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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. Most people assume that Babylon is either the United States or Britain, based on the descriptions and words surrounding it. I am not sure where you stand on this. Also, doesn't the bible mention Babylon having a daughter?
  2. I have heard of people "knowing" someone had died without actually knowing. So I think this is very possible. A friend of mine said more people are open to intercepting these signals and messages than others. Like they are more open to the spiritual realm than most people. I think it makes sense.
  3. I am making more of an effort to stay out of tune with news. Like I want to be informed but I don't want to allow myself to be flooded with nonsense day in and day out so I am taking breaks from political spaces. I think it helps. The news is very negative.
  4. Another wave of BLM protests have begun and things will likely continue with the warmer weather coming through. Most major cities are seeing unchecked crime, teenager destruction, businesses closing down... I can't help but feel like this is all by design. I feel like they are trying to separate us or something. I don't know if this is to easily control us or what. A lot of people have left the cities and more continue to leave. Just today a parking garage collapsed in NYC. There have been 4 or 5 nights now of destruction by a large group of teens in Chicago. A few middle-aged women were jumped by a group of mostly teenage boys. Cars were set on fire. In LA, homelessness has spread to the rich areas now. Every day people just walk into stores and fill garbage bags and walk out. All this crime is not being checked. I have to wonder how much more people will put up with before they leave the cities too. I think they want this. I think they need the cities to be destroyed so they can rebuild them into their 15 minute cities. It will be easier to do with less people. There are too many people to do this right now.
  5. I can't help but feel like some of the things these people like to do or think is a good idea... It is not something a sane person would ever think. Heck, I don't even know if a person in general would think this. If someone told me tomorrow that a lot of world leaders were actually aliens, I would not bat an eye. lol
  6. Yeah, this did happen and this is not something the Dutch are shy about. They seem to be very in favor of the naked body. I don't get it. I don't want to. I just don't want to see this kind of crap happening in the US. Let children be children.
  7. I don't know the proper name for this but there is an alien theory that aliens made humans from chimps as a means to farm gold and other resources for them but they became too intelligent and the aliens fought each other over how it was immoral to treat other intelligent life so poorly so they left Earth and the humans to advance on their own. Has anyone ever heard of this? Now I don't believe it myself but it is an interesting theory. It kind of plays into the God vs the devil story.
  8. It seems that way for sure. Like anytime someone makes them feel like they could be wrong, they result to yelling, name calling, or actual violence. They are like wild animals but even less than because an animal has a reason to attack something. It is just sad.
  9. I hope everyone has a great Easter! I will be heading out in the morning. Have a long drive to go be with family. I was able to get off work on Monday so I am able to actually go see them this year. We have not had a proper Easter gathering since 2019!!
  10. I always admire those people that will go to heated protests over social issues and hold up signs or confront people coming from a place of care knowing there is a chance they will get things thrown at them or worse. I never understood people attacking someone holding a sign like "Repent, Jesus loves you". If you truly do not believe in Christ or the bible, then why would someone like that even offend you?
  11. Critical thinking doesn't seem to be a thing people are capable of these days, at least not a large portion of them in America. I would argue 40% of the population just is not intelligent at this point and that scares me. People like this are the ones that lead to dark futures. Ignorance is not bliss for the people aware of what is happening.
  12. That is all fair. I guess it is hard to not feel hopeless at times. The economy seems to only be getting worse and nothing is being done to fix it. They just keep printing more and more money off. Who is even going to pay for this debt at this point? Ugg. Trump is turning himself in tomorrow. I guess I will just sit back and enjoy the show.
  13. It would seem a lot of people in the world right now, at least in certain countries, are losing their minds and don't even function in reality where science exists let alone metaphysics. It is a crazy time period to say the least. It is almost as if we are reverting back to witch hunts and public hangings.
  14. I am seeing a bunch of people say this won him the next election. I just can't believe they did it. On next to nothing too. Like Obama straight up killed a 16 year old citizen of the country and no one ever even questioned it. Does this mean America is just going to go back and forth suing former presidents moving forward? How the heck is this country meant to function? I am thinking some sort of national divorce is on its way. Especially after seeing how people reacted to that horrific shooting Monday. Outlets and corporations, celebrities and politicians... All talking about trans people being attacked while a trans man killed 3 children in a school (and 3 adults)... ffs this is a mess.
