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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. It really does seem like some sick ego trip these people have and it makes no sense to me why they are trying THIS hard. Coupled with the fact that many of these people believe they are on the brink of being able to live forever. That is a whole other topic. Makes me wonder if they fear death for some reason.
  2. So you think it is going to happen either way and even with people showing they don't want this BS, they will still push it through via economic collapse? I mean that seems to be the only way they can do it. I know in America, very few know how to survive without the system. It is estimated that if we lost electricity for one year, 90% of people would die.
  3. I think they will keep pushing but I can't see people putting up with it. If you actually hear what these people say, it hurts corporations. Corporations control a lot of the world at this point. What hurts their income and wealth, they will not agree with. Either way, the fact that many nations voted in these kinds of people without knowing is scary but don't be shocked if people stop overthrowing their governments if they take things too far.
  4. That really scares me. I have been following what they have been doing to people over there, especially since COVID and it is scary. We don't want anything even close to that but I feel like people will be tricked into asking for it. They will make it seem like a good thing.
  5. It just bothers me how easily people just forget about their rights and freedoms online. Just imagine if this was happening offline. I have to imagine a lot more people would be upset but we did see it happen in the US and didn't know it was happening until they were outed by Edward Snowden. Even then, only a fraction of people actually cared.
  6. I heard about this back in 2017 I think it was. People didn't start really talking about it until 2019 and then when the pandemic hit, they were pushing this big time. I don't trust it. I don't know if anyone here is familiar with the bible but it clearly talks about "the mark of the beast" controlling your buying power. Like you don't be able to buy or sell anything without it. Makes you wonder!
  7. I am going to guess most if not all members here heard about this. Where Facebook was running experiments on people without them knowing. Using their algorithm to push certain content into people's feeds to see how they would feel and act. Some were given non-stop sad/depressing/enraging news and stories while the others were given happy/uplifting/empowering news and stories. I believe they used targeted feeds dealing with social issues like sexism and racism as well. No one had a clue it was happening either. This should be considered illegal but as of now, they seem to have gotten away with it. Do you think this is something everyone should be more aware of moving forward and laws should be put in place to "free the code" so to speak on social platform giants like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, etc. so we know we are not being manipulated - and if we are, we can opt in or out of their tests?
  8. This is what I heard. Some sort of RNA vaccine that is mean to work in place of chemo to target the cancer. If it works and there are fewer ill-effects, I am all for it but it has to be properly tested and we need to know all the studies. I still won't fully trust vaccines until I know the companies are head liable to illnesses and death happening from said vaccines.
  9. There is just too much going on to say this isn't on purpose and the general population in the US is either too busy to care or too ignorant to the truth to care. It seems like only a small number of the population actually pays attention to any of this stuff. At this point, I am just worried about WW3 happening after the Russian pipeline incident. I think the US or Ukraine were behind it.
  10. I've only just recently heard about these. Since about the 1940's or so, people have been finding these strange stones in the Diquis Delta of Costa Rica and no one can explain them. They are perfectly round and range in size. Some weight as much as 16 tons which is insane. They are made of something called granodiorite. They were clearly made by humans (or something else) using some sort of technology but no one knows how the heavier ones got there. Have you heard about this or looked into it at all?
  11. So the government keeps on pushing for the whole "green new deal" nonsense. Biden campaigned on basically shutting down pipelines and raising taxes, cost of living, etc. and people still voted for him. The USA relies heavily on oil to keep value behind the dollar yet they want to get rid of it? No, they don't. They don't want to get rid of it. They just want less people in the US using it. They will carry on flying their private jets. They will keep using their gas-guzzling super cars... While they force people to use completely unreliable and super expensive EVs. You know most budget EVs in the US only last 5 years and then you have to replace the batter which costs anywhere from $12k to $30k depending on the car? This is clearly a push, not in favor of the planet but in favor of the super rich elite to have more control over people and have more freedom to do whatever they want. It isn't just with cars... They are using "climate change" as an excuse to push blame on other things as well as try to strip rights from people. How does no one notice this?
