafficking market. I was today years old when I found out that America is the number one consumer of child pornography. That is scary! But if you look at everything being pushed, it does make you question things.
  8. The only thing I could think they mean is that the ice caps are melting which could cause the temps to drop elsewhere but this is not what they say. They keep saying temps everywhere are going up and it is BS. Most places seem to be at their average or even below!
  9. Yup. If you are trying to be healthy and keep in shape, you are a white supremacist. I just can't anymore. I really can't. Is this nonsense being peddled in other countries? I would imagine Canada may be the only other place.
  10. They are trying to say this year will break records as the hottest year yet many places are experiences a dip in averages. It hasn't even been hot but one day thus far and we are almost half way through July. Usually we would have had at least 4 or 5 days above 90 degrees (fahrenheit) by now. My brother didn't even open his pool until this past week and they normally open it at the end of May. These crooks are full of crap. It just makes me mad people still believe this nonsense.
  11. Maybe this had to do with them finding Hunter's crack cocaine in the white house? I mean people are making jokes about it and making light of it but could you imagine what would have happened if Trump Jr. left drugs behind in the white house? He'd be arrested and labeled a filthy drug abuser and they would probably take his kids away from him. I think he has kids. I really don't know.
  12. That is fair and all but if this issue lasts awhile, it will cause trouble. Not to mention what our current government is trying to do in the name of "stopping misinformation". They are legit becoming nazis and no one wants to talk about it!
  13. From my understanding, the US should be having just as many if not more wild fires across the country given the temps but isn't. Even though the temps and pressures are the same. So that is a red flag. I would guess this is the fault of man in some way, shape, or form and not climate change.
  14. This seems like an odd thing to do with election season starting up. I mean if this is still around come 2023, we are going to have some problems. I know the dude (Elon) is not one of the baddies but that doesn't mean he is not capable of making choices that end up hurting the general public's ability to have free speech on Twitter.
  15. Is this just another distraction for the masses? Could it be true? Maybe those whispers of "blue beam" are coming back to haunt us with a staged UFO invasion. What do you make up this news? Source
  16. No, I am serious. They agreed to some sort of MMA style battle. I don't know how to react to this. Like I want to bust up laughing but the old fan in me for WWE is hoping Bezos shows up and it becomes some sort of three-way match and the claim on Mars is up for grabs. Gosh this is so stupid, I hate it and love it at the same time LOL I can't help but feel like Elon is going to tank his stocks though if he gets beat. Just like when he smoked pot on Rogan's podcast.
  17. Even with "green" measures, we have shown ourselves that any level of change, good or bad, needs to happen slowly or it will destroy a lot of things. They are in a rush to change too much too soon and it has disaster written all over it.
  18. This is sad news all around. So much of the story is bad. From the teen only going to impress his father to the CEO refusing to hire experienced men because they were all older and white. Mix in the fact that shortcuts were taken and several people raised concerns but were fired or dismissed says a lot. I pray for the families that lost someone they loved and hope they get through this tough time okay.
  19. Let's say you don't want Trump to win in 2024 but you also don't want Biden. What are the next best options for people? I think overall Biden being president again is not a good option for ANYONE. He is ruining the country as the months go on. For the democrats, I think the best option is RFK Jr. Even though it is clear they don't want him... On the other side, a lot of people are saying Ron DeSantis is the go to pick but I think Vivek Ramaswamy is a better choice. He is younger and more aware of the issues. Ron is on the younger side, don't get me wrong... But I can't help but feel like he would easily be manipulated and play for the same side both dems and reps have been doing for the last 2 or 3 decades.
  20. I noticed a growing trend among young adults in urban areas not being able to read or write and having issues with basic math. They graduate high school but seemingly are reading at a 4th grade level which is insane. I think the system mixed with bad politics is just turning out a lot of adults that can't think or act for themselves.
  21. This is good. This means the right people are winning. If they had it their way, this would lead to the liberal world order. Basically everything WEF wants and then some. They would have most people in all countries confined to tiny cities living in tiny apartments and being assigned jobs. Basically 1984 but worse. They like to use climate change to push through their crap but the simple fact that they continuously push back on nuclear energy which is cheap and clean, shows you their interests are not entirely about the environment.
  22. They have kept the same model in America since WWII. It is designed for kids to be obedient, agreeable, and okay with doing repetitive tasks. It focuses more on remembering things than anything else and I think most things learned past grade 8 are useless in the real world.
  23. I think the way school systems are set up are outdated and still on the practice of being a pre and post world war generation where they are taught to remember things, be comfortable doing repetitive tasks, and not to ask questions. Critical thinking seems to be punished as well.
  24. I always hear jokes about Melbourne online, like it is the most hated place in Australia. Why is that? Do you know what people reference when they say this? I think a lot of the buildings and older architecture look amazing. I personally would never want to live in a city but I think visiting them is fine.
  25. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The father, the mother, and the child. The body, the soul, and the spirit. It all lines up. More and more I realize how beautifully and wonderfully made everything is.
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