  15. I noticed some things coming down in price. Meat came down a little bit which is great but pet food is still up there. Eggs have come down and have almost normalized. You could usually get a dozen basic eggs for $0.99 and right now they are about $2.39. They were $5.99 just last month. The eggs I buy were $11 for 18 and I had to stop buying them for a while. They are back down to $5.99 which is the normal price for them. They are free-range and pasture fed. I prefer eggs coming from happy, healthy chickens. Outside of meats and eggs, I have not noticed much differences. I usually spend around $80 a week (as of 2020) at the store and this past shop was $177. So things are still more than doubled overall. Interest rates in the housing market are still up. They went over 7% last month. Are you noticing any changes where you are be it in the US or an other country?
  16. I don't want to make another Trump thread and since it ties into this a bit, I thought I would ask here. Does anyone think Trump will be arrested? I ask because people who believe he is the anti-Christ or the polar opposite (Christ himself... not even joking, people believe this) are saying that he has to be arrested to fulfill some sort of prophecy. People are getting all sorts of nutty these days.
  17. The end times as seemed to be right around the corner for a long time. The signs are always there. The problems seem to always be growing. I think as people age, they tend to see more "evil" in the world and have a tendency to want to see things come to a final end. I don't know if Trump is the anti-Christ or if the anti-Crhist will be some sort of dude grown in a lab but I do know there have been multiple anti-christs just as the bible stated so I don't know that we will know or that anyone will know before it happens.
  18. I don't know about other countries but the US has been working on making a bird flu that can transfer to mammals in a lab for 10 or 15 years now. They say this is to have a vaccine ready "just in case" but we now have H5N1 which has already killed a lot of sea lions among other mammals. The mortality rare of this virus is 60%. Not good. Even if this variant was not made in a lab, it is still man-made. All bird, swine, and bovine illnesses arise do to poor care for livestock. Remember H1N1? Mad cow disease? Yeah... So are you worried at all?
  19. I said it for years that I think the reason so many children and teens have severe allergies today compared to 20 years ago ties in with flu vaccination. I don't recall having a single kid in my entire school that had a peanut allergy but not millions of children do. Same with all sorts of other allergies. Vaccines suppress the immune system, especially if they are given to children under the age of 1.5 years because the immune system is not fully formed until that point. It relies heavily on mother's milk of which less women use and instead opt for formula.
  20. I think the weather and everything shifts so the earth can heal itself. It seems like the west coast is getting cooler and the east is getting warmer. I am on the east cost and we had the warmest February I have ever experienced. We had several days about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I believe it was 5 or 6 days.
  21. I like the concept of having something that can transfer images directly to a screen without a remote but I have to wonder how using that would impact health. Like I think wifi and bluetooth are already giving some risks to people so I am cautious of new tech like this.
  22. It is all about profits and creating forever patients. The people that I know that go to the doctor all the time have the most health problems and are on the most medication. I had an old friend die at 34 years old who has been on medication since he was 17. The medication basically gave him cancer.
  23. Yeah some people were saying it was like $5... WTF!? I heard Trump will be in Ohio, at the location today. I guess a bunch of government officials are in a panic over it because he is once again showing he cares more about this country than any other politician.
  24. I heard about this. I thought it may have been just a rumor but apparently it did happen. They were supposedly paying people like $1,000 to just sign it and shut up. This is all just sick and shows everyone what they need to know about our government. They send billions to Ukraine but can't even bother helping or sending help to their own citizens. What a joke.
  25. Remember what happened during 9/11? When they told everyone the air was clean and all those people ended up very sick months or years after the fact? They are doing it again with Ohio. That train derailment caused 4 highly toxic chemicals to spill and their thought it would be a better idea to burn it rather than wait for it to cause an exploding. They released who knows how many gallons of this crap into the air and they told all these people to go home one week later and it was safe. Reports of people developing rashes and breathing problems are wide spread. Nearly 4,000 fish have died, who knows how many birds. There are farm animals, dogs, cats, etc. all getting sick and many are dying. It just really pisses me off that we live in a country where people just let these monsters get away with lie after life. Each one of the 4 chemicals causes cancer in animals and in humans. Two of them cause miscarriages in pregnant women. One turns to acid when it comes into contact with water. https://www.newsweek.com/ohio-train-derailment-could-become-full-blown-ecological-crisis-1781148
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