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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. It is just something to distract people. If they keep them overwhelmed with information like this, pointless stuff, they won't be able to get people's attention. They are distracting from the Pfizer bust, the vaccines in general, the horrible leadership in the country, the "accident" in Ohio with the train, among other things going to crap. It has become a circus. I am beginning to feel as thought buying a house this year is off the table for me.
  2. Something that my aunt always told me growing up is that the spiritual lays way to the physical, as in everything that we can't see happens allows us to see what does happen. I think this vibration and frequency stuff ties into why music is so addictive and why certain types of music can actually be damaging to people's mental, emotional, and physical health.
  3. No, increases. The less time you spend in the sun, the higher your odds of having cancer. They tell us the opposite. Fear the sun, buy our chemicals to protect the skin, continue to eat McDonald's you know... Trust the science. lol
  4. I have been telling people for years the crap they use to "protect their skin" is like baking chemicals on the surface and hoping it doesn't cause mutations. I use coconut oil and it works just fine. I started getting a sun rash every summer when I stopped spending so much time outdoors. The only thing that stops it from getting bad is the use of coconut oil and introducing my skin to the sun slowly in the spring. Come to find out it is linked to a lack of vitamin D3 and niacin. When we eat a diet that ensures our bodies get enough vitamins and minerals, it is protected. If anything, staying out of the sun INCREASES your odds of getting cancer among other issues in the body.
  5. He was bragging about making the vaccine a cash cow. That is not just a vaccine problem, that is modern medicine for you. It is not designed to "heal" the body, it is designed to "suppress" the body and the symptoms. I hope more people wake up and start demanding commonsense care that involved proactive health care not reactive health care that we know does not work.
  6. You see the thing they will be doing with the 15 minute city in the UK? They were talking about that. I can't remember the city but it sounds bad. They basically don't want anyone driving anymore... well, outside of them and the people that have to for deliveries. What a bunch of twisted and sick people.
  7. Could very well be. It seems as though they don't like everyone having access to the internet for one, well - an internet they can't control anyways. I think they will start trying to push to remove freedom online in the coming years.
  8. If you follow the trends of everything it all points to "having less people" from encouraging young adults not to have them at all/ making it hard to afford to all the trans-humanism stuff they are pushing. Canada seems to be one of the worst countries for pushing anti-population policy as well. I have family there and it is getting worse year after year.
  9. I thought this was some kind of joke or misunderstanding. Like I could not imagine doctors recommending diet pills, risky surgery, or mental pills for kids... And Then I thought about it again and realized that is basically what they are doing with the trans push. Did you see Harvard is starting classes to each the importance of LGBTQ+ healthcare for infants? Are we in hell?
  10. I have so many but here are 9 of them that I think other members may enjoy! https://tinysubversions.com/game/spelunky/ https://littlealchemy2.com/ https://my90stv.com/ http://www.thesmokinggun.com/time-waster https://googlefeud.com/ https://www.synthesia.io/ https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini http://slither.io/ https://myemulator.online/
  11. There is a HUGE market for nostalgia because the new "culture" sucks. Even people who are progressive grasp onto things from the past. Deep down they know.
  12. I have this in my bookmarks. I have so many "time wasters" saved. If you want me to share some, I will. I have at least 50. I sometimes forget about them and find them again and just chill out with them when I have nothing going on or I am waiting on food to finish cooking.
  13. I know it is cliche or whatever but I always look forward to the numbers changing over and feel like it is a fresh start to actually reach my goals and a new time period to look forward to. I am working on building a few websites in the hopes to generate traffic and a means to earn online 24/7. You know, earn while you sleep. Then the extra money I earn will likely go into investments. I have tried this a few years ago and gave up, trying again with more drive this time around.
  14. We will continue to see these trends and I am sure of it but you know they won't stop. They will keep telling us we are overpopulated, there is too much pollution, meat is bad, and we need to stop having babies. You don't see this stuff being said in China or India though, do you?
  15. I think in the age of uncertainty, it is worth learning some sort of hobby that requires a skill you can put to use. Having some sort of ability to repair or make something is always good. I think one of the big ones is having your own garden. If you can learn to grow vegetables and plan year-round, it is an amazing hobby to have. Aside from that, what hobbies (or skills) do you think are worth learning?
  16. I didn't see it. I thought the first one was good looks wise, and okay story wise. I couldn't tell you any of the characters names. They waited too long for this one. I likely won't see. I don't feel like i am missing out on anything.
  17. What do you mean? Thinks will break down but out of it will come an empire? That can actually be bad if not worse because most empires are laced with corruption. I mean we see how things have been going the last 50 years. A lot of people only are just no realizing how the government and the agencies screwed them over.
  18. It is crazy what computers used to cost and we think they are so expensive now LOL I like to look back at older devices from the late '80s and through the '90s. I still have my first family computer in fact from 1996. Still works!
  19. There was something I watched a few years ago on YouTube that explained this perfectly. Like how the melting of the caps is creating colder temps and the center is expanding outward so it only looks like it is shrinking. Shame I can't find it anymore, likely got deleted for "misinformation"
  20. https://www.americanscientist.org/article/uncovering-prehistoric-hurricane-activity I am not sure when this was posted but I saw it being shared around in one of the groups I am in and wanted to post it here. I have always been fascinated with weather patterns and historical points where weather shifted a lot of the planet. Likely why I don't buy the climate crisis stuff. The weather has been far worse in the past with way less people. If anything, more people and pollution is making storm systems and weather less severe. But that is another topic for another time. What are your thoughts on prehistoric hurricane activity and other storm activity?
  21. Elon reinstated Dr. Malone which is a great thing. He should have never been banned in the first place. I know full well the FBI was behind banning him because he worked on the mNRA vax. And I guess the FDA finally admitted that the vaccines ARE tied to blood clots.
  22. I am sure there is a simple answer to this but it always fascinated me how quickly children can learn and even master things like different languages, instruments, building things, even video games. I struggle myself if I try to learn anything new but kids can just pick things up and give it a little bit of time, practice... and they blow people twice their age out of the water. They say that the brain is primed for learning between 6 months and 3 years, that is the time when the brain is most adapted to taking in information and if you maximize this in your child, they will continue to have strong memory, hand to eye coordination, and problem solving skills. It fascinates me and frustrates me because I would love to learn how to draw better or play an instrument but no matter how much I practice, I just can't get better.
  23. I never dove deep into it but on a surface level, Plato's work is like "fluff" when it comes to philosophy. There are way better philosophers to dig deep into. It is interesting though to hear people make sense of it because a lot of it just speaks in circles.
  24. I saw something about this the other day. I do think this all ties in with lowering the population and allowing these people to have more space and freedoms without anyone being around to judge them. They likely want to break laws and do hideous things and not want to have to worry about hiding it. Think Eptein's island but it is the entire state of California.
  25. I had a talk with my brother somewhat on the same topic and we both came to the same conclusion. Even if it is not people seeking pleasure in the absence of hard work, our moral and societal decay is happening because of empty pleasures. I look around and see people being proud of things they would have felt embarrassed of just 10 years ago. They are taking pride in things they didn't have to work hard to achieve or not even work at all to obtain. At the same time these people look at those who are disciplined, have morals and values, and seek to better themselves through hard work as a problem. It is insane.
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