  12. The more I see and heard of them, the more I believe it. I am actually happy to not be dating. I am not sure I would be able to manage it these days. It almost seems like the dating scene has become something entirely different. People almost treat each other like they are disposable and very few people establish friendships before hopping into bed with each other. Some people call it "hook-up culture". It just can't be healthy physically or mentally to be living like this. Do you think dating apps are ruining relationships?
  13. Oh okay. I wanted to make sure. So the Bar is for topics you would generally talk about in a bar setting and the Club should be considered family friendly. I am assuming the forum is going to be mostly if not all adults in terms of members but having a more relaxed place is a good idea. Thanks for letting me know.
  14. This is some wild stuff. On a side note, I am not sure if this is the case by you but in the US, most of our beef we eat is cloned. Yup. We are eating cloned cows. Is it any wonder why we are all so fat and unhealthy? LOL I wonder if the push for us to eat bugs will involve this. Not that they would need it but cloned bugs that are made to meet nutritional standards... Sounds like a horror movie if you ask me.
  15. Both appear to be off topic sections but I would imagine each for a different purpose? I was going to make a thread and I am not quite sure where it belongs between the two. Is one specifically for general chat and the other music, media, etc.? Or am I overlooking something?
  16. I am not too familiar with how the royal family operates. There has been a lot of talk of people being over the monarchy and wanting to move away from it though. I know a lot of people were actually pissed off over the tax break King Charles received after his mother's death. Do you think anything will change moving forward?
  17. I feel like some things on this planet are just beyond the measures of science. They can't explain it with science so they come up with theories to make themselves feel better about events that can't be explained happening. We live in a physical world with ties to a spiritual one that we can't physically see. I am sure there are areas where the two cross over.
  18. I think it might be good to have. I think there is a lot happening in the world today and a lot of former conspiracy theories have been proven to be true just in the last 5 years. I have a thread in mind but I can't seem to find a place where it belongs so I thought I would make a suggestion for this. It doesn't have to be called "conspiracies" because I know that term holds a negative implication to it these days. As many have said, yesterday's conspiracies are today's truths. What a time to be alive!! lol
  19. Hmm, interesting. I never really looking into nazi stuff on that end. I had no idea they even had alien in-tell or anything of the sort. I only know about the generic war stuff everyone is taught in school as well as the US bringing their scientists back here and their use of the research in mind-control through manipulation.
  20. Do you think they have an underground civilization or something? There is so much about space I feel like we are being lied to about and it almost certainty has to do with money. And honestly, with how people are these days, I am not sure many people would even care.
  21. I look at what is happening in China and I have to wonder if the same will be happening here. Both countries are facing extreme shortages. Both have people on strike from work. Both have millions unable to afford their mortgages and rent. There are people refusing to pay for anything. One of the biggest aluminum factories shut down last year I think it was and that accounted for 20% of the US aluminium production. Then we have farms shutting down. Fires in food factories... It just seems like it is all heading in one direction and it won't be pretty.
  22. There are some people who believe that Mars had life that moved to the earth and we set a deal with them to protect them so only some people know they are here because they can shape shift. This leads into that whole "greys among us" theory. And we are "fixing" Mars so they can return home. It is crazy to think something like this could have happened but at this point, I am not completely dismissing it.
  23. There are very sharp corners, too sharp to just be a rock. You can also see it more after adjusting the saturation, brightness, and contrast a bit. The light hits as you would expect it to through a doorway or hallway. This is pretty strange if you ask me. Something is up and they aren't really addressing it.
  24. It would be interestingly timed, no? In this day and age, I don't expect things like food shortages to just happen nor do I expect a solar flare to just "come out of the blue". I think there are intentional dangers they can stop and don't or even ones they push themselves.
  25. This is new to me. I was reading through some old Reddit pages and found a discussion on it. I guess people say that we could have had advanced technology in the past, even more advanced than we have now but we haven't been able to find or properly identify it because a solar flare had already rendered it useless. Some people went on to say that this could be where we are heading, everything gets reset and the "elites" already know about it and know it is coming. Either way, they tied it to things being build in the past like the pyramids and what not. I was reading it last night. I will have to find the page again to link to it. Have you ever heard of this?
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