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Everything posted by britanica

  1. When did Tesla start? it seems like they really blew up in just a few short years. I guess this is what happens when you have investors and backers. You get endless money to continually grow and explore new tech.
  2. It is nuts. It followed the same pattern as general gaming. I remember thinking "wow these graphics are amazing!" in the late '90s and early '00s. Now look at modern gaming. It is almost full realistic!
  3. I have seen people do similar, on a much smaller scale. It is actually a survival trick to keep the body going. Still really cool to see it on a larger scale with more research behind it.
  4. I would love to get to a point where all waste can be used as fuel. Not just for rockets but cars, planes, etc. It would be so much better for the world and more cost effective. Imagine being able to power yourself off your own waste and garbage?
  5. Yeah that looks like two floating rocks that just became one. You see this in the ocean. I have found plenty of rocks that stuck to each other over time.
  6. It is pretty cool to see this stuff happening but I am a bit of a skeptic. I feel like some of the stuff we know is either false or only part of the truth or the whole story. I will follow this one though!
  7. Soon as "commercial" space travel becomes a thing, it is going to be EXPENSIVE! I don't know if anyone remembers or knows but way back in the day, you had to be rich to afford to go on a plane. Today, you can fly somewhere for $30.
  8. I have always felt the earth can manage itself. It is designed in a way that no matter what we do or do not do, it will make do. I think we should respect nature more for sure and stop throwing stuff in the ocean. Plant trees as we use them. Just take steps for our own sake. The earth will be fine but we can easily make it so we struggle to survive on it.
  9. They have been talking about this for awhile now. I still think it is more than 4 years out. Space is not easy to explore. Heck, we haven't even fully explored out oceans yet. Imagine what is right here that we aren't even aware of!
  10. I feel like people have already been doing stuff on mars for a few decades now but we are always going to be the last ones to know about it. Just think about it. Why would they tell us anything unless they can make money off it lol
  11. This seems like it would be a wasted thing. Like we know enough about Venus to know it has no value for us. It is not like the moon or Mars. NASA indeed needs to stick with what they know.
  12. I do wonder where they will go with this. They need to be smart about it. We can't end up with the same messes we have on the earth in space!
  13. Thank you for the welcome! I am enjoying this place thus far. Can't wait to see it grow and more people join. We can't talk about most of this stuff on social media so having forums for it are crucial.
  14. I think there is but not in the same sense as others. I think there is a lot we don't even know about our own planet and we will be learning about it in the coming years.
  15. I think there is water on Mars. I think there is a lot of info out there about space that they aren't telling us, at least not yet. Time will tell though, it always does!
  16. That is nuts. So many people are stuck unhappy in the machine and reliant on others. Just imagine how much more creativity and wealth we would have if more people got to where this man is.
  17. Anytime I see stuff dealing with AI, I think of Terminator and iRobot. lol Maybe I am being too paranoid but man, it is worrisome.
  18. It is a mindset. While some do have to work harder than others, we are all capable of putting ourselves in a mindset of confidence that draws positive energy into our lives.
  19. I wonder why this was removed. What was the video showing? I never understood why YouTube takes down stuff like this. Seems like they want to hide stuff lol
  20. They are already here. Shape-shifters have been among us for at least 100 years now. I am convinced of that. Too many weird things have happened.
  21. What am I meant to be looking for? I am confused. I watched the video twice but I am not seeing anything. Is it an audio thing?
  22. It could be a familiar spirit. Those are demons that disguise themselves as familiar people or animals. I have seen one once and heard one once. The first was taking the shape of my dead dog and standing on the table watching me. The other I had heard, it was using my mothers voice and knocking on my bedroom door. Both events happened when I was younger.
  23. They say that children can see dead spirits, demons, and angels on a regular basis, especially infants and young toddlers as they are more connected with the spiritual realm than adults. I always thought that was interesting.
  24. So this is something that happened to be 6 or 7 years ago. I woke up early in the morning and needed to use the bathroom. Before getting back in bed, I looked out my window to check if it was raining and I saw a glowing orb, about the size of a basketball. It was floating in the road. Maybe a few inches above it, next to a parked car. I rubbed my eyes several times but it remained. I went to grab my phone and take a pic but it was gone by the time I got back to the window. Later that day I was leaving and I looked in the road where I saw it and a perfect circle was BURNED into the road!! I wish I had taken a pic of it. I moved since then and checked on Google Maps and unfortunately, they redid the street so I can't see it anymore. Not sure what this was.
  25. What I think was crazy with the nazi stuff is that the US (and other nations) brought that stuff over to their country after the war ended. They used the same means to brainwash and control the public through media. Think radio, news, advertisements, sales, etc. It is wild!
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