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Everything posted by YellowDragon

  1. https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867 They are pushing to make this legal for older children as well and their parents will have ZERO say in the matter. So if you have a 14 year old son who is having a hard time at school, he can just go to a doctor and get euthanized without his parents knowing until the body is ready to be picked up. This is beyond disturbing.
  2. We already rely on it completely within our computer systems. So much so that a single solar flare could cause death like we have never seen before. Everything from banking down to farming and distribution relies on it. So I would say we are already in too deep and it is only a matter of time before everything crumbles.
  3. So I saw this in one of the headlines and I had to ask if anyone has ever heard of this group. I will post the article that mentioned them below with a quote from the top bit. I have never heard of these people and have never even seen the symbol before, not once in my life. When I saw what Kanye had posted on Twitter, I thought the same thing everyone else it. It was a swastika in the Star of David. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/kanye-west-was-kicked-off-twitter-for-posting-symbol-of-ufo-worship-cult/ar-AA14VW3o
  4. It was likely a deal for weapons and oil. At this point, I don't think anyone should trust the government. Or any government for that matter. They have all been corrupted. They no longer are the voice of the people. The US government ran experiences like MK-Ultra on people. You think I would trust them about something like 9/11?? Heck no!
  5. On behalf of Twitter, a dude named Matt is leaking all the information from the scandals behind closed doors with Twitter. It was so bad, even Jack Dorsey didn't know about the government interjection, likely because he would have said something. Both the Biden and Trump teams were suppressing and manipulating information but the Biden team appears to have had more say and control in things. The US government went as far as to demand that Twitter silence and BAN James Woods. This is wild. Things are still unfolding. Post any updates you want here. I am going to keep an eye on this.
  6. I can't say I have but I have seen spirits/ghosts that resemble what appears to be animal shapes. They just are not focused or clear so I really can't say what I saw. It only happened a few times and not since I was younger. Maybe we see more when we are younger because we are more open to it.
  7. The only time I used them was early on in school. I grew up mostly with CD-ROMS and USB drives. I am 35 so I missed out on the height of the floppy disk.
  8. They know that if we changed nothing from this day on, damages will happen but the world and most animals, plants, etc. will live on and even adapt giving new life to new species. They just don't want everyone else knowing. I used to think "how could people be this stupid in the world to believe these lies!?" but then I realized many people just want to be told what to do, where to live, how to act, what to buy, ect. ect.
  9. I agree. I think all social media should be banned for anyone under 18 for the simple fact that children are being abused on ALL of these platforms. But TikTok in and of itself is a huge security risk for the nation and needs to go.
  10. I think this is all by design. A lot of the animals they claimed to have been extinct are some how being found. This happens every year and year after year. So what is really happening?
  11. Yes and no. The fact that it functions as a data harvesting tool and uses completely different algorithm presets per nation should raise a lot of red flags. In China, you will see nothing but education, nature, family, and wholesome content being pushed to the top. In the US, you will see damaging trends, arrogance, and nonsense at the top.
  12. Give them time. I am sure they will be removing it if it gets enough attention. I think it is a good idea to get all of this content over on Rumble just in case they do another content purge. I have some videos saved to my PC. One is on the dangers of vaccines and the cost-cutting measures people have taken for decades. It is no longer on YouTube.
  13. "Climate change" is nothing more than the earth shifting temperature to maintain balance. It is the earth doing what needs to be done. If we force fast changes onto it, we will be the ones causing chaos. The animals and such should be protected but we can't save everything. I don't know what is so hard to understand about pressure and temperature fluctuations.
  14. I remember watching a documentary on the lost city of Atlantis years ago and how a lot of human history was lost with the city. In recent years, it seems no one really talks about it anymore. Has anything ever come of it? Has anyone ever discovered anything that might give us some clues?
  15. That makes sense but do you think there is a chance that a collective "thinking" could cause something to come of such an event? I read years ago on the power of prayer and they showed that it can work for anything when enough people focus on the same thing coming to pass.
  16. Since people were talking about it dealing with the election in the US (little known fact, Trump was born during a blood moon LOL), I started looking into it more. Different cultures throughout time have considered it to mean different things. Some say it is a time for deep prayer, others say it is a sign a great king will lose his thrown. I am wondering if anyone here believes in anything to do with the blood moon.
  17. A lot of lefties left Twitter in favor of Mastodon. I tried it a few years back, it is not really for me. I prefer one space. Even if that means people arguing like children. We can't let people create more hiveminds online. It just makes things worse.
  18. I think there are aliens but I am not sure in what capacity. Like if there is intelligent lifeforms out there, I can't see them being more intelligent than humans - HOWEVER, I am not against the theory that humans themselves are out there and have been on other planets already.
  19. That is almost laughable. Wasn't it in 2020 when they admitted there are UFOs that they can't explain and now they are backtracking it to say it is spies or flying trash? What kind of nonsense is this?
  20. I had a theory about this when it first started. I thought this was more about money than anything and it seems like a lot of the money that came from these vaccines and covid-related deaths (in the US the hospitals would say covid killed you even when it didn't just to get more money) was primarily to refund the banks. This was all planned. I don't care if I get labeled a nut job for saying that.
  21. I am sure most people have heard the story. Big tech companies have been working with the government to basically silence people, suppress information, and overly put out information they want with a bias in Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. They focused on suppressing vaccination information, hyping up racial issues (primarily dealing with black people), getting people banned (doctors and politicians), shutting down meme accounts that were getting too much attention, and basically anything that spoke against the current agenda. This is just in the US. I am sure other countries were roped in as well. Are you surprised by this?
  22. I got banned in 2018 for getting into an argument with a guy who did nothing to transition at all and constantly attacked people when they would assume he was a guy. He looked like a man in dollar store drag. He got a group to all report me. I first got suspended and deleted the tweets. Only for them to ban me out right a few hours later. I know for a fact he was one of those weird fetish people who got off on being outrageous as possible. He was not a real trans woman. I think I will go back on there just to meme and troll people. I don't view it as a serious website anymore. It is just a giant freak show with adult children screaming at each other through text.
  23. Be sure to check on him. I heard things are getting worse week by week. The UK is not doing much better. They are expecting to have rolling blackouts all winter long. Some places are demanding people keep their homes heated to a max of 65 degrees or face fines over it.
  24. Germany was fully reliant on Russia's oil so they have a major fuel shortage coupled with inflation out the behind. They were paying something equivalent to like $15 a gallon at one point. Come winter, they will be faced with blackouts and millions without heating.
  25. We are in a recession right now, that is for sure but I am not sure it will get much worse. It is pretty bad for millions of people but the country is still ticking on. I think other places are going to have it way worse. Germany is a great example.
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